Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 175 The dog barks again

Jin Cai was raised by Bai Chenxue to be very strong, and she could drill the soil very quickly. As the bulging soil ridge extended forward, she sometimes had to jog a few steps to keep up.

Several people chased Jin Cai, running and stopping all the way, and soon approached a barren land with no grass.

"This is..."

Seeing the familiar scenery of three huge rocks in the distance, Bai Chenxue's face turned pale.

It was the area of ​​Gray Sand Eye!

Unlike the original Gray Sand Eye, the yellow sand that once served as a barrier for the three stone caves has disappeared, and the illusion has long been broken, but there is still no green in the large rocky wasteland. At the same time, the color of the sand is no longer yellow, but presents a strange gray-white color, which looks even more terrifying.

The scene of the fox demon eating her alive last time is still vivid in her mind, so that Bai Chenxue was so scared that she trembled when she saw the fox for a long time, and she had nightmares for several days! This time, if she had a choice, she really didn't want to go into the Three Stone Cave!

Recalling that terrifying memory, Bai Chenxue's voice changed: "Why is it here!"

Shen Yun was the first to notice that something was wrong with Bai Chenxue. He asked with concern: "Hmm? Have you been here?"

Jia Xiaoren also remembered the scene at that time. Although he shuddered when he thought of it, he didn't face the bloody scene at that time, so the psychological shadow was not too big - at least not as big as Bai Chenxue.

After all, the cave was dim, and he was not as close to the BOSS as Bai Chenxue, so even if he knew the horror, he didn't see it too clearly at that time.

Except for Bai Chenxue and Jia Xiaoren, everyone else came to this place for the first time, and Lin Muning even subconsciously got goose bumps on his arms. She whispered to Zhongzhou Jinli: "This place is so weird, everything around is fine, only this one is barren!"

Zhen Junzi also complained: "Don't tell me it's some hidden mission or hidden plot?"

"Except for the daily life of the sect, when has this game not had a 'hidden' mission!?"

Jia Xiaoren shrugged: "This is actually the place where we did the mission to investigate the mastermind behind Shenyou Village last time. Those bosses lived here! It was the fox demon boss who bit off Ergou's head!"

Hearing Jia Xiaoren's explanation, Zhen Junzi nodded suddenly. He had heard about this matter from the two of them at the time, and Bai Chenxue took a day to recover, so he was quite impressed.

Shen Yun looked at Jia Xiaoren in surprise: "There is this one!"

Jia Xiaoren said with a frightened expression: "That scene was really scary. Such a beautiful lady suddenly turned into a fox head and bit off Ergou's head. I was far away and couldn't see it clearly at that time. Caicai was miserable. She was close to Ergou's headless body!"

"Wow, Master, don't say it, ugh--"

Bai Chenxue couldn't help but retching a few times, and it seemed that the shadow was quite big.

Lin Mu Ning looked over with concern and patted Bai Chen Xue's back gently: "Are you okay?"

Bai Chen Xue waved her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, but I still feel a little sick when I think about it now!"

Shen Yun frowned and asked: "What happened to the fox demon later?"

Jia Xiao Ren replied: "Of course, it was captured by Chiyuan Cave and executed! After all, it was a fox demon from Chiyuan Cave. Anyway, it seems that it was convicted and killed in the end!"

Bai Chen Xue was a little afraid of the gray sand eyes. She saw that Jin Cai was about to drill into the sand from a distance and had no intention of stopping, so she hurriedly shouted from a distance: "Jin Cai! Jin Cai, are you tired? Don't run so fast! Is it still far?"

Jin Cai has a keen hearing and immediately drilled out of the ground and cried to Bai Chen Xue.

Bai Chenxue walked over in two steps, and Jincai finally came out and turned around twice, whimpering and pointing her two little paws at the center of the gray sand eye!

Bai Chenxue scratched her head, trying to understand, and then tried to translate for everyone: "Jin Cai seems to mean that the problem in the well is at the gray sand eye!"

Jia Xiaoren said doubtfully: "It shouldn't be! Didn't the senior sister and the NPC from the Chiyuan Cave next door sweep this area last time? I remember that it was a huge scene, just short of digging three feet into the ground!"

Bai Chenxue also felt strange, she didn't want to get close to the three boulders, and complained in a bad tone: "Who knows!"

Jia Xiaoren comforted: "Anyway, the fox demon is dead, what are you afraid of!"

Lin Mu Ning also said: "That's right! Besides, there are so many of us!"

Shen Yun suggested: "Why don't you stay here and we go in to take a look?"

Jia Xiaoren nodded hurriedly: "Yes! That's fine!"

"No, let's not do it, it's just a little disgusting to think about it, it's not that bad!"

Bai Chenxue took a deep breath, rejected everyone's kindness and care, and was the first to follow Jin Cai into the sand.

Last time, I was caught and hurriedly passed by, and I didn't see much of the surrounding scenery. This time, I stepped in and found that the spiritual energy around the entire Gray Sand Eye was very mixed. Sometimes it was as dense as the surrounding of a high-level spiritual spring, and sometimes it was almost impossible to feel a trace of spiritual energy. It was extremely strange.

More importantly, the gusts of cold wind between the strange rocks seemed to carry the sound of ghosts crying and passing around everyone.

Bai Chenxue asked tremblingly: "You, did you hear any strange sounds?"

Lin Mu Ning nodded and said: "Yes, it sounds like someone is crying!"

Shen Yun said deliberately: "I guess it's the sound of wind passing through rocks, right? Don't you often hear this kind of sound in caves or mountains with many rocks?"

Zhongzhou Koi echoed: "It's possible!"

"Sounds like this don't happen in the mountains! Ouch!"

Just after Bian Yuanzhi said something, Jia Xiaoren was stunned. He looked at Jia Xiaoren angrily: "Master Jia, what are you doing!"

Jia Xiaoren grinned mischievously: "Children, please don't interrupt when adults are talking!"

Zhen Junzi immediately became unhappy: "Hey! Why are you bullying my apprentice!"

Jia Xiaoren rolled his eyes: "Then your apprentice still bullies my apprentice!"

"Do you understand, Tong Yanwuji! Besides, I'm not good at this, so why don't you stop shaking your legs? You're afraid if you're afraid, and you're pressing down on your apprentice, isn't it a shame?"

Jia Xiaoren suddenly became anxious. His face, which was almost as pale as Bai Chenxue, suddenly turned red. He retorted angrily: "I'm sorry! Why did I shake my legs? You're the only one who shakes your legs! Your whole family Shake your legs!”

Suddenly a burst of laughter came: "Hehehehehehe..."

Zhen Junzi didn't pay attention to who was laughing. He just thought it was the conspicuous Bao Jia Xiaoren who always likes to do things. He was also anxious: "You have such a stupid face to laugh! You are the most cowardly son in my whole family!"

"What did you say about your father? Who laughed!? Son of a bitch!"

"The dog barks again!"

"Don't be a coward, dog!"

"The dog barks again!"

"Don't be a coward, dog!"

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