Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 181 Go, Disciple!

"This is the first time you've called me that!"

From a distance, Coral's voice reached the ears of Bai Chenxue and Shen Yun. It was that reverb-like sound that echoed from all directions. It was the unique way of communication of the Quan ancestors.

Bai Chenxue jumped a few times, trying to make herself more conspicuous. She waved hard to the huge wave and said hello: "Coral! I haven't seen you for a few days! Are you okay!?"


With the sound of water breaking, the figure of coral emerged from the waves. He wore a strange-looking silver-gray metal armor, and the fish tail transformed into two legs—this time, they were normal legs wrapped in metal armor. Then, he flew towards where Bai Chenxue and Shen Yun were.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Coral said, landing in front of the two of them, and took out two lotus mists from nowhere, and stuffed one into each of Bai Chenxue and Shen Yun.

Bai Chenxue picked up the lotus mist in surprise and took a bite: "Wow! Thank you Coral!"


Shen Yun thanked him, although he was a little embarrassed, but seeing Bai Chenxue eating it in front of his face, he also started to bite.

Bai Chenxue was eating lotus mist and asked curiously: "But Coral, why are you dressed like this?"

Coral seemed to be waiting for someone to ask, with an extremely rare look of joy, and showed off: "This is the clothes given to me by fellow Taoist Zhutu yesterday. It is said to be one of the very famous traditional clothes in the Blue Star world. Although it is a bit heavy, and It’s not very convenient in the water, but it does look good! There’s also a helmet and a visor, but Brother Zhutu said they’ll give it to me when they’re done! How about it?”

Bai Chenxue looked at the strange silver-gray armor on Coral's body and praised it against his will: "Ah haha, it looks pretty good!"

Shen Yun seemed very interested. With envy in his eyes, he touched the metal decorative armor on Coral's shoulder. There were still some water stains hanging on the cold metal, which gave it a different touch.

"So cool!"

Seeing Shen Yun's admiration in his eyes, Hualu became even more happy. He said with rare excitement: "That's right! Fellow Taoist Zhutu also told me that this dress is called 'Ka Mian Lai Yi Da'! Although it's a bit hard to remember, it sounds like it It’s very impressive! This is the only one among our Quan ancestors!”

When Shen Yun heard the name, he couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth: "Ka... Ka face to fight? Hmm... It's quite impressive..."

Bai Chenxue asked in private chat: "What do you mean?"

Shen Yun replied instantly: "Nothing!"

"What are you doing! It's mysterious!"

Coral didn't know the little moves between the two of them. With a smile in his eyes, he asked, "What do you want from me?"

"That's right,"

Hearing Coral's question, Bai Chenxue immediately forgot about the idea of ​​"getting stuck". While chewing the lotus mist, she said, "We have encountered a problem! There is a place where people are everywhere. It's the kind of invisible ghost, and we guess there may be some reason behind it, and I would like to ask if you, the Quan clan, can communicate with ghosts?"

Coral was a little confused: "Yes, yes, but why do you need to communicate with ghosts?"

"Of course we're going to find out the reason!"

Bai Chenxue said, carefully telling the coral about the well mission.

Coral was very talkative, nodded and said: "I see, then I will help you go and have a look!"

The three of them arrived near Chang'an City through the teleportation array, and then led the way by Bai Chenxue and Shen Yun, leading the coral to fly to Gray Sand Eye.

Ten minutes later, Zhen Junzi and the others who were told to rush to Gray Trachoma were also in place, and everyone looked at the coral expectantly.


Coral's expression gradually became serious, even angry, and he said: "There are indeed many innocent souls here, and most of them are imps!"


"They are ghosts transformed from the death of young children. It's strange. These ghosts are very weak and don't look like they have any obsession. Why can they survive in this place?"

Coral explained, and then muttered to himself: "And many of them seem to be dissipated. Even these, logically, can only last three to five days at most!"

Jia Xiaoren scratched his head and said: "This is strange! It's impossible for someone to come and kill a group of people every once in a while, right? The monsters that lived here before were captured a month ago! "

"Wait for me to ask a question!"

As Coral said, the figure suddenly became a little transparent, and then slowly flew into the eyes of the gray sand. This scene looked really weird.

I saw the translucent figure of the coral moving back and forth not far away. Then, a strong wind suddenly rose near the gray sand eye, and the gray-white sand and stones were blown up by the wind. However, the coral still seemed unaffected and moved quickly. Flying back and forth among the sand and rocks, as if chasing something.

After a while, the coral flew back like a silver-gray ball of light.

"How about it?"

"Did you gain anything!?"

"Can we communicate?"

"What did they say?"

Everyone asked in a hurry.

Coral said in embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, these ghosts... these ghosts can hardly be called ghosts. They are all extremely weak ghosts. The seven souls are almost gone, and only one of the two souls is left." 'Yihun has long since disappeared, and there is no way to communicate at all. There are a few brats who can still understand words, but they refuse to communicate with me honestly, running around, or deliberately making strange noises to scare people. "

Jia Xiaoren spread his hands and said: "It's broken, the mission is stuck!"

Zhongzhou Jinli pondered: "So, the laughter at that time should have come from those 'little ghosts'?"

Bai Chenxue also asked: "Are those little ghosts running very fast? Can't they be caught?"

Shanhu replied: "They don't run very fast, but they can get through the diamond seam, and I can't do anything about it! However, what I care more about is why these wronged souls are so weak, but they can be maintained here all the time?"

"Forget it, don't think too much about it," Jia Xiaoren suddenly said: "Since they are all a group of little ghosts who can't cause any substantial harm to us, let's just explore the place that Jincai said, maybe we will find a way out when we get there. What if we find something? "

Zhen Junzi said: "Wow! Old Jia, you rarely put forward a constructive suggestion!"

Jia Xiaoren spat and said: "You are just talking nonsense, just tell me whether you agree or not!"

Zhen Junzi also agreed with this idea, but he still confirmed again and again: "Just do it! However, Brother Shanhu, those ghosts are really not threatening, right?"

Shanhu replied: "No threat, in their state, ordinary people with strong yang energy probably dare not touch them!"

"That's it! Disciple! It's time to experience!"

Zhen Junzi happily pushed Bian Yuanzhi into the sand and shouted: "Go! Disciple!"

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