Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 188 Dou Xuan Gong

While everyone looked at each other, Bian Yuanzhi said: "Boundary, ahem, my master and Senior Hualou have talked about the boundary!"

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, that's good..."

"But will the mermaid destroy the barrier?"

"It's bad, we didn't tell him where the boundary of the barrier is!"

Jia Xiaoren couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "It's all Lao Zhen's fault! If you fail to succeed, you will fail!"

Just when everyone was worried, they saw a huge fish tail curled up in the air with a light blue spiritual power that was so powerful that the color could be distinguished. Then, as if a transparent film shattered, the sound of the waterfall seemed louder.

Jun Chou, who had been silent until now, spoke up and explained: "One force can defeat ten groups. This Quanxian has good cultivation, so he doesn't need any means. He can just use his spiritual power to break it."

Coral saw the barrier shattered, with a look of concern on her face, and immediately asked: "Are you okay?"

Bai Chenxue said hurriedly: "It's okay, it's okay! We are all okay! Thanks to you! Otherwise we would have to commit suicide and go back and come here to find a solution!"

Lin Muning noticed something was wrong with Bian Yuanzhi's expression and said, "Bian Yuanzhi seems to be injured, right?"

"What the hell!?"

Zhen Junzi, who finally regained his composure, ran to Bian Yuanzhi and asked guiltily: "What's wrong? Where's the injury?"

Seeing that everyone was thinking about him, Bian Yuanzhi subconsciously took two steps back: "I'm fine, I just fell..."

"Let me see!"

Zhen Junzi pulled Bian Yuanzhi over and looked him up and down, only to find that the clothes on his back were torn, his entire back was covered with scratches, and a large amount of blood oozed from his elbows.

Zhen Junzi hurriedly shouted to the others: "Medicine! Where's the medicine!? Where's Broken Bone Shengji Powder!?"

Bai Chenxue took out a bottle and handed it over: "Here, I just brought it!"

Jia Xiaoren curled his lips: "Tsk, I'll be healed later, and I'll end up in the ICU! As for that! He's a monk after all. I was a monk when I was a kid. I fell every day and suffered bruises and swollen faces, but I haven't seen this. battle!"

These words made Bian Yuanzhi blush. Just when he was about to shirk the need for such a precious medicine as Duangu Shengji Powder, he heard Zhen Junzi attack Jia Xiaoren: "Is that why you have always been like this! Grandma doesn't want to kiss you." Uncle doesn’t like it! It’s sour!”

However, Jia Xiaoren rarely choked again this time. He just snorted loudly and turned away to ignore Mr. Zhen.

The effect of Broken Bone Shengji Powder is immediate. This high-quality elixir that can almost life and death of flesh and bones is overkill in treating such abrasions and bumps. However, within a breath, the area where the medicine was applied will be restored to its original state without even a single scar. Leave.

After seeing that Bian Yuanzhi was fine, Shen Yuncai said: "Don't forget the mission, there is a fragment of the Douxuan Mirror under the water! Which of you is good at water, go down and look for it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Coral again.

Coral showed a rare expression of surprise: "Kabuto Xuan Treasure Mirror!?"

Bai Chenxue asked curiously: "Coral also knows about this thing?"

"Of course I know! It is one of the magic weapons forged by the ancient gods! It has been recorded in our history! 'The mirror cast by Lord Douxuan, Changjunchou, is called the Mirror of Douxuan, and it can understand all things in the world'!"

As he spoke, he asked excitedly: "But this thing has been lost a long time ago! How did you know there was a fragment here!?"

When Bai Chenxue heard this, she pointed behind her.


The crowd blocking in front of Jun Chou immediately dispersed to both sides, revealing Jun Chou who had been hidden behind him.

Junchou looked at Hualu who was so shocked that he froze on the spot, smiled friendly, and greeted gently: "Are you a Di from the Xiling clan? You should be a descendant of Leizu? Unexpectedly, thousands of years have passed in a flash. …”

"Jun...Junchou!? No, no, no..."

Coral first murmured in disbelief, then burst into tears, and asked loudly: "Kabuto, Kabuto Gengong!? You! Are you still alive!?"

Jun Chou showed pity in his eyes and said: "My name is Jun Chou, but I am not the Jun Chou you know. I am not Duke Dou Xuan. I am just the spirit of the 'Dou Xuan Mirror' that he cast. For the time being, it can be considered as... an instrument." spirit."

Bai Chenxue quietly asked in Tuanmai: "Hualu seems to be very excited... Listen to what they both mean, is this Douxuan Gong the real Junchou? Is he an ancient god?"

Jia Xiaoren also said: "I don't know, I haven't heard of it. If you ask Second Senior Sister, you might know something else. If you ask me, that would touch upon my blind spot of knowledge... I am not a data person or a storyteller. Dang, I really didn’t pay attention to these game backgrounds!”

Shen Yun guessed: "Is this 'Douxuan Gong' also a mermaid? Otherwise, why would Coral care so much? And he is so excited?"

Bai Chenxue also said: "Yes! I feel that the Quan ancestors rarely get emotional, and they usually have facial paralysis! I have never seen Coral look like this!"

"You're not Mr. Dou Xuan!?"

While everyone was guessing and talking in Tuanmai, Hualu questioned Junchou: "But you and Dou Xuan Gong look exactly the same! There are many images of ancient gods left in our Quanxian King City. You I’ve never seen it before!”

"I am a spirit and can naturally change into any shape."

As Jun Chou said this, he transformed into a mermaid that was exactly the same as Coral. Even the transparency of the scales on his tail was the same. Apart from the different expression, there was no difference at all!

Then, he changed into Bai Chenxue, Shen Yun, and even the fox demon and boa demon, all at his fingertips, and the speed of change became faster and faster.

Until within a few tens of seconds, he learned all the surrounding players, and then he stopped and changed back to his previous appearance, saying: "You see, I can become anyone. If you have to say, I actually have no appearance... The reason why I always keep the appearance of Jun Chou is probably... probably because he named me 'Jun Chou'..."

Speaking of this, Jun Chou sighed softly.

After realizing that Jun Chou was not the real ancient god Dou Xuan Gong Jun Chou, Shanhu finally calmed down, and his expression turned back to a paralyzed face - except for the tears on his face, it seemed that he had just lost his composure.

But his tone was still somewhat expectant: "Then, is Lord Dou Xuan still alive?"

Jun Chou said apologetically: "I don't know."

"You don't know? But, isn't it said that Dou Xuan Mirror knows everything in the world and knows everything?"

Jun Chou explained: "Yes, that is Dou Xuan Mirror. You have to ask the mirror and make a deal with Dou Xuan Mirror to get the answer. I am just the spirit of Dou Xuan Mirror. I don't know."

"Mirror... right, right, right! Ask the mirror! You just said that there is a piece of debris under the water, right?"

Seeing Bai Chenxue and others nod, without waiting for everyone to say a few more words, Shanhu turned around and jumped into the underground river with a splash.

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