Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 204 Light and Aura

Lv Wenyuan is a very good partner.

He is rich, hardworking, extremely talented, and very smart. He basically learned to communicate in flower language in half a month. His teacher is Professor Xiao Wang, whose language teaching ability and level are worrying.

What's more considerate is that no matter how outrageous the experiment is and how harsh and difficult the requirements are, he can work hard and try his best to do his best. Some of the joints that Professor Xiao Wang got stuck with were even explored with the help of Lv Wenyuan!

After all, as an existence that is almost one in a million, Lv Wenyuan can struggle from a commoner to the Taiyi Ziwei Sect, which is the second-top sect in Zhongzhou and the first-class sect in the entire Guixu world. His own luck and talent are extremely exaggerated.

Except that he himself is a bit arrogant and always looks like he doesn't like anyone, he is almost a perfect laboratory partner!

In order to keep this precious and perfect laboratory partner, Wang Qiqing went offline in tears, without even taking a look at the takeaway that had just been delivered.

"Is the dual-path experiment that Daoyou Wang mentioned really important?"

The two were eating takeout when Lv Wenyuan suddenly asked.

Tan Xin almost dropped her jaw in shock: "Dual-path experiment? Professor Wang wants to do a double-slit interference experiment? This is impossible!"


"Of course it's impossible! Has he ever told you what a double-slit interference experiment is?"

Lv Wenyuan hesitated and shook his head.

"In simple terms, it is an experiment on microscopic matter to observe their wave and particle properties. The so-called microscopic matter refers to particles with a spatial linear dimension less than ten to the negative ninth power of meters... uh, one nanometer... In short, it is very small, very small, and the particles are invisible to the naked eye!

"Then, such a small particle, think about it, you can't even see it, you must use tools to observe it, but in the case of Guixu Realm, it is almost impossible to have tools that can be accurate to particles, so it is naturally impossible to observe! Especially the double-slit interference experiment, it is even more impossible!

"The so-called double-slit interference experiment means that we want to get an image projected by a single unit of microscopic particles passing through two slits. However, with the current level of technology, it is impossible to project a single unit of microscopic particles, so this experiment is impossible to achieve!


Tan Xin, who was originally confident, suddenly remembered the yttrium and neodymium that Wang Qiqing had just mentioned, and frowned: "But, he extracted yttrium and neodymium, and said he wanted to make a laser transmitter... He wanted to use a laser experiment? This is not feasible! The accuracy is simply not achieved!"

After Tan Xin, who was talking nonstop, fell into deep thought, Lv Wenyuan tentatively said: "What Wang Daoyou seems to want to do is... aura experiment..."

Tan Xin just felt incredible: "Aura experiment? What is the use of a laser transmitter for aura experiment! ? ”

Lv Wenyuan explained: “Not long ago, we accidentally discovered that the absorption and release process of the stone was significantly different during the day and at night, so we designed an experiment to record the changes of the stone during the day and night... According to the data, the concentration of spiritual energy during the day and at night is different. Then Wang Daoyou proposed a conjecture, he thought that light would affect spiritual energy...”

“Light would affect spiritual energy! ?”

“Oh, by the way, this is the preliminary data of the spiritual energy experiment, which we just completed yesterday. "

Lv Wenyuan said, stood up, took out a stack of papers from the only table in the lounge, and touched the photo stone from his Qiankun bag and handed it to Tan Xin.

Tan Xin hesitated for a moment, and first flipped through the data recorded on the paper.

The contents on the paper were all recorded in the text of the flower planting, recording the absorption and release of spiritual energy by several groups of 砞石 at different times and in different environments.

Among them, between 14:00 and 16:00 in the afternoon, it almost reached a minimum value, and from 18:00 in the evening, the concentration of spiritual energy began to slowly rise until it reached its peak around 4:00 in the morning, and then began to decline continuously. Overall, the average concentration of spiritual energy at night is much higher than that during the day, and it presents a parabolic rise and fall process.

At first glance, it does seem that light affects the concentration of spiritual energy, but...

Tan Xin said: "But it may not be light, right? It may also be temperature and humidity, which may have an impact. "

Lv Wenyuan nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang said the same thing, so he did a lot more experiments to control the variables. At the end, there are several data detected underwater and in black boxes at different temperatures. "

Tan Xin quickly flipped through a few pages and saw data records with obvious differences.

The data underwater almost showed a constant state, and the overall values ​​were much smaller than the control group in natural air.

For several data in the black box, the parabola almost disappeared, and the overall trend was very similar to the underwater data group. Moreover, the higher the temperature of the black box data, the more stable the trend of the data! This is a very obvious straight line in the data with a temperature of up to 500 degrees Celsius!

At the same time, there is a note from Wang Qiqing at the end of these data: it is speculated that it is related to the thermal radiation phenomenon caused by the increase in temperature.

After reading the data, Tan Xin began to agree with Wang Qiqing's conjecture and whispered to himself, "Could it be that light really affects the concentration of spiritual energy? Even invisible light is involved in the influence?"

But immediately, she shook her head again and said: "No, this experiment is not perfect! The control group set up by Professor Xiao Wang is not enough. If it is not light, but other things, and this kind of thing can be black boxed If this kind of physical material is isolated, the experiment will be full of loopholes. He should add a set of tests with a transparent box that has the same temperature as the black box. At least these two groups should be the control group!"

"Wang Daoyou also thought of it, but the reason why he didn't do it was because the customized glass box hadn't arrived yet,"

Lu Wenyuan smiled and said: "Ordinary glass cannot withstand a high temperature of 500 degrees Celsius, so Wang Daoyou has specially customized a batch of special glass boxes. It will take a few days to make them, and then we can add a few more sets of data."

Tan Xin struggled again: "Besides, he can't explain the data underwater. There is also light underwater!"

Lu Wenyuan explained: "This data was actually going to be invalidated, because strictly speaking, there was no control group. At that time, because he could not find a suitable water area, he went to the bottom of the underground river near the gray trachoma, and there was no light there. , so the data is quite consistent with the conjecture, but because there is no light, it cannot be used as an effective control group, because what we need is to eliminate the influence of water.

"The reason why we added it is because we also plan to find a few more suitable underwater environments for testing, so that we can generate multiple different control groups, not only conjectures about light, but also temperature, or other What factors.”

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