Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 217 War Preparation Benefits

"91.50kg, congratulations, a record low! Judging from your height and body fat rate, this weight can barely be considered normal!"

The coach applauded and praised: "I rarely see members who are as self-disciplined as you. In the past two months of the training camp, I didn't even go out to have any indulgent meals with them. It's amazing!"

Shen Yun blushed in embarrassment. Fortunately, because they had just finished training, everyone was so tired that they couldn't tell any difference.

The coach didn't pay attention to Shen Yun's expression. He just looked at the record sheet and asked casually: "By the way, didn't you say that you have something to do during the National Day holiday? Will you come back after that?"

Shen Yun replied: "No, I will move home directly tonight."

"Okay, remember to persist every day from now on and don't stop, otherwise I will have to meet you again!"

Shen Yun's roommate couldn't help complaining: "Coach, you don't know, this guy took time out to move the game warehouse home at noon. I'm so convinced! I've never seen such a addicted person! Staying in there every night Stay up till midnight!”

Shen Yun retorted: "Don't you also play mobile games until midnight every day?"

The roommate rolled his eyes: "My mobile games are so convenient. You can play them as soon as you take out your phone. Who is like you? You have to move the game warehouse into the training camp after being addicted! How outrageous!"

"You are the only one who talks a lot!"

On the evening of September 30, Shen Yun hurriedly finished dinner and lay down in the game room.

As soon as it went online, the prompt box for [Shiba Inu Nana] to apply for teaming hit the center of the field of vision. Shen Yun hurriedly agreed to join the team. Then, Bai Chenxue's voice was heard from the team mic: "Xiao. Yun'er! You're finally online! Come on, Ergou is sending supplies to everyone! You won't get much if you're late!"

Shen Yun asked blankly: "Supplies? What supplies?"

"You didn't look at your phone!"

Bai Chenxue said angrily: "Oh, why don't you always look at your phone! Ergou intercepted all the goods from the Great Explosives Factory, and all the members of the society were given one set each! And there were hundreds more left. Tons! We give priority to buying those above R3! The prices are all factory prices, which are several times cheaper than those on the market!”

Shen Yunqi asked: "Why are there levels?"

"R3" means Rank 3, which refers to the third level. In the member list of Sheyi, you can manually add levels and set permissions. For the convenience of management, Wang Ergou specially added four levels. Except for himself as the president and city lord, the highest level is "R4". They are either very highly cultivated, like [Master] and [Zhu Tu Niang Jin], or they are city manager players involved in city management, or They are those who have made extremely high contributions, such as the [Jade Emperor] and other veteran players who work hard in their daily lives to earn contributions and prestige. Members of "R4" not only have exclusive rooms in the city lord's mansion, but also have very high authority and can use a certain amount of social contribution value and prestige value.

"R3" is relatively easy. As long as the contribution is achieved, it can basically be counted. Almost all old players who entered in the second test can reach the passing line. Bai Chenxue and Shen Yun are among them! According to the rules designed by Wang Ergou and others, players of this level enjoy many benefits, such as free land in Chang'an City, which can be used to build houses - judging from the current housing and land prices in Chang'an City, this is quite good. benefits!

"R2" are mostly new players in the third test and have not made enough contributions, so the benefits they enjoy are limited, and they cannot be allocated free land in Chang'an City. However, there are some other benefits, such as a fixed amount of commonly used elixirs and talisman subsidies every month, and occasionally various free snacks and drinks in the city lord's mansion.

As for "R1", they are players who have just joined and have made almost no contributions. They can only have a name. However, most people only stay in "R1" for a day or two before they can save enough contributions and find an administrator." "Promotion", so "R1" members are the level with the smallest number of people in the entire society.

However, the points are so divided, in fact, during the game, no one paid attention to these things at all.

The authority level will not bring any attribute bonus to the player, so there is nothing to pay attention to! So I was a little surprised when I heard Bai Chenxue said that the permission level for buying gunpowder this time was limited.

"No! The main reason is that the quantity is small! Not to mention the contribution of R3 and above, the level and cultivation are relatively high, so of course you can buy it first! Oh, by the way! Each of us can also receive a set of 'medical kits' ', each person has two bottles of [Buan Gu Sheng Ji Powder], and a set of red medicine and blue medicine! Hey, but I suggest you, don't use [Buan Gu Sheng Ji Powder] lightly, it can save lives! ! Maybe we can keep the healing NPC and have hidden plots! Ergou’s exclusive insider said that there will be many hidden plots and hidden tasks in this battlefield!”

Bai Chenxue kept talking, completely making Shen Yun speechless. After finally waiting for her words to come to an end, Shen Yun replied helplessly: "You forgot that my roommate is an alchemist. The low-end version is broken." I still have several sets of Gushengji Powder! If you don’t have enough, I’ll give you some!”

"No, no! I've saved some before! It's enough!" Bai Chenxue said, "Oh, stop talking so much nonsense! Come to the City Lord's Mansion quickly! If you come late, you won't be able to buy it! There are only three boxes of magic talismans left. ! If you don’t come, it will be over!”

"Coming, coming!"

Shen Yun hurriedly jumped up from the bed, pulling on his slippers - a popular model launched by a newly opened shoe store in Chang'an City. Although they were slippers, they actually moved faster, which was incredible. Then he put on his outer robe and flew towards the center of Chang'an City.


"Hiss! It hurts!"

As soon as he went out, Shen Yun accidentally bumped into a monk who happened to be flying by the door of his house. They both fell to the ground and cried out in pain at the same time.

The man got up from the ground angrily, patted the dirt on his clothes, and said, "Look at the road!"

"Sorry, sorry!"

Shen Yun apologized quickly, subconsciously glanced at the top of the other person's head, and was relieved when he found that there was no ID - at least he wouldn't be misjudged as a malicious attack, and then his moral points would be deducted!

The monk snorted softly with his nostrils pointing to the sky, and then flew into the wind again while muttering: "Sooner or later I will have to write a letter and propose some air traffic regulations to control the monks' flying! Really!"

Shen Yun had a strange expression as he listened to the words floating in the wind.

An indigenous NPC said in front of him, a player who lives in a modern society of flower growers, that he wanted to "promulgate" some "air traffic rules", and did he think that monks' flights were not "controlled"?

It's just... quite novel...

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