Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 222 New Player

In the training hall, a middle-aged man in plain clothes was giving the final mobilization speech, and in front of him were a hundred young people who were also dressed in plain clothes but had a righteous temperament and upright posture.

They were both men and women, with excitement and expectation on their faces, and their eyes were all shining.

"I won't say more, just remember it,"

The middle-aged man still had a tense face and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "This is our first external war in Guixu Realm, and it is also our first attempt at military cooperation. It will be recorded in history, and future children will see everyone's heroic figures in textbooks!

"The Flower Growers are looking forward to everyone's performance!

"Everyone - Disband! Heading to Guixu Realm!"


A white light flashed on the simple flying boat, and several new players who were only in their teens and a veteran player in their twenties walked out of the teleportation array.

The level of more than ten is almost the limit that the new batch of players can reach after this update, but even so, this kind of long-distance teleportation cannot be carried out alone - the blue bar is not enough. Therefore, there was an old player in the team to lead the team and help use the teleportation array.

Soon, the light of the teleportation array flickered one after another, and players were constantly teleported here.

Compared with the noisy flying boat of Chang'an Sheyi not far away, this small flying boat with average tonnage and no decoration was quiet. The players who had been teleported were lined up in an orderly manner on one side, with their heads held high. They were dressed simply, wearing the initial suit that came with the character creation, but everyone was holding a "monster" made of black metal.

It was one of the latest research and development results of Taiyin-Guangcheng Research Institute - Lightweight Psychic Continuous Multiple Thunder Rifle, referred to as Thunder Rifle, because it fired not metal, but "lightning" transformed from spiritual energy, so it got this name.

The principle of the Thunder Rifle is very different from the principle of lethality of traditional rifles on Blue Star. In the design of traditional rifles, or most firearms, the trigger ignites the gunpowder to push the bullet out, causing penetration damage. This method is fast and accurate, and has great lethality to the human body, but it has no lethality to monks.

Apart from other things, even if a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage is penetrated by a bullet... Use spiritual power to regulate your breath, and if conditions permit, apply some quick-healing spiritual medicine, and you will be able to continue to jump around in less than an hour. Unless you beat him into a sieve and completely smash him, it is estimated that you will not be able to save him.

As for cultivators above the Jindan stage, their spiritual perception and reaction speed have already gone beyond the scope of "humans" on the blue planet. It is not difficult for those who are more agile to dodge bullets. Even if they are hit, if they encounter a cultivator with high body tempering practice, they can't even break the skin of the other cultivator!

Therefore, when developing weapons, it is natural to adapt to local customs.

Strictly speaking, the thunder bullet rifle is more like firing countless small ball lightning from the muzzle, using spiritual energy as a carrier to cause violent lightning explosions on the obstacles it touches, achieving the purpose of killing.

Such "thunder bombs" have amazing damage, especially when multiple thunder bombs explode together, the explosion area is very exaggerated.

As we all know, electricity needs a carrier. Even in thunderstorm weather, the lightning and thunder before raining are carried by dust and other substances in the air. The reason why there are no weapons that can launch lightning like in film and television works in the Blue Star Realm is mainly because it is impossible to separate electricity from the carrier, so it is naturally impossible to "launch".

Oh, by the way, the electric baton is a compromise product of the "electric shock" weapon. As for its lethality and practicality... well, it is quite suitable for educating petty thieves in the city.

But the Guixu Realm is different. Many scholars who work day and night in the Guixu Realm have discovered and confirmed that spiritual energy can be used as a carrier of electricity.

In other words, spiritual energy can be used as a carrier of almost any energy or other substances. This is why many monks use spiritual power to control water, fire, lightning and other seemingly mysterious "spells".

Not only that, spiritual energy can also be "transformed" into various energies and substances - of course, most of them are conditional and require various pre-requisites.

In short, after exchanges and discussions with indigenous monks and full reference to the opinions of scientific researchers from both worlds, the thunder bullet rifle came into being. Even compared to the traditional rifles that consume metal bullets in the Blue Star Realm, the thunder bullet rifle consumes only the temporary spiritual power in the monk's body!

And when the spiritual power is used up, you can still meditate to recover, which means that the thunder bullet rifle is almost not consumed!

The reason why it is "almost" is that its barrel and other parts will still lose their service life due to repeated use.

It is the special existence of the spiritual energy in the Guixu Realm that makes such an exaggerated and fantasy weapon as the thunder bullet rifle a reality. You can even see those players standing quietly by the side, holding the thunder bullet rifle, with more excited and excited expressions than one another!

Not long after, the small flying boat was crowded with people coming through the teleportation array, crowded together, counting back and forth, there were almost nearly two hundred people. About 100 of them had a very special temperament and had spontaneously formed a square formation, as if they were waiting for something.

"Hello, members of [I Love Farming]! Thank you for your hard work!"

A player with a similar temperament to the 100 people, but without a thunder rifle, and with the ID [Retired Farmer], was the last to come out of the teleportation formation, stood in front of everyone, and said loudly with a smile.

A player replied in a very naughty voice: "It's not hard! Serving Taiyin Sect!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the previous light serious atmosphere dissipated a lot, and finally it looked like they were playing a game.

[Retired Old Farmer] deliberately glared at the player who shouted, but he didn't disliked him for talking nonsense, but corrected him: "It is for the people of Taiyin Sect, for the people of Guixu Realm and many psychic races!"

Everyone laughed again: "Hahahaha, what the president said is right!"

"This name sounds really awkward, 'President', isn't this the same name as the next door?"

"Then call it the head of the village? Sheyi Sheyi, what else can it be called?"

"It's better to call it..."

"Hey! Have you forgotten what the political commissar said before entering the game?"

"Okay, okay," [Retired Old Farmer] interrupted everyone's discussion, then frowned and shouted: "Everyone, get into the state!"

As soon as the voice fell, the temperament of the hundred or so players holding thunder bullet rifles changed almost at the same time-

Most of them collapsed on the spot, as if they had no bones. Some of them showed the temperament of street urchins, while others were like the cannon fodder villains in some movies and TV series, shaking their legs, shaking their arms, twisting their necks, and some of them turned into overbites. What's even more exaggerated is that some of them started to take off their clothes on the spot, stuffed their novice suits into their backpacks, and only wore shorts, even muttering "I am a stingy player, I am a stingy player".

This group of people actually have more player temperament than the original players! (End of this chapter)

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