Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 230: Fast food restaurant reception

Dozens of miles away, in a forest with many young fruit tree seedlings, a ray of light flashed a few times, and Lv Wenyuan and his four companions appeared in the teleportation array hidden in the woods.

As soon as they came out of the teleportation array, they saw two huge "mushrooms" in front of them.

To be precise, they were two huge mushroom-like houses.

The roof was a round mushroom cap with irregular white dots painted on it. The main body of the house was a milky white mushroom stem, which was fat and round and looked very cute.

"Hu Hu, relax?"

Wei Congrong looked at the several Zhongzhou characters on the mushroom house and read them out loud.

Above the several Zhongzhou characters, there was a type of characters with fewer strokes and more regular appearance, but Wei Congrong didn't recognize it. She guessed that it might be the characters of the Blue Star Realm or the secret text of the Taiyin Sect.

As expected, Lv Wenyuan explained: "This is a comprehensive snack bar opened by a fellow Taoist from the Chiyuan Sect. The one above is the flower characters, which is a kind of characters from the Blue Star Realm. The disciples of the Taiyin Sect are used to using that. The Zhongzhou characters below are for the Taoists from the Guixu Realm."

"What is a 'comprehensive snack bar'?"

"It sells everything, fried chicken, milk tea, and miscellaneous things, such as carpets and stuffed toys. Senior Sister Chaoyan also bought a little fox pendant from them. It is said that it is made of fox fur shed by their fellow Taoists from the Chiyuan Sect in spring."

Jiao Xueling looked at a group of lazy people whose figures were vaguely visible in the window. Yang's fox looked at it for a long time before asking, "Is this the fried chicken shop you and Chaoyan were talking about?"

"No, the fried chicken shop is called 'Gugu Chicken'. It was opened by Gugu Chicken Sheyi. It is a mobile restaurant. It goes to the night market in Chang'an City at night and is usually near Hu Hu Leisure during the day. Because the Taoist friends of Chiyuan Sect like to eat fried chicken very much, they buy a lot every day. Sometimes there are customers who buy fried chicken and bring it to Hu Hu Leisure to give to those Taoist friends of Chiyuan Sect, so Gugu Chicken is usually here!"

As they talked, they walked forward for a distance and saw the "simple" wooden house hidden behind two giant mushroom houses.

Although it is simple, it actually has everything it should have. There are strange yellow patterns painted on the walls, and there are strange food statues at the door. One of them made Wei recognize it calmly. It was the fried chicken leg that Jiao Xueling brought her before. The skin was crispy, the meat was thick, tender and juicy, and the taste was even better.

But the overall architectural style is very strange. There are no hanging fish ridge beasts, let alone carved railings and jade steps. It is so simple that it is not as good as the rich homes of ordinary people!

Lv Wenyuan did not notice the expression of Wei Congrong after seeing the fried chicken shop. He just pushed the door and helped everyone to hold it, saying: "This is it. It happens that there are not many people now. When it's night, it will be crowded! If you want to eat, you can't buy it even if you queue up!"

Although Lu Wenyuan said that there were not many people at this time, Wei Congrong was still stunned when he entered the door.

The tables and chairs in the store are almost full, and there are not many empty seats. In fact, probably in order to accommodate more customers, the tables in the store are long and several meters long, with a row of chairs on each side to save space to the greatest extent. The chairs are also round and tall, and look very cramped. The distance between diners is less than half a meter!

Even the most unpretentious teahouses and restaurants in mortal towns will not be arranged like this!

Jiao Xueling was not dissatisfied. She had been accustomed to this "custom" that was very different from the Guixu world when she secretly wandered around the night market in Chang'an City many times. She took the lead and found a table at the edge. There happened to be four empty seats. She picked a chair and sat down.

"Sister, uncle, elder Lu Ying, you sit down first. I'll go to order food," Lv Wenyuan said uncomplainingly. Before leaving, he asked again: "I know the tastes of sister and uncle, but does elder Lu Ying have any taboos?"

Elder Lu Ying hurriedly said: "No, no, no taboos, I'll go with you. How can I let you pay for entertaining your sister and uncle!"

Lv Wenyuan quickly held down Elder Lu Ying's body who wanted to go to the ordering counter with him, pushed him to the seat, and said: "Hey, no, no! Elder Lu Ying, please sit down ! It's just a meal! Besides, my own senior sisters and uncles, it's even more impossible for you to pay for it!"

Jiao Xueling followed and stopped him, saying: "That's right, just let him go! Disciples should do the hard work! He should take care of his uncles, that's all!"

Wei Congrong also said: "That's right, this kid and his brothers and sisters usually go to my Qianzhi Baicao Peak to pick up countless medicinal herbs, and a mere meal is a bargain for him!"

When Lu Wenyuan heard what Wei Congrong said, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he hurried to the ordering counter.

Elder Lu Ying hesitated for a moment, did not insist, just smiled and sat down, and said: "Well, then, okay, then I will follow the Qianzhi Daoyou's help!"

But she was very helpless in her heart - as the de facto "Foreign Minister" of Taiyin Sect, she had to entertain senior personnel from other sects and let them eat fast food, and let their disciples pay for it! Fortunately, this was not a job she took over at the Flower Planting House, otherwise she would have to hold ten criticism meetings and write a month-long inspection report.

Fortunately, considering that the unpredictable leader of the Taiyin Sect even entertained foreign guests and established diplomatic relations at barbecue stalls, she was at a fast food restaurant this time, after all... at least it was indoors!

But even so, this is the most exaggerated Waterloo she has experienced since she took up the diplomatic job!

Jiao Xueling said enthusiastically: "No way! It's our Taiyin Sect's elders who have seen it! Alas, I didn't feel it when I practiced before, but after eating it a few times in the night market in Chang'an City, I found that this fasting is really painful! If a person is alive, what's the difference between not eating and drinking and being dead? Of course, the main reason is that the food prepared by Taiyi Sect for those disciples who didn't fast is too bad, it's not as convenient as taking fasting pills! If it can be half as delicious as those in the night market in Chang'an City, I'm afraid I wouldn't have fasted for so many years! No wonder mortals often say that life is all about eating and drinking!"

Since he was so modest, Elder Lu Ying couldn't agree with him, so he could only say casually: "Haha, it's probably because on Blue Star, you can't fast, so you can only study food..."

Wei Congrong was a little curious: "In practice, there are also kitchen practitioners. Tao, using food to replenish the spirit is even more useful. Since Taiyin Sect is unique here, why don’t we see many kitchen disciples? "

Elder Lu Ying replied: "There are some, but the number is smaller. First, cooking is not the same as simply eating and drinking. Second, Taiyin Sect disciples pursue food and drink, but they pursue the taste more, not the help of cultivation. Therefore, although there are many cases of using food to replenish the spirit, it is mixed with ordinary food and is not subdivided. However, the more famous one seems to be Yaya Milk Tea Shop, which sells two kinds of milk tea. One is expensive and uses spiritual materials, and the other is cheaper. It is ordinary ingredients, at most adding some spiritual spring water with a specific ratio. As for the taste, each has its own merits. Many cultivators prefer some low-priced drinks... Drinks!" (End of this chapter)

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