"Hurry up! Others are flying over and you haven't launched yet!"

The Jade Emperor urged, and even shouted on the World Channel: "Our Longshan Bombing Art Troupe is going to test the water with a rocket launcher! Your other groups should open the protective shield first, and don't be reckless to avoid accidental injuries!"

Soon, Ma Lou, the most experienced laboratory member, started to adjust the angle of the rocket launcher.

Thanks to the experience gained from various daily tasks and occasional group activities, the laboratory horse building finally introduced Qi into his body. Although he was still several levels away from foundation building, there was still no problem in firing a rocket launcher.

"The one in front is too late. I'll hit the one in the back. Once it's launched, you open the protective shield. These two NPCs are obviously not good friends at first sight!"

Ma Lou of the laboratory said while sending spiritual energy to the spiritual opening.

Since the propulsion method used by the Truth-2 rocket launcher is completely psychic, it no longer has the exaggerated recoil like the first generation rocket launcher.

I saw the laboratory building staggering slightly, and Truth No. 2 shook its body and rushed towards the sky.

The elder of the Ziwei Sect who was flying at the front frowned slightly when he saw this, and first struck at the unknown magic weapon with a thunderbolt, but he did not expect that even the incoming power of the magic weapon could not be stopped in the slightest!

His expression changed, and he quickly dodged and hid.

But Elder Tushan, who followed closely behind, was not so lucky.

Although she didn't know what it was, her spiritual sense was warning her frantically, and an unprecedented panic burst out of her heart - she clearly felt that she could not avoid it, and that thing was aimed at her. She's here, and there's absolutely no way she can escape!

The magic weapon arrived so quickly that Elder Tushan didn't have much time to think about it. In the crisis, she spit out her inner elixir, mobilized all her demonic power, and wrapped herself up completely, as if she were wearing a thick outer shell. This outer shell was entirely supported by her inner elixir!

This subconscious reaction only happened within a few seconds. Elder Tushan turned pale and closed all his five senses in order to protect his heart as much as possible, when he heard a loud noise.

Even Immortal Siyin, who was far away within the mountain-protecting formation of the Ziwei Sect, looked at the intense white light in shock and became speechless!

Blue-violet and yellow-white lights flash alternately, and the light emitted is even more exaggerated than the brightest stone. The huge smoke and strange burning smell even float to the players who are still far away!

What's even more exaggerated is that the elder of the Ziwei Sect, who was not the target of the rocket launcher, was also shaken by the aftermath of the rocket launcher explosion, and could hardly maintain his balance in mid-air!

That's a monk in the transformation stage! He is one of the elders of the Ziwei Sect!

But Elder Tushan, who was the targeted target, completely disappeared!

Players who have been observing the situation are talking about this: "Dead? Even if he is dead? There should be a body, right?"

"Is it possible that it turned into gas?"

"Impossible! How can it be so powerful!"

"How is it impossible! The BOSS in the limited-time battlefield last time was also directly vaporized!"

"But the one last time seemed to be in the Nascent Soul stage, right? Now that he has transformed into a god, he won't die so easily, right?"

"It's hard to say, since the transformed gods are also monks, and those who have not become immortals are still mortal bodies!"

"I guess I'm not dead," Ma Lou, the laboratory who fired the rocket launcher, participated in the discussion: "Anyway, I didn't jump to the kill prompt, so I probably ran away!"

Some players became irritated: "How to fight this? We can't kill every NPC that comes, right? There are only so many bazookas in total, what will we do when we run out?"

"Don't worry, the portion you just ate is quite a lot anyway!"

"You're a lot, but we haven't even eaten yet!"

"Don't you have a percentage of points sharing in the military alliance? Why can't you eat it?"

"What are those points enough for? I want to eat something big! Something big!"

"Oh, that was the advance team just now. There are probably many more behind, so don't worry!"

While everyone was busy discussing, the sharp-eyed players pointed at the receding figure on the horizon and shouted: "Look! That NPC ran away! Isn't he too cowardly!?"

In the team channel, everyone also started to complain: "Holy shit, why are the people in their Ziwei sect so cowardly!?"


"How can we fight like this! The boss is so cowardly!"

The Jade Emperor was also a little impatient. He privately chatted with Wang Ergou and asked, "Brother Gou, what do you mean, how about just blasting the barrier of their mountain-protecting formation?"

Wang Ergou hesitated for a moment: "Wait a minute, someone asked the captives why the mountain guarding formation was broken, and many people are having lunch at the moment. At least we should wait ten minutes for everyone to finish eating."

The Jade Emperor replied: "That's not a conflict. Anyway, there are still a lot of rocket launchers. You can test the waters by firing two first, just in case the barrier is broken all at once!"

After hearing what the Jade Emperor said, Wang Ergou thought about it and replied: "That's okay, then you can give it a try first!"

The Jade Emperor suddenly became excited and shouted in the group: "Brothers! Bring up my Italian cannon! Our regiment has been assigned a task! First, fire two cannons at the barrier of their mountain guard formation and listen for the sound!" "

"Don't change gender for me, call me sister!"

Ma Lou of the laboratory said, rolled his eyes, and turned around to move the rocket launcher.

The 24k gold thigh cannot be offended. After all, although other players know how to use rocket launchers, they have no experience in the firing angle and have to rely on the laboratory horse tower. So the Jade Emperor hurriedly corrected it, waving his arms and said: "Okay, sisters! Let's give the opponent two Italian cannons!"

The range of the mountain protection formation is several miles away from the Chang'an Third Regiment where the Jade Emperor is located. Even for the pre-revised rocket launcher Truth No. 1, it is more than enough, not to mention Truth No. 2.

I saw a few players gathered together, excitedly touching here and poking there, and soon, five or six rocket launchers were lined up in a row, and the only thing left was to fire.

The Jade Emperor said quickly: "Hey, hey, hey, let's just send two to test the waters! Don't waste them! There is a limit to this stuff! Save one if you can!"

A player complained: "Good man, why are you saving it? People who don't know would think you are a dog planner!"

The Jade Emperor explained: "No, we in Chang'an only got about a hundred, we are really not rich, and the laboratory also said that there are no more, because the second-generation 107 has a higher production cost, and each shell must be customized manually, which is very inefficient, and there are not many in total!"

"Then go to the forum and scold the dog planner! Let the dog planner Give us more, if it doesn't work, just do more black box operations! It's just a bunch of data! The Xuanjing of Jianxia 13 has been inflated to five times the drop rate, so what's wrong with "Ten Continents" brushing a few times more data? "

"Hehe, you're dreaming! If the dog planner is willing to listen to the players' opinions, would he release thousands of places now?"

"Look, the dog planner used to release dozens or hundreds of places, but now! Thousands! Isn't this the result of the hard work of our netizens! If we work harder, maybe it will be released to the public beta!" (End of this chapter)

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