Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 251 of Chapter 251 Don't touch my contribution value

"You deserve to die!"

There was a rumble from above, and Immortal Siyang's figure looked furious.

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A huge palm covered the sky and smacked down, but the speed was a bit slow, Zhang Shen could easily avoid it.

Zhang Shen narrowed his eyes: "Hey, after your soul left the body, the reaction of the soul left behind in the physical body was much slower. Why is this?"

"You deserve to die!"

Immortal Siyang seemed to be obsessed with photographing Zhang Shen. He opened the bow with both hands left and right, raised it high and dropped it heavily one after another. However, because his movements were so sluggish, Zhang Shen could walk back and forth to avoid it without any effort.

But soon, he noticed with sharp eyes that no matter how Immortal Siyang dropped his palm, he seemed to deliberately avoid the pile of villagers' bones.

There may be some reason behind it, but it's certainly not to protect the environment.

"It's really strange. You look nothing like the old man I know..."

Zhang Shen said to himself: "Forget it, it doesn't matter so much. The villain dies because he talks too much. It's not important to explore the secrets behind it. What's important is to win!"

As he spoke, he raised his head, used the energy of the system to gather his spiritual power, and pointed towards the sky.

The sky is broken.

This small world in the cave was specially created by Immortal Siyang in order to "hide the sky". It cannot be too real or too fake. Too true, the catastrophe will gather in the small world and lose its role. If it is too false, it will not have the effect of isolation.

Therefore, the flowers, plants and trees in this world all exist, but humans, or in other words, only intelligent races, do not exist. The villagers are nothing more than dry bones and mud, the birds and beasts are all in a state of confusion, and the sun, moon and stars transformed from the heaven and earth are just reflections of the Guixu Realm.

It is relatively easy to destroy this kind of small cave world that is stuck at the critical point of half-truth and half-falsehood. But it will be very difficult to destroy it once it starts to operate on its own.

At the moment when the sky of this small world in the cave was cut open, Si Yang, who had just barely controlled the incarnation of the Supreme God Taiyi, suddenly had a crazy warning from his spiritual sense. Then, he felt the guidance of the Lianshan Bagua Disk - his physical body seemed to Something happened!

Before Immortal Siyang could think about it, black clouds began to gather in the sky. The black clouds were like sea water absorbed by a sponge. They were scattered everywhere and condensed on the entire Rongyu Mountain. , covering the sky and the sun. If it weren't for the lightning and thunder in the clouds and the flashing purple light, I could still see some colors, but I would have been completely blind!

The momentum of this calamity cloud was extremely great, and one could tell at a glance who it was coming from. Immortal Siyang's face became very ugly, and Immortal Siyin also frowned and looked at his senior brother worriedly.

What Immortal Si Yin is worried about is not that Si Yang may die per se, but that if Si Yang dies due to a catastrophe, the entire Taiyi Ziwei sect will be in trouble - the tribulation cloud is a range attack, and it can't Accurately identify whether the person you chop down is a worthy person. Since ancient times, only those who have been implicated in the catastrophe have never heard of anyone slipping through the net. Even if they are accidentally injured, there is no place to explain!

More importantly, the Supreme God Taiyi has been offended. If his senior brother abandons the incarnation of the Supreme God Taiyi in order to survive, wouldn't it be in vain?

If I had known better, I shouldn't have let Siyang go to the gods just to make Siyang's cultivation higher, and to prevent himself from directly offending the Supreme God!

Immortal Siyin was thinking this in his heart, but his face didn't show it at all.

At this moment, in desperation, Immortal Siyang did not want to get more familiar with the incarnation of Supreme God Taiyi. Instead, he tried his best to launch a sword towards Fang Xianyu on the horizon - that sword was Supreme God Taiyi. The magic weapon that he refined himself was so immovable that no one could move it. Even with the help of the incarnation of the Supreme God, Siyang Immortal could only "push" out a sword instead of swinging it.

But even so, the sword blade was also mixed with both Yin and Yang evil spirits. Fang Xianyu seemed to be locked, and was forced to move by the sword energy! Not to mention an ordinary monk, even an immortal body would not be able to withstand this sword!

However, what was unexpected was that although Fang Xianyu had no way to dodge, when the sword light touched his face, a cyan aura "cover" suddenly lit up around him. The cover was like an eggshell, holding him tightly Protect it inside.

Fang Xianyu could easily withstand a sword strike that would make even immortals and gods feel uncomfortable!

Seeing this scene, Immortal Siyang was puzzled. He secretly thought: 'Could it be that this Fang Xianyu has already cultivated his immortal body! ? ’

But as soon as the idea came to mind, he immediately denied it: 'No, it's impossible. If she cultivated into an immortal body, how could she dare to act so recklessly and attack our Taiyi Ziwei Sect? Don’t be afraid of disaster! ’

Only Fang Xianyu himself felt so distressed when he saw that he had lost hundreds of system energy points that he gasped for energy.

When the attack failed, Immortal Siyang stopped wasting time on Fang Xianyu. He again controlled the clone of Supreme God Taiyi and raised his hand attentively, launching the second sword. However, this time, the direction of the sword was far away. There were not many Taiyi Sect disciples left and the largest flying boat.

Everyone has long seen that most of the "resurrected" Taiyin Sect disciples came here through the teleportation array on the flying boat. As long as the teleportation array is destroyed, it will be somewhat useful!

The sword energy flew very slowly, seeming to leave enough time for people to escape, but it was extremely powerful. The players locked by the sword energy could not move. Many people only felt that the hair on their hair stood on end, and there was a huge force. Panic emerged from the bottom of my heart, and my heart in my chest almost jumped out of my throat!

However, this kind of "hard control" only exists on the characters (puppets) controlled by the players, and has no effect on the players themselves. Therefore, everyone only heard Wang Ergou shouting on the microphone in the military alliance channel: "Help! Help! The captured NPC is still up there! Ahhhh help me--"


"Ahhh, the captives are dead, so the contribution will not be calculated!?"

"What should I do? What should I do?!"

Hearing Wang Ergou's shouting, other players also became anxious-everyone went through so much hardship and paid so many casualties to get the captives, just waiting for the final battlefield to end and settle the points, and then exchange them for contribution points. If they are not counted because they die, then wouldn't the hard work of several hours before be in vain! ?

Those who reacted quickly came up with a solution at the first time, and they all posted in various channels-

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Take the damage! Those who can move, go and take the damage!"

"Shameless BOSS, don't touch my contribution value!"

This is a solution based on the common sense that everyone understands when playing other games. The closest players rushed to meet the sword light, one, two, a dozen, dozens, hundreds.

Wang Ergou wanted to say that this might not work, but he only had time to open his mouth, and watched the sword light that killed hundreds of players indeed dimmed a lot, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, in the unbelievable eyes of all the "NPCs", almost all the players, even the new players of level ten who had been watching the show from a distance, rushed to the sword light, trying to block the sword light before the NPC captive who fainted on the flying boat. (End of this chapter)

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