Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 256 Heavenly Way

"You little thief, you are lucky!"

The Immortal Si Yang, who had just finished setting up the spirit formation, snorted coldly and said casually, slapping Zhang Shen with a palm.

This palm was completely different from the palm slapped by the sluggish flesh before. The pressure of the immortal god almost made him breathless, and he could not dodge. He could only watch the palm slap heavily on his chest through the air. The distance of more than 100 meters between the two was stretched by dozens of meters-Zhang Shen flew out and hit the edge of the spirit formation!

In an instant, the golden elixir in Zhang Shen's body was shattered, and the eight meridians were all disconnected. Even the wisp of Fang Xianyu's consciousness attached to Zhang Shen was suddenly slapped out of Zhang Shen's body, and it took a long time to get back!

Since the second round was restarted, Fang Xianyu has never fought with the existence of the immortal god level, and almost forgot how terrifying the threat of the immortal god level is.

After watching Zhang Can's puppet become useless and spending several energy points to revive it, he didn't dare to provoke Si Yangxian again and decided to go for the strength directly.

"He's still not dead!?"

But before Zhang Can made any move, the fact that he was not dead shocked Si Yangxian.

In Si Yangxian's view, a mere Jindan cultivator, no matter what special skills he had, was powerless in the face of absolute strength difference. But he didn't kill him in one go three times, which made him doubt himself.

However, after being shocked, Si Yangxian suddenly thought of what happened in the Sacrifice Immortal Array before, and just then he suddenly said to himself: "Yes, you Taiyin Sect can all come back to life, it's really strange!"

At this time, the magic array had already started to work, completely sealing Si Yangxian and Zhang Can in the spirit array.

Si Yangxian no longer pursued to kill Zhang Can, he threw a spirit talisman at Zhang Can, and immediately fixed Zhang Can in place, unable to move - it was a fixed body talisman!

I didn't expect that this Immortal Si Yang actually studied the art of talismans so deeply!

Sealing formations and immobilizing talismans are the essence of formations and talismans. If they were not practiced well, they would not be used at all!

Si Yang is indeed one of the most gifted people in the Ten Continents and Three Islands!

It's a pity that he didn't follow the right path...

Zhang Can sighed, and reluctantly spent a few more energy points to remove the immobilizing talisman that was slapped on his face. Then, when Si Yang was not looking at him, he took out the Truth No. 2 rocket launcher and fired at him.

However, just as the rocket launcher exploded on Immortal Si Yang, his robe suddenly flashed with golden light. The huge spiritual energy explosion and gunpowder did not play any role. Immortal Si Yang waved his sleeves to disperse the smoke from the explosion. He didn't look embarrassed at all, but his expression was very ugly. Obviously, he didn't expect that even the immobilizing talisman could not trap Zhang Can.

This feeling is just like the little flying insects that keep hitting your face when you are playing with your phone in the park at night. You can't catch it or kill it, but it has to hit you in the face. It doesn't cause any harm, but it's disgusting.

Although Immortal Siyang was fine, the spiritual array he had worked hard to set up trembled a few times, which gave Zhang Can an idea.

Before Immortal Siyang could think of a good way to deal with Zhang Can, Zhang Can sent spiritual power to the spiritual inlet of the two rocket launchers again, but this time it was not Immortal Siyang who was aimed at him, but the spiritual array barrier set up by Immortal Siyang!

Looking at Immortal Siyang, whose face was red with anger, Zhang Can grinned: "I said, I can't beat you, and I don't need to beat you. I just need to make sure that you can't do anything, that's it!"

Angry as it was, Immortal Siyang could only hold his nose and be led by Zhang Can. A small tripod and a jade pendant flew out of his sleeves and went to fight the two rocket launchers respectively.

The foot of the small tripod was blown off on the spot, but the jade pendant was intact, but the light it emitted seemed a little dim.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you," Zhang Can saw this scene and smiled even more: "This thing is called 'Truth No. 2', I brought about a hundred of them!"

As he said, he took out two rocket launchers again.

Immortal Si Yang stared: "?"

Seeing Immortal Si Yang's disgusted, hateful and helpless expression, Zhang Can continued to push forward and said: "Of course, you have been practicing for so long, you should still have more than a hundred magic weapons or spiritual tools, right? Even if you don't, it won't be much different. At most, you can resist those with your own body in the end, anyway, you can't be killed by the explosion, right? Just treat it as a pre-training of the heavenly tribulation and feel the low-intensity version of the tribulation thunder!"

Seeing that he couldn't defend the spirit formation, Immortal Si Yang gave up and simply gave up the original plan - although Zhang Can didn't know what the plan was. In short, he didn't continue to protect the spirit formation, but turned around and began to gather spiritual power and open up a "door".

It was called a door, but it was actually a dark hole. The hole was getting bigger and bigger, emitting an unpleasant evil spirit.

Soon, as the hole got bigger, Zhang Can finally realized that Immortal Si Yang was planning to open a Nine Nether Passage!

After understanding Immortal Si Yang's intention, Zhang Can was dumbfounded: "Old thief Si Yang! Are you crazy!?"

Immortal Si Yang gritted his teeth and said: "Humph, how can I be as crazy as Fang Xianyu? For no reason, she killed my disciples and wanted to kill me! Is she worthy?"

"We didn't kill you. With your cultivation level, who can kill you unless the immortals intervene? What we did was just to let you be punished by the way of heaven and die honestly by the heavenly tribulation!"

Zhang Can took out a few rocket launchers again, squeezing his painful golden elixir, and aimed the rocket launchers at Si Yang who was opening the Jiuyou channel, saying: "If you do too much evil, you will die! Why is your thunder tribulation so terrifying? Others don't know, don't you know it yourself?"

"You know shit!"

Si Yangxianren seemed to be a thunder pockmarked man with a fuse, and was furious: "That's all lies! What evil deeds will attract the attention of the heaven! It's all fake! How long have you been practicing? How long have you lived? I have seen too much! What immortals, gods and real people, what good men and women, are all deceiving the world and stealing names! Made up to deceive you ignorant people! Did she, the Piaomiao Jinxian, kill fewer people? Or did she let those cats and dogs under her kill less? It's still nothing! What evil deeds will die! It's all bluffing!"

After listening to Si Yangxianren's words, Zhang Can was silent.

Indeed, the reason why everyone says that committing many evil deeds will bring about more terrible heavenly tribulations, but there are still many cultivators who sneer at this statement, is because many immortals have done so many evil deeds that it is difficult to list them all, but they have not received even a single punishment from heaven.

For example, the most famous Piaomiao Jinxian, over the years, she has killed enough people and cultivators to fill the population of half a continent, but she has not even suffered from the heavenly tribulation, and is more relaxed than the Taiyi Supreme God who has always been quite restrained in offering sacrifices to his own sect!

Does the Heavenly Dao really have consciousness? (End of this chapter)

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