Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 260 It is natural

"Holy shit, shit, shit! What the hell!?"

The sudden upheaval of the world confused all the players who had just settled their battlefield points and redeemed their contribution points.

"Is this some new plot!?"

Most of the players who didn't know what was going on started talking excitedly.

"Tai Ku La! The special effects are so awesome!"

"Look, our flying boat is upside down!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Take screenshots, screenshots!"

Some attentive players also made inappropriate noises: "Didn't you notice that the blood volume is decreasing?"

"Fuck! Really!"

"There's not even a debuff prompt! Why are you deducting my blood!"

Wang Ergou quickly came out to control the situation and said in the military alliance channel that had not yet had time to disband: "It may be another plot kill. How about everyone wait?"

"That makes sense!"

"But my parents' buff has come out. If I don't go offline, I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

"Move, move! Zong takes the initiative!"

As Fang Xianyu withdrew a ray of consciousness from Zhang Shen's vest, she raised her head and looked at the mountains and rivers that were turned upside down in the sky, with a solemn expression.

The Lianshan Bagua Pan is an ancient treasure, and the formations it creates are not false illusory formations, but real inversions of mountains and rocks. If you want to break the formation, you can only use the most direct method - to really move mountains and rocks to break the environmental conditions for the formation to operate.

But the amount of energy points consumed by moving mountains and reclaiming seas is not a small amount. In order to trap most of the Ziwei sect's high combat power with the maze array, it has already spent several thousand points, including killing Si Yin. The immortal's tribulation thunder was so small that Fang Xianyu only had a little over a thousand energy points left on hand, which was really stretched!

Of course, if we talk about strategic goals, Fang Xianyu has already achieved them. The Ziwei sect has wiped out the family, Si Yin has died, and Si Yang obviously won't live long. By the way, he has expanded his territory and created an enclave. If she cares about the energy points, she can send out a mission and instruct the players to withdraw to the old jurisdiction of the Taiyin Sect, regardless of the inverted and inverted formation surrounded by Si Yang with mountains and eight trigrams.

However, the rest of the people in Rongyushan were in trouble!

Let’s not talk about monks, let’s talk about other mortals. Once the formation is completed, the entire Rongyu Mountain will be reduced to a stormy land full of various spiritual energies. The spiritual power that ordinary people cannot bear will destroy the meridians of monks with lower cultivation levels. It swells to death, and the mixed spiritual energy will also bring heavy pressure, crushing the internal organs of ordinary mortals!

Immortal Siyang is really crazy!

He plans to transform the entire Rongyu Mountain into a Jedi!

"It's so easy to bully the weak and afraid of the strong! I can't find trouble with Piaomiao Jinxian, but it's because I'm weak and easy to bully!"

Fang Xianyu muttered to himself bitterly, preparing to spend all the remaining energy points to break the formation.

If you run out of points, you can save them again. If you die, you will not be resurrected!

Just when she was about to take action, the violent wind suddenly stopped, and the surrounding scenery slowly returned to its original position. It seemed as if Immortal Siyang had given up! ?

Surprised, Fang Xianyu turned around and flew out, intending to find out for himself.

On the other side, Jun Chou's figure was still standing quietly. Neither the strong wind nor the thunder falling from the calamity clouds could affect him. His figure actually became a little more solid. .

Then, the third thunderbolt fell, hitting the body of Immortal Siyang.

Immortal Siyang, whose soul was unstable and who had exhausted all his spiritual power to form an array, was chopped to death at this moment, and fell to his knees. Instead, he looked sober with a crazy expression.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Immortal Siyang smiled bitterly.

A fragment of the mirror slowly flew out of Immortal Siyang's body, floated to Junchou's side, and merged with the fragment he originally held in his hand, forming a rather large fragment.

"Fang Xianyu, just because of this thing, you want to destroy our Ziwei sect?"

Seeing this scene, Immortal Siyang gasped and spoke unwillingly.

Jun Chou shook his head slightly: "This is my thing. The so-called fragment of the Douxuan Mirror is just an excuse and has little to do with the Taiyin Sect."

When Immortal Siyang heard this, he took a closer look at Jun Chou's appearance, and his pupils suddenly shrank: "You, you are Duke Dou Xuan!?"

"I'm not him, I'm just the spirit of Dou Xuan Baojing."

"So, that's it...that Fang Xianyu can actually persuade you to come to her side!" Immortal Siyang was a little jealous at first, and then became confused. While gasping for air, he asked: "Since , If it’s not because of the Dou Xuan Treasure Mirror, then why, why did we destroy our Taiyi Ziwei Sect?”

"I'm not Fang Xianyu, how can I know what she thinks? But... maybe she really decided to do this because your Ziwei sect has done too many evil things."

"Doing too many evil things? Hahahahahaha..." Immortal Siyang laughed so hard that tears came out. This reason only made him feel ridiculous: "Who does she think she is? Why do you think that my Ziwei sect has done evil? Just because of a mere person. Mr. Ping Lin!"

Junchou sighed: "She values ​​the people more."

"More emphasis on the common people?"

Immortal Siyang murmured, a little stunned. In a daze, he seemed to remember the days before he practiced cultivation.

My father and brother were both taken away to do hard labor and never came back. My mother died of illness when he was very young. At that time, he and Aweng were dependent on each other. In order to make a living, Aweng asked him to learn sheep herding skills from a young boy in the village, so the villagers called him Yangwazi.

What is his real name? It's been more than a thousand years, and he can't remember...

He heard himself ask: "Are the people under the rule of the Ziwei sect very miserable?"

Junchou said: "It's not good."

"But it's not bad! They have food and clothing, and they won't die because of inexplicable people slaying demons. How can this be considered bad!? If you really want to talk about it, why doesn't she, Fang Xianyu, go to the Piaomiao Immortal Sect? trouble?"

After adjusting her breath for a while, Immortal Siyang's breathing became much more stable, and she no longer breathed heavily when speaking, but her tone became more indignant: "What you say about 'paying more attention to the people' is just an excuse! Otherwise, why didn't she go? Looking for the Piaomiao Immortal Sect!”

"I'll go."

Fang Xianyu flew over, landed next to Junchou, and said.

This time she did not ride on the clouds and came very fast. She happened to hear what Immortal Siyang just said. She then added: "Not only the Piaomiao Immortal Sect, but also everyone, including Taiyi Qiankun Sect, Penglai Sect, etc., I will destroy them one by one. "

Immortal Siyang stared with disbelief on his face: "Are you crazy!?"

Even Jun Chou couldn't help but look sideways.

"Although I am not a smart person, I will not fall twice at the same place." Fang Xianyu said what only he could understand: "I gave them a chance, but they didn't cherish it. Since my reason If they don’t want to listen, then follow their principles.”

Having said this, she paused, looked at Immortal Si Yang, and then said word by word: "I am stronger than you, so it is only natural that I kill you!" (End of Chapter)

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