Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 265: Mission of Sheyi

The Rongyu City, which was discussed by many people, was landed on an open space not far from the former site of Taiyi Ziwei Sect. Of course, the so-called "city", like Chang'an City at the beginning, was also an empty wasteland as usual.

The reason why it landed here was that several players of I Love Farming Society chose to replicate the successful model of Chang'an City, intending to land the city closer to the dungeon to facilitate the development of the city.

After the limited-time battlefield, the two newly opened dungeons were less than three miles away from the teleportation array set up after Rongyu City landed. Although it was not as close as the distance between Chang'an City and [Hantan Cave], it was still a distance that could be reached in a few minutes, which was acceptable.


"Why is this thunder so scary? How long will it last? Or will it always be like this?"

[Retired Farmer] looked at the thunder and lightning in the distant sky with some worry, complaining: "I just feel that this place is not suitable. If it stays like this in the future, the people will not be able to sleep well!"

"It seems that it will always stay like this in the future. It is said that it is to increase the difficulty of the dungeon? There are random thunders in those two dungeons, which may hit the players, but our Rongyu City will not be affected." A female player with the ID [Lou Yuanqin] and a neat high ponytail comforted her: "You can rest assured! That cloud is called a robbery cloud, and it will not run to our side under normal circumstances. , the thunder from the calamity cloud will not strike outside casually! And the senior sister and the others said that in order to prevent ordinary people from entering by mistake, a barrier has been set up in that place. Those below the Jindan stage cannot break the barrier unless they are masters of formations! There will be no danger! "

[Retired Farmer] muttered unconvincedly: "That sound is also very loud!"

[Lou Yuanqin] said again: "It's okay, in the future, our houses can be equipped with soundproof arrays, and the effect is much better than those soundproof measures on our Blue Star! This long-term thundercloud looks quite imposing, and it can be regarded as a natural wonder of nature. It can also be used as a tourist attraction in the future to boost the tourism economy of our Rongyu City! Blue Star There is no chance to be so close to such exaggerated lightning without worrying about safety issues! "

[Retired Farmer] smacked his lips when he heard it, and then turned around: "Oh, I almost forgot, this is a world of immortal cultivation! Don't tell me, it looks quite shocking!"

"That's what I said!"

The two were chatting, and suddenly heard someone shouting at them from a distance: "Hey! Both of you! Hello! Are you two from the farming community? Do you have any tasks to take on in your community? Show your care for the newbies!"

[Retired Farmer] hasn't reacted yet, but [Lou Yuanqin] has already done his homework, and hurriedly took two steps forward and responded: "Yes, yes! Now the main thing is the lack of wood, red iron wood! Our community The price given by Yi is two yuan per tree, and there is also an experience quota. Submitting a tree will give 200 experience points! "

The player heard this, but his expression was a little disappointed: "Ah? Only 200 experience points!"

[Lou Yuanqin] explained helplessly: "But we pay a lot of money! A red iron tree outside only gives one yuan! Besides, the experience quota for this task is not decided by us, it is stipulated by the system, and the upper limit is 200 points. We can't do anything about it!"

The player pouted and said: "Okay, okay! Where can I get the task? I'm only level 3, it's too miserable, I have to level up quickly!"

"I can operate it here, wait a moment..."

[Lou Yuanqin] said, calling up the game system panel and started to operate.

As one of the most important managers of Rongyu City, Lou Yuanqin has the operating authority of Rongyu City second only to the city lord, and the so-called "experience quota" is a patch that was applied with the small update that did not stop the service not long ago. It was only mentioned in the game's update log, and no one paid much attention to it.

This patch gives each community a certain amount of experience on time for issuing tasks. This can only be done after the city lord has set the authority of the player who serves as the administrator. At the same time, although the tasks issued can be edited by oneself, the experience reward is very limited. The highest experience reward for a task is only 200 points, which is not only far lower than the various ordinary tasks accepted by players in the sect, but also not as good as the benefits of going to the next level to fight monsters. Therefore, each community is not good at making too complicated tasks-no one does this.

However, there are also communities that use this as an experience "subsidy" and subsidize community members through the "task card" method. After all, whether the task is completed or not depends entirely on the personal operation of the authorized player, so some communities will deliberately type a bunch of random code, so that community members can accept and submit tasks on the spot, and they can instantly get experience-200 points is small, but mosquito legs are also meat, right?

Of course, each player can only repeat this method 10 times, which is only 2,000 experience points. Now the highest level players are already around level 30, and 2,000 experience points are not enough to fill the gaps between their teeth, so this kind of "subsidy" is not very cost-effective. Unless it is used to level up the new players who have just joined the community, otherwise, it is better to simply set up tasks and let the low-level new players serve as cheap labor to make the community shine!

The player accepted the task and immediately took advantage of the situation, grinning and flattering: "Thank you, kind sister! Add me as a friend!"

[Lou Yuanqin] did not have any objections, and soon added the new player as a friend and said goodbye.

[Retired Old Farmer] looked a little shocked, his eyes were as wide as bells, he pulled [Lou Yuanqin]'s sleeves, and asked in a low voice: "Isn't he a man? Why do I still call you that? Where are the sisters?”

After being selected to perform the mission, [Lou Yuanqin] spent a lot of time understanding these contents. In addition, she also played other games herself, so she knew more about the social environment in the game, so she patiently gave her superiors some information. : "This... this is a slang term in the game, similar to calling the police a police officer. It means that in the game, in order to shorten the distance between everyone and create a sense of intimacy, men and women can call each other sisters and brothers. Okay, it’s just a matter of personal preference! Men are sisters, women are brothers, it’s all the same!”

[Retired old farmer] subconsciously touched his waist and found that he had no pockets or cigarettes. He only felt something tasteless in his mouth. He sighed dryly: "You young people are still good at playing..." "

...(End of chapter)

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