Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 274 Yinglong

Let’s not talk about the many jokes of the group. Everyone walked easily while cutting through the thorns and thorns with machetes in hand, and soon encountered a group of wild boars.

If there were only dozens or hundreds of players at the beginning, the average level might not be 10, let alone building a foundation, and there were not many who successfully drew qi into the body, so naturally they were helpless against the wild boars.

But now the number of players has long exceeded the thousand-person mark, and there are often hundreds of people online during the peak hours. There are even more strategies on how to kill pigs in the forum. Moreover, in the fixed group led by Nietzsche, there are several foundation-building masters, so the wild boars are no longer a problem in the eyes of the players.

I saw that more than a dozen players had clear division of labor, some were slinging nets, some were throwing talismans, and some were throwing skills at the leading wild boar.

【At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒】

“Hey, hey, hey! Look carefully before using your skills! If the pig skin is not intact, you will lose a lot of money!”

“You are obsessed with money!”

“The more you can sell, the better!”

In the noisy and relaxed environment, it didn’t take long for everyone to successfully subdue and kill the wild boars.

“Ah! So bloody!”

While complaining, a player stabbed them quickly and accurately, and blood immediately flowed all over the floor.

Skinning and disassembling is something that players cannot do, even though the age threshold for the game qualification of “Ten Continents” is really bloody. Everyone usually tries to stun or kill the wild boars, and then take them back to Chang’an City to sell them to the slaughterhouse or those NPCs who can slaughter them.

The players of the Nietzsche Group had encountered many wild boars in the past few days of exploration, and they were experienced. Most of them chose to kill them with thunder talismans that were not too powerful, or stab them in the heart. Usually, the latter would cause a lot of bleeding, but this method could preserve the pig skin to the greatest extent. Although it was pig skin, this wild boar skin was different from the fat second brother on Blue Star. It was thick and hard, and had a certain degree of spiritual resistance. It was a common refining material, which could be used for making armor and clothes. It was also the most valuable thing on the owner's body besides fangs.

Strangely enough, everyone was chatting and resting, waiting to deal with the wild boars, but before they knew it, a thick fog had risen in the mountains.

This thick fog came quickly and urgently, and almost in the blink of an eye, it enveloped all the players.

"What happened!?"

Even the dumbest players immediately found something wrong, but before they could discuss a few words in the team list, it started to rain.

The rain was getting heavier, accompanied by strong winds, howling.

The strong winds made the fog gather and disperse, and made it hard for people to open their eyes. The shadows of the trees around made people feel upset, and there was a strange "rustling" sound above their heads!

"Hold together! In case of attack!"

The players were only panicked for a moment, and someone shouted, and everyone calmed down and gathered together in groups of three or two.

Nietzsche also made a prompt decision, threw out a wind-fixing talisman, and shouted in the group microphone: "Those with water spirit roots and ice spirit roots, try to condense water and ice!"

Unexpectedly, her idea was very useful. As several players with water spirit roots and ice spirit roots tried to condense water and ice on the ground, the fog in the air actually dispersed a lot!

At least the visibility was not so dark that everyone gathered together and soon surrounded Nietzsche, hugged together, and observed the surroundings nervously.


Another player pointed up at the sky in surprise, and everyone looked up and saw a winged "dragon" circling up and down in the air not far above their heads, like a bee dancing, following some unknown rules, as if conveying some information, or performing some weird sacrificial "dance".

"Is this Yinglong?"

Some players who like to dig into the plot and cultural details in the game recognized the identity of the "dragon".

"Does Yinglong look so strange?"

"What is Yinglong?"

"A kind of dragon? I heard that there are many kinds of dragons in this game!"

"What the hell is this? Why does it have the wings of a Western dragon?"

"Is its parent in a transnational relationship?"

Everyone talked a lot, staring at the Yinglong above their heads, and kept talking nonsense.

It really doesn't look like a dragon. Its body is not as long as a dragon, and its tail does not have the fan-like structure in the common dragon pattern. The whole dragon looks more like a giant loach covered with scales. It has a pair of bat-like wings on its side and two unbranched horns on its head, which is far from the traditional image of a dragon.

Suddenly, a player with good eyesight pointed out: "It seems to be fake! Look, its wings seem to be translucent!"

Everyone then looked carefully and found that the figure of Yinglong was indeed a little illusory and not solid.

At this time, the Yinglong seemed to have finally finished dancing. It slowly stopped, but because it was in the air after all, it was a little far away, so people couldn't see its expression clearly.

Gradually, the wind and rain became much smaller. Nietzsche pondered for a moment and commanded: "The one who runs fast should go up and touch it to see what's going on... Just the one in the second team and the third! I remember your initial skill is Godly Movement! Others should be ready to escape from the battle at any time!"

The player who was called nodded, and without saying anything, he immediately flew up with the wind and touched the figure of Yinglong in the sky.

When she approached Yinglong, she was shocked - this Yinglong had no eyes!

Or, its eyes are dark black holes, without even eyeballs!

The chill crept into the player's heart, and she tried to reach out to Yinglong despite the discomfort.

However, her hands went straight through Yinglong's shadow - Yinglong was indeed a projection!

Then, her action was like triggering a switch, and in the blink of an eye, Yinglong's figure disappeared, leaving only a huge, somewhat distorted "door" in the original place.

It's called a door, but it's actually an entrance like a dungeon enchantment, projecting the environment in the enchantment and distorting it into a large mirror-like screen that is very different from the surrounding scenery. Since this kind of screen is the entrance to some secret realm or cave world, everyone is very familiar with it, and collectively calls it a "door".

Without waiting for Nietzsche's command, the player subconsciously touched the door again, but she didn't expect that in an instant, she was sucked into the door without any warning, and she only had time to make a quick and surprised "ah" sound.

Fortunately, the players have a chat channel to use, and Nietzsche asked in the group chat: "How is it? Is everything okay? Is it a dungeon?"

The player responded uncertainly: "Well... it seems so? But there are no monsters here, it seems to be some kind of ruins?"

"Ruins... ruins?"

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