Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 277 Strange Bird

As soon as Nietzsche's words came out, all the squads of the entire regiment rushed towards the pond full of rags in the distance.

But I didn't expect that when I got closer, I saw that there was some kind of pond. It was just a translucent shadow, and it was displayed in 3D. Taking a closer look, it seems to be the ruins of some kind of battlefield. Through the projection, you can clearly see the accumulated water on the ground. Then it looks like a pond from a distance, but I don't know where the projected scene is.

What's even more strange is that one player just reached out and touched it lightly, and the projection suddenly disappeared.

The player was startled: "It's broken! My hands are stupid!"

Nietzsche consoled him: "It's okay. I've been recording the screen. Let's study it later. Let's continue!"

With that said, she pulled the players in her team and walked inside.

The jade-carved floor seemed to extend endlessly, and the surrounding visibility was almost only about ten meters. Beyond about ten meters, there was a vast white mist, and nothing could be seen.

There is no distinction between east, west, north, and south, and there are no ups and downs. Except for the collapsed stone pillars at the door, there is nothing to mark the direction.

The further we walked in, the surrounding scenery became more and more the same. It was all white mist. Looking back, we could see that the first few stone pillars were no longer visible.

After walking for about three or four minutes, everyone finally saw a different scene - the edge of the collapsed ground.

What you see is a broken jade-carved floor. The fractures are smooth and neat, as if they were cut off by something. What's even more exaggerated is that there is no soil under the floors and there is no support, as if these floors are floating in the air.

When everyone came to the point where the floor broke, they finally saw the blurry jungle in the distance.

However, the jungle is at a lower level, and the players seem to be standing on the top of the mountain. From here, they can just overlook the entire mountain forest, but the white fog blocks everyone's view.

Some players suggested: "Why don't you go down and take a look first? This doesn't look like a projection or an illusion!"

Others thought the same thing, so they all jumped up against the wind and jumped down.

Just after everyone flew a few meters away, the white mist suddenly disappeared. The world seemed to become clear, and the field of vision became extremely wide. The lush woods under the feet suddenly became much clearer. Looking further into the distance, the mountains, rivers and land were all in sight.

But just as everyone was flying and looking around curiously, a strange headless bird suddenly jumped out of the forest!

The wings of the strange bird were several meters long, its tail was messy, and it had several bald feathers. It looked like its head had been chopped off, and the wounds on its neck were still dripping with green water. It looked disgusting and weird.

The flying posture of the strange bird is very strange. Its wings do not flap back and forth like normal birds at all. Instead, they are always straight like an airplane.

Under such a situation, even a fool can see that the person is evil, and the players all show their magic, throwing talismans, spells and some attack skills at the strange birds for free.

But no matter what it was, nothing could stop the strange bird from rushing over. The thunder talisman struck it like it was tickling, and it didn't slow down its speed at all. The fireball thrown by someone ignited it, but all you could see was that it turned into a "firebird" and rushed over, as if the other party was unaware.

When Nietzsche saw this, his expression became solemn. While shouting "disperse" in the group, he rushed forward with his sword and kept swinging the sword energy. But the cold sword energy struck the strange bird as if it were struck on gold and stone. You could only hear the sound of hitting a hard object, and even the opponent's fur was not broken!

"Get out of the way! Let me—"

A bald player rushed forward excitedly, waving his fists, and pounded the strange bird's chest more than a dozen times.

This time it finally had some effect. At least the strange bird no longer rushed forward, but kept colliding with the bald player like a cannonball.

The strange bird's movements were extremely clumsy, and he could have easily dodged it, but the bald player was Wu Ke, a famous bodybuilder who was recruited by Nietzsche after a lot of effort. He was also the highest-ranking and cultivated person in the entire Haoqi Eternal Society. The strongest player.

As a physical practitioner, Wu Ke had a unique understanding of the word "mang". He kept colliding with the strange bird, punching and kicking it. The slow-moving strange bird could not keep up with Wu Ke's punches and kicks. Due to the speed of his legs, he can only be beaten passively, and others can't even intervene. Other players don't even dare to use skills anymore, for fear of accidentally injuring their teammates.

The whole scene was extremely violent, and it looked like Wu Ke was beating up the strange bird one-sidedly, except...

"But boss, your health bar seems to be dropping all the time..."

The only alchemy player in the team couldn't help but open his mouth in the team microphone.


Wu Ke was still screaming strangely, his face was flushed, his expression was excited, and his eyes were excited. He was obviously addicted to fighting and couldn't help but feel the pleasure of punching to the flesh. He didn't care about any words from his teammates and only focused on crazy output.

The auxiliary equipment repair player in the team stared at the strange bird again and again, and then said: "And this is a dead bird, right?"

Nietzsche also shouted: "Fahai! Don't get entangled with it! It's pointless! Your health bar is about to bottom out!"

"Fahai" is Wu Ke's stage name. Although Wu Ke has a name, due to his unique aesthetics, weird temperament and addicted to fighting character, everyone always thinks that calling him "Fahai" is more approachable. After all, he is called "Baldhead" "It's easy to cause ambiguity...

Wu Ke still listened to Nietzsche's words.

He reluctantly retracted his fists and feet and landed on the ground - his mana bar was not enough to sustain the consumption of flying in the air.

The strange bird did not chase him, and he did not know whether the bird was really dead. Anyway, after being beaten for so long, there was not a single good feather on its body, but it still rushed towards Nietzsche and others stupidly.

Nietzsche saw that the strange bird was too difficult to deal with, so he gestured and asked everyone to land and dodge.

Several players looked at each other, and fell to the ground one after another, and the strange bird turned and also crashed into the ground.

The alchemy player in the team complained: "Why is this thing haunting us? It's disgusting!"

The weapon player suggested: "There are many trees here anyway. If it doesn't work, just move around and see if you can get it stuck somewhere. After all, it looks like it doesn't have a very smart head..."

The magic player followed up with a dirty talk: "It doesn't seem to have a head at all, right?"

"Is it an invisible head?"

"I've only heard of invisible wings..."

However, before everyone could say a few more words, the strange bird that had just approached the ground was suddenly tied up by several thick vines that came out of the soil, and then it was dragged and pulled into the soil, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If there were not a few broken feathers scattered on the ground, everyone would think that everything just now was an illusion!


A player swallowed his saliva, trembling his throat, and asked carefully in the team microphone: "Just now...what the hell was that just now!?" (End of this chapter)

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