Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 282 Humanoid Power Bank

After the teleportation array was arranged, Nietzsche ordered a few players with long hands to attack monsters.

Although the pressure was always there, except for being forced to freeze for a while at the beginning, the players gradually got used to the feeling of sluggish movement, complaining and flying in the wind.

There were headless people wandering on the ground, and no one dared to land rashly. Several players could only fly over together and approach the BOSS cautiously.

Although there is red mist everywhere underground, the visibility is not too low. As we get closer and closer to the BOSS, the appearance of the BOSS is gradually revealed through the fog.

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It was a huge, deformed monster, its entire body made of blackened bones. The winding spine was connected to each other by skulls. The long and narrow head was made of various broken bones. The skull was exposed. There were two dark eye sockets, empty inside. Next to the spine, there is a pair of bone wings connected. The two bone wings are several meters wide at first glance. If they were unfolded, they would be at least ten meters long.

According to legend, Yinglong has no horns and wings, so this man-made monster also has no horns and wings. Its long body twists on the ground, and its bone wings rise and fall with the rhythm of "breathing".

Looking carefully, under its head, under the spine not far from the bone wings, there is actually a blood-red spherical object wrapped in it, which expands and shrinks with the rhythm of the monster's ups and downs, just like a heart.

That is not actually a heart, but a "dragon ball".

"Dragon Balls?"

Fang Xianyu didn't know much about the dragon clan, but he still knew that most dragon beads were gold or silver-white, and they would not emit such strong and disturbing resentment.

"Obviously it's a fake dragon ball made by someone," Junchou explained: "It's used to help this fake Yinglong collect the power of the soul."

Fang Xianyu was so blessed that he finally realized: "I understand, the reason why these headless people are in a state of both life and death is because there is a fetal light remaining in the body. The underground spiritual stone mine can continuously produce spiritual energy to repair these headless people." The human fetal soul of light, and this fake dragon relies on this fake dragon ball to continuously absorb the power of the headless human fetal soul. As time goes by, this fake dragon will transform sooner or later...or rather evolve, and sooner or later it will succeed! "

After analyzing this, she gritted her teeth: "Wonderful! Really wonderful! The person who designed this 'ecosystem' is really a genius! This is using people as humanoid 'power banks'!"

"As expected of Taiyin... The leader of the Taiyin Sect can actually guess right," Jun Chou complimented casually before adding: "However, the soul left in the headless man's body is not the fetal light, but the ghost. Refined."

After hearing this, Fang Xianyu's expression became even colder.

People have three souls and seven souls. This is almost a well-known fact in the Guixu world, and it is also an objective fact.

The three souls are the Heavenly Soul Embryo Light, the Earthly Soul Shuangling and the Living Soul Youjing.

The Heavenly Soul Embryo Light Palm dictates that when a person is born, this Heavenly Soul will be born, so it is called "Fetal Light", and because it exists innately, it is also called "Celestial Soul". When a person loses his soul, he also loses his life. Under normal circumstances, a soul without fetal light cannot even seize the body.

The earth soul Shuangling palms the spiritual wisdom. After the fetal light is born, the Shuangling will slowly condense and grow. This is also the reason why the younger the children, the more foolish and ignorant they are. In the Blue Star world, it is explained that the brain is not fully developed, while in the In the Guixu Realm, it is explained that Shuang Ling has not fully grown.

The spirit of the living soul controls the mind. As the name suggests, it controls various spiritual aspects such as the desire to survive and perseverance. Existences such as ghosts mostly retain ghost spirits and can survive in the form of souls. The ghost spirit is also the most powerful, solid, and vital soul among the three souls. It is the only one that can exist independently from the other two souls when it has no body, so it is also called the "living soul." .

As for the seven souls, they each have their own specialties. According to the most widely circulated saying in Central Continent, they are the Corpse Dog Soul, the Fu Ya Soul, the Bird Yin Soul, the Thief Swallowing Soul, the Non-Poison Soul, the Evil Soul, and the Stinky Lung Soul. However, within the Ten Continents and Three Islands, the names for the three souls and seven souls are different in various places, but the general understanding and division of them are not too obvious.

No matter what, this behavior of sealing living souls and ghosts in headless bodies and turning people into immortal monsters is really heinous. When he thought about how many years these poor people had been trapped here as "power banks", Fang Xianyu could hardly restrain his murderous intention.

On the other side, players who knew nothing about these things were discussing the monster's heels enthusiastically——

"Is it a snake with wings? It looks scary!"

"It doesn't feel that long. That head looks like a dragon's skull?"

"Speak as if you have seen a dragon..."

"I haven't seen it, but there are posts on the forum, and there are screenshots of the hand-drawn drafts of the dragon bones, which are indeed similar to this!"

"Wow! Bone dragon!? So cool!"

"A winged dragon? This is the child of Ao Guang and Alduin!? A hybrid between a large lizard and a sea loach!?"

"God damn Ao Guang and Alduin..."

While several players were talking dirty words, several people ordered by Nietzsche were gradually approaching the BOSS.

The transformation of the human heart into the Tao is a method of cultivation, and his hand count is one of the longest players in the group. After he and several other players approached the BOSS, they were the first to launch an attack and hit the BOSS with a thunder technique.

However, the expected BOSS activation did not occur. The monster was struck by lightning, but it seemed to be unhurt. It ignored the players hovering above its head, and even its "breathing" did not change.

Renxin Huadao and the other players looked at each other, all with puzzled faces.

Then, several people attacked the monster again in tacit understanding. Thunder tactics, fireballs, various talismans and flying swords were used randomly, but the BOSS still did not even glance at them, and still lay there quietly, as if an old monk in meditation, with no perception of the outside world.

This stunned all the players, and some immediately questioned: "Captain, is this a bug? The BOSS completely ignores people!"

"Maybe it's a welfare copy!"

"Maybe it's a new adventure! I always have an illusion that I'm going to get rich!"

Nietzsche also hesitated for a moment, and simply said: "Maybe this is a standing BOSS, everyone go and stand and fight!"

With Nietzsche's order, the players rushed over excitedly, showing their magical powers, and started to output fiercely to the BOSS.

But this BOSS has a lot of blood. Everyone worked hard for several minutes, and the thick blood bar only reduced a little blood. The bones on its body are harder than iron, and all kinds of magic and weapons cut on it, without even a scratch!

What the players don't know is that, in fact, the monster whose blood skin was beaten down was not broken at all! (End of this chapter)

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