Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 30 Report Letter

After putting a pile of scrap copper and iron and fake and inferior elixirs on the sect store, Fang Xianyu took a deep breath and placed the statue of Jiaomu Xingjun in the Xingjun Hall that had been prepared long ago - a small side hall that had been built with system energy during the update. The space inside was very small and could accommodate at most a dozen people, but it was more than enough to worship a few immortals.

Xingjun Hall was not open to players. Regarding this, Fang Xianyu specially set up a special "restriction" in all puppets.

This restriction was engraved in the players' consciousness through the "cross-world network" connected by system energy and acted on the puppets. Just like the code in the data game, once the players' exploration was about to exceed the range of activities defined by Fang Xianyu, the restriction would be automatically triggered. At this time, the players would find that they could not control the characters and could only watch the characters walk towards the sect's station until they were more than 100 meters away from the edge.

Fang Xianyu even added a voice prompt with a sense of humor: "The area ahead is not open yet, please come back to explore later!"

This Star God Hall was also added with similar restrictions, and it was a "forbidden area" that players could not enter.

After all, if any player had a whim to study the method of worshipping immortals and gods, and then worshipped Jiao Mu Star God on a whim... God knows what weird things these alien tumors can do!

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π”±π”΄π”¨π”žπ”«.𝔠𝔬π”ͺ

It was seven o'clock on Wednesday night, and Fang Xianyu had just set up the altar and made final preparations in front of the statue of Jiao Mu Star God.

However, this time is calculated by Blue Star. In fact, according to Guixu Realm, it should be the hour of Xu on Shui Yao Day, which corresponds to Jiao Su, which is from seven to nine o'clock on Wednesday night in the Gregorian calendar on Blue Star.

This means that although this world is similar to the calendar of Blue Star, it actually uses the ancient calendar of Blue Star, which is very similar to many ancient calendars of China. However, the specific calendar used in Guixu Realm is slightly different according to the differences in the cultures dominated by different continents, islands and small worlds.

In Zhongzhou, where many star gods are worshipped, the Zhongzhou calendar, also known as the "Star Calendar", is generally used. It calculates the hour star, day star, month star and year star. It is a relatively complex calendar, but it is very suitable for the practice of magic such as inviting gods.

In the Star Calendar, in addition to the twelve hours of a day, there is also the concept of "a week", but in Guixu Realm, it is not called "a week", but is called "Seven Yaos" or "Seven Yuans". That is, the sun, the moon and the five elements, a total of seven days, constitute a small cycle, which is the "Seven Yao Days".

The seven days correspond to the Gregorian calendar of the Blue Star: Sunday is Sunday, Monday is Monday, Tuesday is Tuesday, Wednesday is Wednesday, Thursday is Thursday, Friday is Friday, and Saturday is Saturday.

In the calculation of the time star, the stars rotate in each hour, and the seven days have a total of 84 hours, which makes the 28 stars rotate three times. In the whole cycle, starting from the Zi hour, Xu Ri Shu, and ending at the Hai hour, Nv Tu Fu, it is a Yuan Jia Zi.

Therefore, according to the calculation, the time in a week that can accurately communicate with the Jiao Mu Star Lord is the noon hour of the moon, the Xu hour of the water day, and the Yin hour of the earth day. However, it should be noted that the noon hour of the moon day is a Fu Duan, which is a very bad time. You can only offer sacrifices, not communicate, otherwise it will cause disasters.

In addition, in the star calendar, the stars also rotate in the day, month, and year. The corresponding three are the calculations of the day star, the month star, and the year star. When it is the turn of the star god to take charge of the day, month, or year, the behaviors of inviting gods and offering sacrifices to the corresponding star gods will be particularly smooth. At the same time, at this time, the monks who worship the corresponding star gods will also feel very relaxed when performing rituals and practicing.

Fang Xianyu's luck is pretty good. Today is a water day. As long as she waits until the hour of Xu, she can "report" to the God of Jiaomu and let the Taiyin Sect have a name in front of him. From now on, it will be officially regarded as a sect under the protection of gods.

After the hour of Xu, she placed two yellow seals with the Taiyin Sect's spiritual seal in front of the statue of the God of Jiaomu, and placed dragon bone powder, obsidian, and some spiritual plants of the five elements of water around them according to the directions - these are the indispensable ritual items for communicating with the gods through sacrifices and offerings. The specific items will vary according to the different duties of the gods to be communicated.

Of course, this is not a phone call. This method does not allow people to talk directly with immortals and gods, but it strengthens the "channel" of communication between immortals and gods, so that the items offered can be received smoothly by immortals and gods.

For example, Fang Xianyu submitted two petitions in the envelope. One is a request to allow Taiyin Sect to worship Jiaomu Star Lord. The core content can be summarized in four words: "Big brother, please protect me."

The other is a "report letter", which roughly means: I report! There is a man-eating giant in the jurisdiction of your Jiaomu Star Lord! It's right in front of our Taiyin Sect! Guarding next to a Jiuyou passage! The Guangcheng Sect above is too weak to control that guy! But we are just a group of mortals who have not even established their foundation! I'm going to die! Help! (Danger, danger! Help!)

Well... she wrote it specifically for urgency, don't ask, if you ask, I'm just a cultivator who has established my foundation, so scared! I don't understand!

After chanting the corresponding offering scriptures, it took less than an hour - this time was mainly to allow Jiaomu Xingjun to finish reading the petition in the sealed tube. Then, Fang Xianyu began to try to light the incense that had been prepared long ago.

Three incense sticks trembled and burned, and the barely perceptible sparks on the top of the incense seemed to burn reluctantly, but fortunately they could be lit, which meant that Jiaomu Xingjun had received the two petitions and replied "read".

As for why they burned so reluctantly...

Maybe Jiaomu Xingjun didn't want to work overtime...

As Fang Xianyu lit all the incense sticks, a golden light flashed on the altar, and a shiny black scale appeared on it, revealing an ancient and heavy atmosphere, and a faint pressure. However, Fang Xianyu is now considered to be Jiaomu Xingjun's side, so this kind of pressure is not scary to her, but rather friendly.

Fang Xianyu deduced that this should be Jiaomu Xingjun's scales. Judging from the state of its roots, it is very likely that it was plucked on the spot...

At the height of immortals and gods, things that have been used casually can be stained with some specialness, and the existence of scales is equivalent to an extremely high-level magic weapon. Even if the power of the immortal gods inside dissipates, it is still a rare and unique material for refining tools and elixirs.

When Fang Xianyu just touched the scale, he naturally understood its function in his mind - it turned out that this was the medium of a clone of Jiao Mu Xingjun, and it could be used to "invite gods"!

This chapter was so valuable that it took me more than ten hours! It took me a long time to find information, and I still couldn't understand the information I found! Damn it! Finally, after harassing several Taoist priests, I met a kind Taoist priest who taught me after learning Yan Qin (a kind of numerology for divination)... About 50%. This thing is so difficult to learn. I learned it for a long time QAQ

Yan Qin is the prototype of the Xingxiu calendar written in it. Of course, the so-called Xingxiu calendar was compiled by me based on Yan Qin (yearly, monthly, daily, and hourly)!

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