Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 32 Killing Pigs

This was the first time for Lani to enjoy such treatment like the stars and the moon.

He is just an ordinary person in reality, and being able to qualify for the closed beta test of "Ten Continents" can be regarded as the highlight of his life, even though he didn't know that Fang Xianyu was operating behind the scenes, specifically based on the length of the game and the number of games played. Style selected.

As a child who grew up in a rural area, Lani also helped fellow villagers build houses in the countryside - their village was not the kind of village full of villas in economically developed areas, but a truly backward, poor and rustic village. In villages, most of the villages are related to each other. If someone builds a house, the villagers who have the strength will go and help them during the slack time.

Lani had done this before, not to mention that his father was a well-known contractor in the town. After graduating from high school and failing to go to college due to an accident, he was thrown into the construction site by his biological father to move bricks. It was euphemistically called to experience it. The hard work of physical labor... At that time, the old man couldn't remember that his son had also been used to doing farm work since he was a child.

In short, due to various objective factors, it is not surprising that the house built by Lani in "Ten Continents" is indeed very stylish and has attracted many players.

But this only lasted a day or two.

Because the next morning, two new players who had reached level 10 within a day brought a large group of indigenous NPCs from Taiping Town and several oxcarts, which made everyone curious.

Soon, after inquiring, the players understood the situation.

It turns out that this group of people are villagers from Taiping Town. They were hired by two "immortals" (players) from the town for a large price to help them build houses.

In addition to basic building materials such as wood, there are also various paints, glazed tiles, Guangcheng jade and other materials pulled on the oxcart!

Wang Ergou relied on his incredible social skills to get the drawings that the two players showed the NPC!

Not to mention, the house on the drawing is really beautiful, with the feel of a modern Chinese garden, and it occupies a large area. It looks like it has at least five acres of land! A rough count shows that there are dozens of houses in the building complex in the drawing!

It is said that those two players spent huge sums of money to specially design the drawings in reality!

The Jade Emperor secretly smacked his lips in the face of such power, and secretly asked Wang Ergou: "Brother Gou, how much did they spend on the NPCs in total?"

"About this number!"

Wang Ergou made a five sign with his hand.

The Jade Emperor's eyes widened: "Fifty taels!?"

Wang Ergou rolled his eyes: "I want to eat shit! Of course it's five hundred taels!"

The Jade Emperor was shocked and asked: "How did they come up with so much money!?"

Wang Ergou scratched his head and showed a hesitant expression, as if he didn't understand: "I said I had to sell all the equipment to get enough..."

"Isn't this sick!?" The Jade Emperor was even more shocked: "Without equipment, you can't even fight the monsters in the wild!"

This is true. This mountain forest is very rich in resources, and there are countless beasts in the mountains. Like the enhanced wild boar that accidentally broke into the player's settlement, it is everywhere, and it appears in groups. However, its real official name is "Zhongzhou Giant Pig", which is translated into Chinese as "big pig" and "Zhongzhou Specialty".

This kind of pig has rough skin, thick flesh, and long tusks. It is extremely fast, powerful, and weighs over a thousand kilograms. Even a Qi Refining monk cannot get under its hooves!

If you encounter him without any equipment, you are basically waiting to die!

"Who knows what they think!"

Wang Ergou spread his hands, and then he said excitedly: "However, I asked around and found that although the price they built is ridiculous, if you only build one house, the labor and materials are only five taels of silver. ! Even if you build a courtyard, it only costs a dozen taels!”

"Take, take the young master!?"

"Fifty taels! The price of a pig! You can't believe it!"

Wang Ergou rubbed his hands, so excited that he was even a little obscene.

There are many wild boars here in Taiyin Mountain that can be sold separately and sold for ten taels of silver. The last one was carried to Taiping Town by Zhao Qing. For convenience, it was sold to the butcher in the town at a low price. It was sold by the pound. Nearly fifteen taels of silver! Just for running errands, Lani gave Zhao Qing a tael!

The Jade Emperor burst into flames, his eyes gleaming with salivation: "Then what are you waiting for! Let's go, Brother Dog! Kill the pig!"

Wang Ergou did not get carried away by the temptation of the pig. He touched his chin and thought: "Wait a minute, we still have to form a group. That thing is a bit fierce, and we can easily fall over."

"Then I'll recruit you!"

The Jade Emperor was particularly active. As he spoke, he clicked on the recruitment panel and hung up the recruitment: [Form a group to kill pigs to make money and build a house. Come quickly, 2 and 3, equally divided! 】

"Why are you so anxious? Let's ask Lao Han and Second Senior Sister first!"

"It's okay. I'll hang him up first and not let him go until he asks Lao Han and they will let him go!"

In the end, Wang Ergou and the Jade Emperor still failed to form Han Yi and Zhao Qing. The former is forced by the pressure of reality and is practicing the basic marksmanship in the Hundred Soldiers Training. The latter was just captured by NPC Baili Shuang and went to Xiaozao to take a one-on-one private lesson in cultivating immortality.

Fortunately, among the three people who joined the group, there was an acquaintance, and it was Ling Ran who was jokingly called the fastest man in the server.

Seeing that this player who didn't talk much seemed to be very reliable, Wang Ergou decisively took off his shoes and lent them to him. can be regarded as fulfilling the original promise, right?

Soon, several people discovered a group of wild boars not far from the birth point.

This kind of giant wild boar from Central Asia is a social animal, and most of them live in groups, usually consisting of one boar, two to three sows and their cubs.

What Wang Ergou's team encountered was a standard wild boar group of three adult wild boars and a dozen wild boar cubs.

In the team channel, Wang Ergou muttered: "It's really unbalanced these days. Every pig has two wives, but I can't find a girlfriend..."

One player said with a smile: "You mean you are worse than a pig?"

Wang Ergou chose to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to himself: "What, you are better than a pig? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"It hurts my heart..."

The few of them chatted and did not delay in taking action according to the agreed upon tactics.

A player who practiced earth magic tried his best to build several walls of earth around the wild boars. The best-equipped Wang Ergou attracted hatred at the only reserved exit. The other players used their skills, Spells and talismans prepared in advance were fired at wild boars wildly, and the fastest one was responsible for driving away the little wild boars - don't think that the cubs will be let go, it's all just free money!

This is Plan 1, which failed after everyone executed it for less than half a minute.

The main reason is that the wild boars showed pig contempt for the earth wall that the players had worked hard to gather, and then the boar took the lead and rammed into the earth wall one after another. The earth wall that looked very strong was easily destroyed. The boars crashed.

Also broken together was Wang Ergou's heart.

"When the individual strength is strong enough, all fancy means are just paper tigers."

In the team channel, Wang Ergou learned from the pain and reviewed the tragic failure: "Human abilities have limits. I have learned one thing from this short life. The more scheming a person is, the more likely he will fall. Unless it’s something beyond humankind...”

"Have you decided not to be a human being?"

"Ahem...I decided to use fire coverage!"


"Our ancestors have taught us a truth long ago."


"If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse. If you are rich, you can cover it with firepower! How many 'Watts' are left from the last time?"

Yay! I am awesome! Updated on time! ! !

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