Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 36 Flying Bamboo Raft

"I got the bamboo raft! Brothers, I'll go try it first, you wait here, if it works I'll come back to find you!"

[I hope readers remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

Wang Ergou, who borrowed the bamboo raft in a few words, left a word and turned around and jumped off the cliff - using the wind control technique to jump off the mountain to hurry on the way is the fastest way for players to go down the mountain. It is impossible to walk. Who would walk with legs? Even if the mana is empty, you have to squeeze out the last bit of spiritual power and jump forward suddenly. It's much faster than walking!

Even if the mana is empty, it's impossible to walk, whether you meditate in the cracks of the stone, on the branches of the tree, or even on the roof. You can either fly and jump, or meditate on the spot for a while and then fly and jump.

In the days when everyone just learned the wind control technique, the cliff of the sect’s residence was lined with players waiting to jump off the cliff. Even though there were often players who fell to their death because they didn’t master the wind control technique well, the cliff was still crowded with people, all wanting to experience the “feeling of flying”.

Jumping down from the cliff, then using spiritual power to roll up the wind, lift yourself up, and then slowly landing - based on the size and sound of the dust stirred up by landing, as well as the posture of landing, the players even privately divided them into levels out of boredom.

The king-level landing can hardly bring up a trace of dust, and there is no sound, and it is best to have a more chic posture - for example, when Wang Ergou landed accurately next to Lani’s house, he knelt on one knee, holding a long sword in his hand, which was a decorative sword in any way, and threw it behind him.

Lani pointed to the side expressionlessly: "Here, the bamboo raft you asked for."

Wang Ergou, who showed off but no one was impressed, stood up awkwardly and coughed lightly: "Ahem, thank you Lani, we'll give you some rewards when we come back from the mission!"

"It's okay, just remember to pay it back."


The game "Ten Continents" is very free, you can do almost anything you can do in real life.

This is known to the whole network.

However, every time a post in the game forum reaches a new high in popularity, it will constantly refresh the three views of netizens.

This time, in a post that was manually pinned by netizens' comments, the most eye-catching picture was an ugly bamboo raft.

Who hasn't seen a bamboo raft? Even if you haven't seen it in real life, you can see many photos of it on the Internet.

But a bamboo raft flying in the air, this is really no one has ever seen!

In the screenshots, a group of players looked up with shocked and dazed expressions, their mouths opened wide at the same time, and above their heads was a crudely made bamboo raft, which was quite ugly.

The bamboo raft floated in the air, with a bamboo pole on it, and a tattered piece of cloth tied to the pole. Next to the bamboo pole stood a frequent visitor in the screenshots and videos of the game forum: Wang Ergou.

The comment area was already blown up, and the floors had already reached 999+, and it was impossible to count them.

"Fuck, Brother Dog has come up with something new again!"

"Good guy! I'm calling him good guy! Even if you want to make a legendary flying boat, can't you make a more beautiful and imposing one? Making such a small broken bamboo raft looks too shabby, right?"

"That's right!"

Some players also enthusiastically supported the small bamboo raft in the forum comments: What do you know! This bamboo raft is our players' treasure! It's our group pet! Most of our players have favored it! Moreover, even if it is a bamboo raft, you probably can't make it. Do you know how to tie a bamboo raft in real life? "

The cloud player whose avatar is a bearded man said: "I can't, but our Gege will definitely know how to do it! If he can't do it, I will urge him to learn it! Right, Ergou Gege?"

"Help, there's a gay guy!"

"What? A gay guy? Then I'm even more excited, okay! ”

Time went back to a few hours ago.

Wang Ergou used his spiritual power to control the bamboo raft with several light body talismans attached. It was a little shaky at first, but after adapting for a while, he could control it smoothly.

Then, the Jade Emperor and others who had been waiting at the gate of Taiyin Temple for a while saw the bamboo raft flying from the cliff and Wang Ergou "driving" the "flying bamboo raft" amidst exclamations and noisy discussions.

The "wow" sounds came one after another nearby. When Wang Ergou saw someone taking screenshots, he even posed a few poses that he thought were very handsome.

After flying around Taiyin Temple for several circles in a row, Wang Ergou controlled the bamboo raft to land slowly, enjoying the flattery of the surrounding players with a smile harder than AK.

"Brother Gou, I want to go up and play too!"

"Brother Gou, Brother Gou! I gave you a new video with one-click triple-click, let me go up! "

Wang Ergou was secretly happy, but he said calmly on the surface: "Don't worry, don't worry, wait for me to finish the task and come back, and I will bring everyone up to experience it one by one! And you can also learn [Carrying], which is very simple to operate!"

Many players suddenly realized: "Ah! It turned out to be [Carrying]! Thank you, Brother Gou! I will try it in the sect library later!"

The sect library can be entered with the disciple token. Most of the secret books and magic books in it are open, and you don’t even need to contribute to the sect. You can learn it at will.

But the problem is, this "self-study" really means "self-study"!

It’s not like in other games, where you can read a bar, flip through a book, gain reading experience, and then you can learn it. Instead, you really need to read the text inside, understand it, and then you can learn it.

Even if you have learned it in theory, you still need to practice it and practice more. Only when you are proficient can you be considered to have truly mastered it.

This hardcore gameplay has caused many players to angrily criticize the planners in the game forums, but the official has always continued to play dead and completely ignored the scolding, which also made everyone very helpless.

However, it does not mean that all spells have to be learned by yourself.

In addition to the skills given in the opening task, after the 10th level of Qi into the body and the spiritual root is tested, two secret books will be given in the task rewards, one for the five elements of magic and one for cultivation. These two books are traditional, and you can learn by reading the bar, and you can gain experience by meditating or using skills more. It is a guarantee for players.

In addition, in daily tasks and some sudden tasks of some sects-such as helping the eldest sister find things and helping the eldest brother wash vegetables, you may also get some low-level magic secrets. Among them, the one with the highest delivery rate is the Wind Controlling Technique. A few days ago, I was able to tear up a copy of the cheat book for 100 RMB offline. After almost all players got it, it suddenly dropped to 5 RMB per copy, and no one bought it yet - after all, they have learned everything they should learn.

Although there is a guaranteed minimum for the skills of magic, the random setting makes it a bit difficult for players - there are always skills that they don't like, but the cheat book is still bound and cannot be traded freely, which is a bit uncomfortable.

[Transport] This skill, so far, seems to be a skill that Wang Ergou has drawn exclusively, at least I haven't heard of other players drawing it, otherwise Wang Ergou wouldn't be so handsome and outstanding again and again.

Of course, it is said that you can go to the sect library to learn, but...

"Can you learn it! The dog planner is not a human! Who can learn those heavenly books by themselves!"

"Second Senior Sister can!"

"How can it be the same! She is a fucking uncle party!"

"If you are not good at it, practice more!"


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