Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 44: Have you violated the law of heaven?

Then, another player typed: "Don't be too emotional, this is just a game! (Sunglasses emoji)"

"Take off your sunglasses if you can!"

"If you ask me to take them off, I will take them off, but I will be very embarrassed! (Sunglasses emoji)"

"I took them off for him, here! (Tears emoji)"

While the players were enthusiastically discussing the composition of the dog planner family members, Wang Ergou's private chat suddenly flashed.

"I am Sister Wang's person. There are new instructions in the group just now. I will send them to you briefly. You can use your own words to guide the players."

Wang Ergou suddenly got a start: "Understood!"

As the earliest player to be recruited, Wang Ergou certainly knew that there were not only recruited players in the game, but also members of the project team who mixed in later. However, there were several task groups with different focuses in the entire project team, so they did not know who they were in the game.

More importantly, Wang Ergou grew up in the Northeast and had a good political sensitivity. The sudden private chat made him realize that this matter might be more important than he thought.

Under what circumstances would a game receive such serious attention, and even a project team would be set up for it?

And under what circumstances would this game task be taken seriously by the project team, so much so that they would "assign a task" to themselves temporarily?

Is this task really a "story" made up by the dog planner?

For a moment, Wang Ergou's mind seemed to be tangled with a ball of yarn, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

"You can guide everyone by saying that the task emphasizes blessing, and also emphasizes that the so-called gods who were sacrificed before are evil demons, which means that the player group designed by the game officials must be righteous as a whole, and the main thing is to guide players to abide by the law in the game.

"In addition, regarding the construction of the village into a sect resident, you should think of a way to take on this task. The subsequent group will give a specific implementation plan and send people to help you implement it.

"And the most important thing is, since the village is blessed by the Taiyin Sect, which is mainly composed of players, remember, no sacrifices, no head tax, no free trade zone... Forget it, Auntie Wang will call you to a meeting to discuss this after you log off the game. In short, follow the standard of 'don't take a single needle or thread from the people'."

Wang Ergou's scalp numbed after reading the long paragraphs of text. He quickly replied with a "received", then cleared his throat and said in the group microphone: "Well, everyone, listen to my opinion first!"

Wang Ergou has a good reputation in the game circle. He is cheerful and generous, and never lets fans or teammates suffer, so the players are very respectful to him: "Brother Gou, you say!"

"Well, this is what I think. Everyone knows that this game has a good impression degree value, and it will have a very important impact on the game revenue. I don’t know if you have tried it. Bad behaviors such as stealing in the game will either result in being locked up in a small dark room or losing NPC favorability, so I think that the overall atmosphere of this game is still positive. ”

A player followed up with his own painful lesson: "Indeed, last time I stole a chicken from an NPC, the NPC chased me for ten miles, and I was taken to apologize by the senior sister. Not only did she deduct 50 favorability from me, but she also asked me to pay compensation!"

"It’s so funny, brother, your chicken is a bit expensive!"

"So, the emperor is not the player with the lowest NPC favorability in the entire server now?"

"It’s not been a long time ago. I heard that Brother Gou is the one. Huang Gong has a -100 favorability towards him. Brother Gou wants I can't even see him after I licked him back!"

"Brother Gou is so miserable hahaha!"

Wang Ergou saw the teasing in the team channel, his face turned black, and he said: "Go away, I did that for you! Just tell me if you enjoyed the salary you got when you beat the BOSS last time! Really!"

"Okay, okay, Brother Gou is generous!"

Wang Ergou said disdainfully: "Don't be so funny, what I mean is, for this mission now, we have to act - I helped the NPC in Taiping Town carry a bucket of water home last time, and until now, every time she passes by, she will take the initiative to say hello and give me food, so what I mean is, please have a higher moral standard in the game, even if you are acting, act like a good person, at least like a human being, okay?"

"What!? The earthlings found out that I am not a human! ? "

" Wake up, you just don't do your job. "

"I used to have no choice, now I just want to be a good person!"

Wang Ergou ignored the sand sculpture players who kept talking nonsense, and continued to fool everyone according to the instructions: "Then, there is this construction of the sect's residence, which is to help the villagers with the construction. I recommend myself and I will be in charge. I will go back to the real world and pay someone to come up with a set of plans and so on. Then I will take everyone to get the rewards together. Anyway, this task can be shared infinitely. Then all the players in the server will get the rewards together. What do you think?"

"Of course it's better to get the rewards with a big guy!"

"That's right, Brother Gou is going to use his money power!"

"There are so many rich people in this world, why can't there be one more me?"

"I will fight with all you rich people!"

“Finally,” Wang Ergou glanced at the words in the private chat and raised his voice: “We are Chinese, we should behave like Chinese! What era is it, and we still have sacrifices and taxes? We are all modern Chinese who have received nine years of compulsory education. As for looking at the few melons and dates in the hands of these NPCs who can’t even afford meat? Moreover, who knows if there are any hidden values ​​in this game? What if there are some hidden values ​​of morality, justice, etc., then it will be more trouble than gain. If you want to sneak in, you can’t do it. 5 to steal and touch, right? Of course I don't discriminate against the cancerous gameplay. I was also a famous cancerous Skyrim in Rolling 15. I slaughtered the Brotherhood alone many times, but the game "Ten Continents", it... well, I can't say, anyway, I think it's inappropriate..."

"Why do I feel that Brother Gou has something to say?"

"Hush, those who understand will understand, and those who don't understand will not explain much. After all, it's good to know it yourself. Think about it carefully. Don't ask me what's wrong. The interests are too big. It's not good for you and me to tell you. Just pretend you don't know. The rest I can only say that there are many things involved. "

"Sister, you went to the wrong set. It's next door."

"Brothers, I think what Gou said makes sense. The main thing is that this game may really have hidden values. I want to ask, how many spiritual roots do you all have?"

"Aren't you all single spiritual roots?"

"Look, I'm the only one with double spiritual roots."

"What a coincidence, brother, I also have double spiritual roots!"

"I... five spiritual roots..."

"Fuck, brother, are you breaking the rules! ?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's like this, I found that Zhou After I found out that I was the only one with dual spiritual roots, I asked around and later guessed that it might be because I stole the chicken before testing my spiritual roots... The two brothers above, recall if you have done anything immoral! "

"I sneaked into the senior sister's boudoir and was discovered by her... But I'm a woman!"

"What's wrong with being a woman? Who knows if you're a lesbian!"


"Well... lied to the kid that I'm a god and want to take him as a disciple, but he cuckolded, does that count?"

"Fuck! You really broke the rules of heaven! ?"

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