Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 64 We brought our own dry food

Zhou Qian, who originally worked in a research institute, was engaged in research related to materials science.

Although there are quite a few papers published in various regions and journals in his resume, he is still much inferior to those industry leaders who often study abroad. However, it is precisely because he has no overseas study background that he seems to be more legitimate.

So far, the interaction and communication between the Dragon Group and "Ten Continents" has remained in a restrained state, and each new quota is precious. In order to ensure the smooth confidentiality of the work, and out of some special considerations, Zhou Qian, who is only in his forties and has been taught by an academician, stood out and was successfully selected for the Dragon Group project team.

This is the first time Zhou Qian has experienced a virtual reality game in his forty-year life.

He played a lot of mobile games and terminal games when he was a student, but when virtual reality games became popular, he had already devoted himself to scientific research and had no extra time to contact them.

So, when he learned that the "China Level 1 Confidential Project" he was asked to participate in was actually playing games, he was completely stunned.

When he learned that the game he was going to "play" might actually be a completely new and unknown world, he immediately became ecstatic.

As we all know, the world's science and technology has fallen into a relatively slow development period. Compared with the science and technology that has been booming for more than a hundred years after World War I and World War II, the entire scientific research community has not had any discoveries and achievements that can be called cross-century discoveries for a long time.

What limits the development of science and technology is not the ability of the world's top geniuses - only fools would think that people in the past are smarter than people today.

The real reason is actually very simple - material limitations.

It took less than 150 years from the proposal of the periodic table in 1869 to the successful completion in 2015. In fact, in the 1920s, there were only four elements left in the periodic table, but it was not until 2015 that IUPAC confirmed the artificial synthesis of four new elements, No. 113, No. 115, No. 117 and No. 118.

Since then, human exploration of materials has fallen into a bottleneck period, and can only find new breakthrough directions through the arrangement and combination of microscopic elements such as molecules.

Now, a brand new and unexplored alien world appears before our eyes. What this means is self-evident.

However, Zhou Qian has not had the opportunity to conduct scientific research in this alien world. In addition to the fact that a good cook cannot cook without rice, the project team also needs to send someone to connect with Wang Ergou to help the members of Group 2 (Wang Ergou Group) build the city smoothly and complete the strategic role of guiding and leading other players.

Therefore, Zhou Qian, who is young and inexperienced, was thrown out and had to wander around the "construction site" of Chang'an City.

When he was analyzing the various "technological points" that could be hand-rubbed and improved under the existing conditions and could greatly improve the efficiency of production and construction, a noise suddenly came from a distance.

"My god, all the strong men in our village are here!"

The players who were working hard to move bricks looked over and saw that it seemed to be the NPCs of Shenyou Village. There were more than 30 of them. The youngest one was not even as tall as an adult's chest, and the oldest one was even the village chief.

The players who saw this scene were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out. They gathered in groups of three or four and talked non-stop.

"Fuck! What are these NPCs doing!?"

"I don't know! Are they NPCs from Shenyou Village?"

"Is Brother Gou doing something again?"

"I haven't heard of it?"

"Is he hired to move bricks like the NPCs in Taiping Town?"


Among many speculations, the village chief who was walking in the front finally saw Wang Ergou. His eyes lit up immediately and he greeted him eagerly, saying in a loud voice: "The work in the fields is light these days, and any boy can do it. I heard that the immortals are going to build a city here. If we don't come to help, we will despise ourselves!"

"That's right! Yesterday, an immortal prayed for rain for our medicinal fields, and he didn't even have time to drink water. We feel really bad!"

"Don't worry, immortals. We have prepared our own dry food!"

The NPCs talked at once, and they didn't look timid at all in the past few days.

In a sense, this is also thanks to the players who have no idea of ​​being a person in front of the NPC, which has successfully disenchanted the villagers of Shenyou Village with the "immortal".

However, Wang Ergou, who faced this scene, almost burst into tears.

The plot of Shenyou Village is very tempting to send knives to the dog planner, and the players' mentality of respecting the elderly and pitying the weak has led to everyone being more active than one when doing the group tasks shared by Lu Renya before.

The original rough thatched roofs were all replaced with coarse pottery tiles bought from Taiping Town by the players at their own expense. In order to facilitate the villagers' irrigation, some players spent a night on Zhiwang and dug several ditches with magic.

There are countless spontaneous behaviors like this.

But when the players did those things, they did not consider the emotional feedback from the NPC at all. After all, those were all "task requirements". At most, because of sympathy, they were more active while doing the "task". After getting the task rewards, for the players, the whole plot is over.

Just like in other games, after a plot, players and NPCs no longer have any intersections about the plot. Even in the most detailed games, it is just a casual chat, saying something like "thank you for your help in the past", and the NPC's programmed action trajectory and life rules in the game will not produce any changes related to the players.

But now, this shocking scene seems to tell the players that what they did for the mission is rewarding! It's as if those NPCs are living people, with emotions and memories, who can really have emotional intersections with the players!

Many old players who probably understand what is going on sighed blankly: "It's worthy of AI autonomous evolution. The NPCs in this game are actually so smart!"

On the contrary, Wang Ergou and his friends were not shocked by the "intelligence" of the NPCs because they had guessed it long ago.

However, it was precisely because they guessed something that they were more moved by the behavior of these villagers.

Previously, Wang Ergou and his friends were active in Shenyou Village, in addition to the requirements of the project team, more because of empathy for the suffering people. We are all people who have suffered, and Shenyou Village was even more hopeless at the beginning. The objective existence of immortals, gods, demons and monsters will not care about the thoughts of ordinary mortals as consumables, not to mention that this world has no soil for the independent development of industrial technology.

But this kind of empathy is only a manifestation of self-realization.

We are natural people in a peaceful and beautiful new era. We have the personality and dignity of everyone being like a dragon, so we sympathize with you and help you. In essence, even Wang Ergou has an inexplicable sense of superiority, and even behaves as a "charity" from one party to the other.

However, until this moment, Wang Ergou seemed to have taken a class called "human nature". His heart seemed to be clenched by someone, and an indescribable shame and self-blame surged into his chest, making him almost breathless.

He said blankly: "You..."

The loudest villager grinned, revealing his uneven yellow teeth, which looked a little funny.

He repeated: "We all brought our own dry food!"

There will be another chapter later! But I have to eat first and then write! Throwing tiles! ! !

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