Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 71 I don't want to be bribed either

Compared to the sugar cane without arms and legs, the golden-haired bamboo raccoon walked up to Wang Ergou calmly and in a standing posture, and asked with interest: "Milk tea? Is it a specialty of your other world?"

"Another world!?"

Wang Ergou's eyes widened, he turned around and asked Bai Chenxue and Jia Xiaoren with his eyes, his pupils filled with disbelief.

You kid just sold our hometown! ?

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Just sell it, you two are still looking at me like idiots! ?

Wang Ergou, who was full of inner drama, looked at Bai Chenxue and Jia Xiaoren with eyes that were so clear that they even had a hint of stupidity, which made people feel numb.

The Bamboo Immortal shook the sugarcane leaves and talked about the whole story: "The child said that you are from another world. He also said that you can all be resurrected. He said that we are 'Ai Ai', which is quite interesting. But I survived. This is the first time in thousands of years that I have seen a human race walking in the Guixu Realm as a puppet. It’s interesting!”

Hearing Ganzhe's words, Wang Ergou breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he felt an inexplicable sense of loss that "it's true."

Think about it, if he is working well at Blue Star, and suddenly someone appears and tells him that he is an AI in the virtual world and all behaviors are designed, then he will definitely suggest that the person go to a mental hospital to do it. After a complete set of checks, I downloaded an anti-fraud APP, posted "bad luck" to the book club in Changshui, and finally ordered a barbecue to calm my shock.

"Ah haha, yes, we are indeed from another world. As for why we use's also because we don't have aura and can't cultivate immortality, so we might as well use puppets to experience it, haha!"

After answering Sugar Cane Essence's words in an evasive manner, Wang Ergou continued to enthusiastically promote the many drinks he brought.

"Come on, seniors, this is honey lemon tea. It is made of honey and lemon. It has a sweet and sour fragrance..."

The golden-haired bamboo raccoon took the lead in picking up the wooden cup containing honey lemon tea, took a sip, smashed it twice and tasted it carefully, then drank the entire cup of honey lemon tea in one go and burped.

It praised: "It really tastes good!"

Then, without waiting for Wang Ergou to continue his sales pitch, he picked up another wooden cup filled with different liquids to drink.

The Bamboo Fairy on the side was very greedy when he saw this, but it had neither a mouth nor arms and legs. Finally, he had an idea and pulled out a few slender roots from the soil, then inserted the roots into the ground and spread them out. In the wooden cup, drink the liquid in the cup.

"Hmm... it's a bit too sweet, but the watermelon one is good! The peach flavor is okay too, but the remaining ones are too sweet! Hiss - why are they gone!?"

The Bamboo Immortal, who "drank" several glasses of drinks in a few seconds, was commenting on the taste. No one noticed that several cups that were only a few dozen centimeters high were empty.

Wang Ergou rubbed his hands and said deliberately: "I'm really sorry that I came in a hurry. Although these milk teas are not of high value, they still take a lot of effort to make. There were only so many left when I came, but the two seniors If you like it, why not live there in our community? We prepare new products for the seniors every day! In addition to these, there are dozens of popular milk teas there, and you can drink them every month!"

The Bamboo Immortal snorted coldly and said: "Humph, I heard it. You wanted to trick us two into going there. Why, did anyone tell you that bamboo civet meat is very valuable? Or is it that the essence of bamboo that has been cultivated for thousands of years is a great tonic? "thing?"

The golden-haired bamboo raccoon corrected: "You are sugar cane."

"No, you two seniors, I have absolutely no intention of doing this!" Wang Ergou hurriedly pointed to the sky and swore: "Our Taiyin Sect is a serious sect under the name of Guangcheng Sect. Besides, who among the cultivators doesn't know that casually killing people has opened their minds? Wise beings will be burdened with karma, suffer disasters during practice, and find it difficult to attain enlightenment. How could we do such a thankless thing!"

What Wang Ergou said, not to mention Bai Chenxue didn't know, even Jia Xiaoren didn't know - they only knew that if you steal or cheat, you would be warned and locked up in a dark room, and if you committed a crime, your account would be banned, so what about murdering (demon) and arson? This kind of thing is even more unthinkable, and this is the first time I heard the explanation in the game.

It's quite reasonable when you think about it. If nothing else, if there is no burden for killing and stealing, then wouldn't this kind of monster, which has become a habit, be regarded as a "treasure of heaven and earth" in another sense? Then the major sects are not allowed to organize demon-slaying activities every day, even eat and drink, and rely on food to cultivate immortality and enlightenment? Then don't call "The Story of Ten Continents" "The Story of Ten Continents", just change it to "Swallowing the Ten Continents"!

Just when the two of them sighed that Wang Ergou was worthy of being a game anchor and even knew the world view settings of the game, Zhuxian said curiously: "Huh? Taiyin Sect is a sect under the name of Guangcheng Sect? How come I haven't heard of it? "

"The small sect has only been established for less than half a year, so it's not worth mentioning." As he said this, Wang Ergou took out his disciple token, raised it high, and pointed the side with the Guangcheng Sect's mark toward the Sugar Cane Spirit and the Bamboo Fox Demon. Displaying it, he added: "This is the disciple card of our sect, and it does have the mark of Guangcheng Sect on it."

Wang Ergou had done this method of proving his identity when he was in Shenyou Village, and he was even more familiar with it now.

The so-called sect's mark is actually a way for small sects and small sects to hug their thighs.

Under normal circumstances, a sect that has a name on the sect will be assigned a talisman that can be marked - it is a kind of magic weapon, and its main purpose is to put the sect's mark on objects to distinguish their identities.

Some extremely large sects have numerous sects under their names, and they are too impatient to remember them one by one, so they simply issue this kind of talisman to these small sects, and let them stamp their clothes, weapons, or things that can prove their identity like the disciple token of the Taiyin Sect, to express the meaning of "we are all one family".

This kind of mark can be activated by inputting spiritual energy, and you will get a glowing feedback. As for the function...


Well, that is to say, after you input spiritual energy into the mark, it emits a specific color of light, which proves that it is authentic.

And this "specific color" is usually "customized" by the sect that issues the mark. Some large sects also divide the sects under their name into levels to distinguish the distance and closeness, so as to issue talismans that will flash different colors of marks to achieve management purposes.

However, for a small sect like Guangcheng Sect, there are not so many particulars. Its mark flashes the most common light golden light. This color of light does not need much processing. Generally, the mark of the refined talisman is naturally this color. In the game, it is commonly known as "plain skin".

Looking at the pattern in front of him that flashes with light golden light, Zhuxian said: "It's really from Guangcheng Sect!"

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