Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 89: Monster Cultivator Recruitment Fair

Zhao Qing reached out and patted Bai Chenxue on the head and said, "Okay, you two, stop arguing and listen to Senior Jin Li first!"

Jin Li smiled and said: "Hahaha, you disciples of the Taiyin Sect are really interesting. In fact, there is nothing to talk about. The fellow Taoists in Xizhuqiu have also said hello. If there is anyone you like, take them to you." Doing things and living among the human race for a period of time is also very beneficial to your practice.โ€

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐“‰๐“Œ๐“€๐’ถ๐“ƒ.๐’ธโ„ด๐“‚]

Bai Chenxue asked curiously: "Huh? Will living among the human race be beneficial to the cultivation of demon cultivators?"

Jin Li asked gently: "My little fellow Taoist, do you know why everything in this world appears human when it becomes an immortal or a god? Whether it is a demon cultivator or a spirit, it is possible to refine bones, speak human words, or even Only when you can transform into a human form can you be considered successful in cultivation?"

Bai Chenxue really hadn't thought about this problem. Hearing this, he was stunned: "Yes, why? Game settings?"

Wang Ergou immediately laughed out loud: "Hahahaha, what a game setting, hahahaha... Ouch!"

Zhao Qing secretly stepped under the stone table and said, "You are the only one who talks a lot! Listen carefully!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter," Jin Li explained with a smile: "Actually, it's because the creatures in the world have been bathed in the grace of the ancestor gods since their birth. The auras of heaven and earth are all guided by the ancestor gods, and the path of cultivation is also pioneered by the ancestor gods. And according to legend, several Thousands of years ago, the ancestor gods were in the form of humans, so all living beings in the world will pursue the appearance of the ancestor gods when they embark on spiritual practice. Just as a fallen demon will gradually transform into a demon, a demon cultivator who has successfully practiced will gradually become like an ancestor god. The closer he gets, the more demonic and animalistic he becomes, becoming more like a human monk."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"So that's it!"

Lu Renya, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly whispered: "It sounds a bit unworthy. Suppose the ancestor god is a big squid, and then we humans continue to cultivate, and we will become more and more like squids, and our habits are like squids." , Isnโ€™t this too scary? Think about it like building a foundation with two tentacles, four golden elixirs, and eight Nascent Souls, and then you become an immortal and like to swim in the water? "It's so scary!"

Jia Xiaoren continued to use his imagination: "Shout to Patrick again, 'Let's go catch jellyfish'?"

Lu Renya sighed: "That's Spongebob! Not a giant squid! The giant squid is eaten by the sea monster!"

"Haha, the Ancestral God is not a big squid, and the Ancestral God is not a human race. Rather than saying that the Ancestral God looks like a human race, it is better to say that the human race was created by the Ancestral God according to his own appearance. But those are all ancient myths. I am afraid that only those big sects There are only a few records about it, but I donโ€™t know much about it.โ€

"Nuwa created humans? Is this game's world view also creationism?"

Zhao Qing shook her head: "This only means that the human race may have been created by the ancestral gods. It does not say that the sun, moon and stars were all created by the ancestral gods. It cannot be considered a creation theory."

Jin Li coughed a few times, drew everyone's attention back, and suggested: "Okay, let's not mention these ancient legends. There are many demon cultivators in Xizhuqiu. What kind of people do you like? I'll call them out for you to see." See."

When Wang Ergou heard this, his heart moved and he couldn't help but look at Zhao Qing beside him.

Zhao Qing obviously thought of something and happened to look over. The two of them winked at each other and said almost in unison: "Job fair!"

As early as in the sect lectures every night, Baili Shuang and other NPCs had taught many times about the common sense of demon cultivation.

Demonic cultivators are actually very unpopular in the spiritual world. Most demonic cultivators find it difficult to break away from their animalistic nature and are known for being "single-minded." There are only a handful of demonic cultivators with fairly good reputations, such as Chiyuan Cave and Qingqiu Kingdom. , among the tens of thousands of large and small sects and forces in the entire ten continents and three islands, there are only a dozen or so places where you can catch a glimpse of the leopard, which can be seen from this.

And more demon cultivators are in a state of struggling to survive in the wild.

Most of the sects that are mainly human race are unwilling to accept them because of their reputation. Even the few sects that have demon cultivators in them accept demon cultivators or half-demon who are mainly from ethnic groups. Even so, Suffering discrimination and cold treatment.

For example, Elder Hu of the Guangcheng Sect and most of the Hu disciples are the descendants of the Fox clan who married outside the Chiyuan Cave. Because they are next to the powerful Chiyuan Cave, they can receive somewhat fair treatment. More demon cultivators from the sect , and are even forced to become mounts and pets for the monks to show off and have fun with.

The demon cultivators in the mountains are free, but they do not have systematic cultivation teachings from their teachers, nor do they have many classics and techniques for them to learn, so their cultivation is more difficult and slow. Even the demon cultivators in Xizhuqiu have heard that It is also the content of the Wild Zen of the Bamboo Immortal Sugarcane Spirit who occasionally encounters it.

Therefore, this opportunity to enter a sect, even a strange sect, is still very rare and precious for the little monsters with low cultivation level.

Zhao Qing and Wang Ergou had just finished speaking. Several other players on the side called them "good guys" and couldn't help but speak fair words:

"Do you really dare to think that you don't even ask for NPCs to come in, and you are picky and want to hold a job fair?"

Wang Ergou proudly showed off: "For them, NPCs are rare, but for our Chang'an community, are they rare? There are hundreds of NPCs living in our Chang'an city!"

Jin Li had never heard of this word before, so when he saw the reaction of several people, he was a little confused: "Job fair?"

Wang Ergou explained enthusiastically: "The job fair is an activity for employers and job seekers to understand and choose each other. Senior, you see, different fellow demon cultivators must be good at different things. We can't let fellow Taoist Butterfly raise pigs." , Let the rabbit demon fellows catch fish, right? So our job fair is to let the demon cultivators introduce themselves to what they are good at, and then talk about salary... well, talk about salary requirements and food and accommodation requirements, such as butterflies Fellow Taoist, I guess you donโ€™t eat meat, right? We have to provide them with nectar, right? Then we can consider which position is more appropriate, right?โ€

Jin Li listened to Wang Ergou's words and nodded frequently: "It makes sense. If that's the case, then I will lead them out to chat with fellow Taoists."

Lu Renya raised his hand excitedly and asked: "Then can I recruit a Taoist friend to help me in my milk tea shop? I can't do it myself!"

Wang Ergou said: "This must depend on the demon cultivator's own wishes. Besides, can you afford it yourself?"

"Ha," Lu Renya made a disdainful sound and said, "The daily turnover of my store is more than three hundred spiritual stones. Two days ago, the senior brother came to me and said that the sect's public chef planned to cooperate with me for a long time. , they order a certain amount of milk tea drinks every day as employee benefit afternoon tea. Just saying this list will scare you to death!โ€

At this time, not only Wang Ergou, but also all the surrounding players made various sharp explosions.

"Snatch, seize the young master? You mean seize the young master!?"

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