Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 145 This is Luo Hong

Xiao Nan's theory was very powerful, but Lu Feng got goosebumps when he heard it. Wasn't this what he just said in the basement?

He just wanted to be a loser, but Lu Feng couldn't show it. He nodded and said matter-of-factly:

"Yeah! Very good! Everyone should despise waste, but you have to go to bed early today, and you have to go on a mission tomorrow. The apocalypse is full of dangers, and I don't want you to have any accidents because you didn't sleep well."

Xiao Nan was shocked after hearing this. She didn't know whether it was because of being praised by Lu Feng or because she had a task tomorrow. She immediately puffed out her chest and said seriously:

"Yes! Chief!"

When she returned to her villa, it was already 2 o'clock in the morning, but Zhou Li did not follow her. There were too many loopholes to check tonight. She wanted to go to the women's dormitory in the townhouse to check out the details of a group of women who had just been rescued. She didn't know, but she was worried about Jiang Yan being there.

Lu Feng sealed everyone's sentry tower windows and made a preliminary observation of the newly selected combat team members.

Although some areas are still relatively rusty, and the vigilance and combat skills need to be improved, the overall appearance is still good, at least in terms of seriousness, it is still relatively good.

Lu Feng thoughtfully walked into the front yard of the villa. Looking at the solar panels that were reflected by the night lights in the yard, Lu Feng thought about the problem of power supply.

Power supply is a very urgent problem and will be dealt with tomorrow. Of course, there are other energy needs waiting to be solved, but he has not thought of a solution yet.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly a black shadow rushed over from the flowerbed next to Lu Feng. The speed was so fast that even a flying man could not match it.

Lu Feng also spotted a black shadow from the corner of his eye, but he turned a blind eye until the black shadow rushed in front of him and roared:


Luna raised her dark head and shouted at Lufeng. Her blue pupils were like two searchlights under the reflection of the light, searching for anything that might be prey in the darkness.

Lu Feng smiled slightly and saw Luna's huge head rubbing against Lu Feng's thigh, and then heard a purr, which was the unique snoring sound of cats.

After wandering around somewhere before returning, Lu Feng remembered that when he was a child in his hometown in the countryside, his domestic cat would run out in the middle of the night.

People go to bars, parties, and various sexual venues in the middle of the night. Cats seem to be the same way. They crawl out in the middle of the night, either catching mice or fighting, and by the way they bark a few more times!

"Hey! How long do you want to lock us up?"

Suddenly a questioning voice came from a corner of the courtyard.

Lu Feng looked up and saw that the voice came from the side room where Zhou Li was previously imprisoned. Standing inside was Bai Ge and his group who had been imprisoned before.

Lu Feng thought about it and realized that they had been locked up for three or four days, so he said calmly:

"I think you may have made something wrong! Now you are my captives, with a status even lower than slaves. I am your master. As a slave, should I speak to my master in a questioning tone?"

In fact, Bai Ge is a standard beauty. Her exotic look is not comparable to that of other women. She is even a few points higher than Zheng Xue and Zhou Li.

However, her condescending manner also disgusted Lu Feng. She always looked at everything with contempt, as if she were some kind of saint.

Lu Feng had the urge to flatten her breasts when he saw her looking like she was worth 25,800 yuan.


As expected, after Lu Feng finished speaking, Bai Ge stood there trembling with anger, but he didn't know how to refute Lu Feng.

As the ancients say, everyone has fists and feet, I have a big stick, everyone holds a stick, I have a sword, everyone is armed with armor, I have thousands of troops and horses, and I am proud of the world!

Lu Feng is now the one holding the big stick:

"There's nothing fancy about it, even if you were a professional elite before the end of the world, a company boss with a net worth of over 100 million."

"But in the last days, there is only one thing that matters, and that is whether you can run fast enough, whether you have the strength to lift the axe, and whether you can kill zombies. If not, then use your only advantage."

"Yes! I'm talking about your body. This world is very real. Without capital, you don't deserve to live. If you want to live, you have to consider what you can do to impress me. If you think about it, tell me!"

Lu Feng glanced at Bai Ge coldly. He didn't know if this woman was a mixed race. People said that mixed races were smarter, but now it seemed like that.

Others didn't say anything and just stayed inside. The white dove danced the most. Didn't he ask him to deal with it?

When the big hand attached to Zheng Xue's body, Zheng Xue had already slept soundly. She felt the slightly rough palm attached to her body and whispered:

"Are you done.."

Lu Feng came to her mouth and said:

"There are endless things to do, but no matter how busy you are, they are not as important as you."

Zheng Xue felt sweet in her heart. Sometimes it's easy to coax women. Just an ordinary word can make them fascinated.

She turned around sleepily, and her soft and warm thick lips were already pressed between Lu Feng's lips. Lu Feng's heart was filled with excitement, and he immediately embraced Wen Ruan in his arms.

The normally tough woman was as soft as a ball of cotton in Lu Feng's arms. The tip of her tongue was like a warrior attacking a city, prying open her teeth and stirring up waves of waves.


During the rapid breathing, the reason was also on the verge of collapse. When the horn of charge sounded again, the two re-staged the most primitive meeting of mankind.

A ray of sunshine in the morning shines into the bedroom. This is the first time in several years that Lu Feng enjoys the feeling of being woken up by the dazzling sun.

The warm light was like a warm spring breeze blowing across his cheeks. Lu Feng looked at Zheng Xue who was sleeping soundly. A trace of blush still hung on her face, reflecting little bits of light in the sunlight.

The delicate skin could be broken by a blow, and Lu Feng was fascinated by the sight of it, as soft as a baby. Zheng Xue frowned slightly as she moved, and Lu Feng's heart seemed to hurt.

Lu Feng calmed down and took back his restless hands. As he moved, he saw the bright red color on the bed. Lu Feng was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. This was. Luohong?

Today is Lu Feng’s first time out, or to be precise, his first time out of the base. A man who was used to being a lone wolf in his previous life will lead his team towards the end of the world today.

Of course, this was what Lu Feng had in mind. In fact, they went to the town diagonally opposite Qingshan Base to look for Luo Zhengyang, who might be trapped there.

Straight line distance estimation

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