Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 161 Jungle Hunter

Walking into the villa, the situation was even worse than outside. Not only were they patronized but they were violently destroyed. There were trampled marks everywhere on the sofa on the floor and even on the bed in the bedroom.

Almost everything in the refrigerator and cupboards that was edible was taken away.

Who would take supplies and make a mess at home?

Lu Feng stared at a spoiled tomato in the refrigerator and said:

"Let's go to the next building"

The situation in the second villa was the same as that in the first villa, but this time there were traces of transportation. The other party might have been too panicked when transporting the food, so they scattered the rice all over the floor.

Lu Feng followed the direction of the rice extension and looked towards the third villa. He was about to walk over, but was attracted by Chen Shuang's expression. She frowned and stared at a villa in the distance near the edge.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Feng was a little confused, what was this woman doing?

Chen Shuang looked sideways in one direction and said:

"There! It seems a little strange!"

The entire villa is surrounded by grass and woods, which is the construction style of the villas in Xinyue Villa.

However, there was obviously no grass or trees around the third villa that Chen Shuang mentioned, or the grass was very low, as if it had been specially pruned.

The shrubs surrounding the villa area also seemed to have been trimmed. The branches and leaves near the ground seemed to have been cut short, but the trimming was not very clean, and there were still some stubbles on the branches of the trees.

Seeing this, Lu Feng was also confused and said:

“Something unusual indeed”

After the end of the world, vegetation will grow very luxuriantly. It is impossible for trees and grass to grow wildly in all places but not there.

"Go over and take a look!"

As he spoke, he moved towards the villa. From a distance, Lu Feng saw that around the villa, except for the flowers and plants that had been cut off along with their roots, the lower trunks of the trees were also covered in white flowers.

It was like something had been painted on, but because of the distance, it was difficult to distinguish for a while, so I couldn't help but speed up my steps.

As the distance shortened, his vision became clearer and clearer. Lu Feng felt that the scene was familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Until he came to the door of the villa, Lu Feng still looked thoughtful. This villa was very strange. It didn't have the same chaos as other villas.

The courtyard was relatively tidy, and the doors and windows were intact. However, the grass and trees had been pruned, and they were in a mess, especially the trees. When Lu Feng's eyes glanced at the white patches on the tree trunks, he was stunned.

The trunk of the tree is not painted with any white paint, but the bark has been stripped off!

Chen Shuang, who was beside him, saw Lu Feng's brows furrowed and did not disturb him. Instead, he walked straight ahead to clear the way for Lu Feng.

The appearance of this villa is similar to other apartment types. The yard is surrounded by rows of fences over one meter high, each of which is fixed with twelve columns to form a fence.

Before Chen Shuang reached out to push open the fence door, she was covered by a pungent smell that covered her mouth and nose.

I smelled a faint strange smell, which was very pungent and even a little spicy to my eyes.

Lu Feng, who was accustomed to seeing the rotting stench of zombies, couldn't help but frown:

"Why does this smell so familiar!"

"Have you ever smelled this?"

Chen Shuang covered her nose, and her petite posture looked a bit like a girl. However, Lu Feng had no intention of looking at Chen Shuang. He just stared at the bark that Bai had peeled off in a daze.


Just when Chen Shuang was wondering, Lu Feng seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly changed his tone and said:

"Let's go! Get in quickly!"

Lu Feng's voice was a little strange. He instantly changed from talking nonsense to a low roar. He looked very anxious.

Chen Shuang did not hesitate. In the blink of an eye, she opened the gate and rushed into the courtyard of the villa. Before Lu Feng could react, she had already stopped in front of the door of the living room of the villa.


As a crisp sound sounded, Lu Feng's body stiffened suddenly.

"Depend on!"

Lu Feng saw a black and white figure standing there behind them from the direction they came from just now. Without thinking, Lu Feng turned over and jumped into the courtyard, rushing towards Chen Shuang as fast as possible.

"close the door!"

Chen Shuang had already opened the door and was standing guard next to him. He saw Lu Feng running towards him like crazy, shouting desperately in an urgent voice.

When he got close, he made a big jump and rushed directly into the villa from the door, not even caring about some debris piled on the ground.

The next moment, Chen Shuang saw a black and white figure appearing outside the fence gate of the yard. She saw it leaping high. With a casual glance, Chen Shuang felt as if she had seen a little pony.


The moment Chen Shuang closed the door, the door of the villa was hit hard. Even an indifferent person like Chen Shuang was frightened and took a few steps back.

Lu Feng held his head and felt the glass from the impacted door falling on him. He immediately turned over and sat up.

Looking at the black shadow outside the door, Lu Feng felt a little annoyed. Why didn't he think of it? In his previous life, he claimed to be a jungle hunter. How could he not even notice that the vegetation was being eaten by animals?

She naively thought that it was being pruned. At this time, who has nothing to do to prune flowers, plants and trees? If you have such leisure, you might as well think about where to hide to avoid being eaten by zombies.

Could it be that these few dozen days of comfortable life in the last days have made him slack off?

The two of them stared at the door blankly, only to see a black shadow constantly shaking in front of the door, rubbing something against the door, as if trying to open the door.

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Shuang's eyes:

"Do horses grow horns?"

Lu Feng frowned, looking at the dark shadow outside the door that gradually faded away, as if it had left the door, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Who told you it was a horse? That thing has two horns! A unicorn only has one horn."

After saying this, Lu Feng's eyes began to search the room, wooden shoe cabinets, golf bags, wooden floors, huge living room, billiard table, audio TV, and bar!


Lu Feng's eyes lit up as if he had seen a savior. He jumped up and rushed towards the living room at high speed. He jumped from the 1.5-meter-high bar counter with one hand and landed inside the bar counter.

Under Chen Shuang's blank gaze, Lu Feng kept rummaging around on the cabinet with his hands.

It was as if there was some diluted treasure on that cabinet.

"Then what is it?"

Chen standing in front of the door

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