Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 199 Special Rewards

Jia Xiaoxiong! "BR" is here! "BR "I know, you have already chosen the people, you don't need to hide, take them with you, repair all the vehicles as soon as possible, and make sure that all the vehicles can reach their best condition after opening the underground tunnel." BR "Yes. ! "BR" Zhou Li! You are responsible for the full command here. You and Zheng Xue will discuss logistics matters with each other. I will fight an unprecedented sniper battle here. Even if these zombies want to eat us, I will break off their front teeth. "BR" However, this battle may be very difficult, and may even cost your life. If you don't want to fight, you can withdraw now. I, Lu Feng, will never stop him, and I will give him a month's supplies and even drive him away! BR Everyone looked at Lu Feng and said nothing. Everyone had a determined look in their eyes. No one stood up and proposed to withdraw from the action. BR Tong Fei was the first to stand up this time and said: BR "Brother Feng!" You took the risk to save my life. I can’t care if others leave. Anyway, I, Tong Fei, have decided to follow you." BR "Tongzi, what do you mean? When you say that, do you mean that we are all cowards? ! BR Jia Xiaoxiong was unhappy. This time he was overtaken by Tong Fei. BR "I, Xiao Nan, the leader of the search team, will fight until the last moment!" "BR "I, Li Su, the new official member of the search team, will fight with Brother Feng until the last moment." BR "I am Zhang, the new repairman of the transport team, and I will fight for Brother Feng until the last moment." BR "" . . BR Several newcomers swore an oath one after another, and each one gained momentum. BR "Very good." BR Lu Feng glanced at it with satisfaction, then nodded and said: BR "Go and get ready!" BR After everyone left, Lu Feng left Zheng Xue and Zhou Li behind. Zhou Li glanced at Zheng Xue next to Lu Feng, did not speak but stood quietly to one side. BR "This decision is very dangerous. We will wait for it." After I open the tunnel, you guys. . "BR Lu Feng didn't care what the two women's reactions were. He pushed his wheelchair and whispered a few words into their ears. BR "No! "BR What Lu Feng didn't expect was that the two women actually objected in unison. What he said was actually very simple. He just asked the two of them to return to the Qingshan base through the underground passage. BR There is a dock behind Lu Feng's villa. A small boat stopped, and he wanted to buy a bigger one, but later found that he didn't have enough time, so he bought a small one. BR But even a small boat was enough to reach the other side of the river, which Lu Feng prepared for himself As a retreat, if he was in deep danger and could not escape, he asked Zheng Xue and Zhou Li to take Gu Jiajia and Du Xiaoman and leave by boat. BR But after he finished speaking, Zheng Xue objected sharply. Zhou Li did not speak, so she and Zheng Xue could wear one You don’t need to ask about the personality of pants to know that she is also against it. BR “Okay! You two go get busy first," BR Lu Feng pinched his forehead and temporarily evacuated the two women in front of him. BR In the Xinyue base, everyone was busy working in full swing at this time. They were either carrying various supplies. Or they were transporting ammunition to the fence built by Lu Feng. Some people fixed the damaged vehicles and pulled them into the base for repair. BR But their leader, Lu Feng, was standing in front of a large slope at this time, which was the square. On the west side, close to the club. BR Because the warehouse and cold storage are both in the club, Feng decided to build the entrance to the underground passage here. BR "Brother Feng! BR Jia Xiaoxiong jumped out of the truck. He ran to Lu Feng, wiped the sweat from his face and said, BR "The things are here!" "BR Lu Feng looked at the things on the two trucks, and with a wave of his hand, they were completely decomposed. BR Lu Feng said to himself: Only two hundred steel blocks? Too little! BR Lu Feng looked at the materials in the dimensional warehouse I can’t help but frown. Because of the special nature of underground passages, they must be built step by step and use the strongest materials, otherwise it may cause unpredictable consequences. If the quality of BR is not up to par, even if the construction is completed, it will be difficult for people to use it later. Don't worry, so Lufeng decided to use steel frame structures to support the outer walls and the arc roof of the tunnel. BR However, this requires a lot of metal and steel for a distance of two kilometers. This is still a straight line. Even if there is no detour, the amount of steel required It’s also very amazing. BR “Why is this the only thing? BR Lu Feng frowned, this amount is not enough, far from enough! BR Jia Xiaoxiong had a bitter look on his face after hearing this: BR "Brother Feng!" Basically all the metal jigs in the town have been dismantled and transported here. If there are not enough, there is nothing I can do unless. "BR" Unless what? "BR Lu Feng held the wheelchair and almost stood up from it. The person pushing the cart behind him was Chen Shuang. If it weren't for his amazing strength after becoming a mutant, Lu Feng might have kicked the wheelchair out at this moment. BR Jia Xiaoxiong also Lu Feng was startled. He swallowed his saliva and pointed to the hillside on one side and said: BR "Unless you give me that thing. "BR Following the direction of Jia Xiaoxiong's finger, he saw a tall iron tower standing at the other end of the hillside. The green plants were relatively lush at that location. Lu Feng had not seen it before, but now he discovered it after Jia Xiaoxiong reminded him. BR Lu Feng was really impressed by the iron tower. It was too familiar. Many people needed it before the apocalypse, but after the apocalypse it was like a scrap metal mobile phone signal tower. BR Lu Feng, of course, looked at the signal tower with a lofty ideal, and with a slight arc in his mouth, he said with the hand of God I don’t know if it’s because of the special location of this mountain. BR There are four such signal towers on the ridge north of the Xinyue base alone. After analyzing these signal towers, Lu Feng added He glanced at the iron tower of high-voltage power lines built on the mountain.

BRW City will lose power in a month. These things will be of almost no use in the apocalypse. They can only slowly rot and become dilapidated in the apocalypse, and finally turn into a rusty iron frame! The BR is made of countless times more materials than those signal towers. However, Lufeng encountered a problem. Xinyue Villa is also using this power supply system for the time being. The power supply to the BR Qingshan base has not yet come through. You must know that there is food in four cold storages. If the power is cut off now, there is a risk that the food will rot. BR Looking at the high-voltage electricity towers that stood like steel monsters, Lu Feng shook his head and decided to make do with the materials at hand. BR "Receive a special reward!" In the BR dimensional space, Lu Feng received the reward after the establishment of the second camp, Xinyue Camp, which was a special reward for building outside the sphere of influence. BR With this reward, Lu Feng can solve the current urgent need, the underground passage, the life passage linking the two bases. The construction of the BR channel was in full swing under Lu Feng's rapid development, and he did not hesitate to spend all his points in order to complete the project.

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