Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 220 Looking for mysterious zombies

Some zombies that were not dead were struggling on the ground, roaring in pain.

Some zombies that were affected but not fatal began to flee in all directions. Seeing this, Lu Feng picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"What are you waiting for? Fight, fight! Don't let any of them escape!"

Lu Feng's eyes were cold. These are evolved zombies. The evolved zombies will be the biggest obstacle to human survival. The current evolved zombies have not yet shown how powerful they are, but that doesn't mean they won't be in the future.

And this time is also slowly shortening. Within this time, Lu Feng must strengthen the city wall and find stronger firepower and equipment, such as powerful weapons like 40-fire.

He lacks too many things and has to wait for him to make them. He doesn't know how long it will take. It's not that Lu Feng doesn't want to, but there are restrictions on weapons in the system, but there are no restrictions on construction.

This is also the result that Lu Feng decomposed and consumed nearly 500 rounds of bullets.

That's why he was obsessed with construction instead of relying entirely on weapons. When the source of weapons was limited, Lu Feng could only find another way, and construction was Lu Feng's other way.

But construction is always passive defense! Weapons are the key to victory.


The sound of the Type 81 automatic rifle came from the front. Looking down at the steep slope, the flames from the muzzle were like a poisonous snake, constantly spitting out its dangerous tongue.

The bullets chased the fleeing evolved zombies, and the evolved zombies fell one after another as the fire snakes pursued them. At this time, Lu Feng suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

From the time he chased the zombies until now, the zombies have actively attacked him twice, and now they have begun to flee. Could it be that the creature that controls the zombies can change the zombies' personality?

"Probably not!"

Lu Feng said to himself, and then said to Zheng Xue who was driving next to him:

"After a person is hypnotized, how will he react when he wakes up?"


Zheng Xue pondered slightly. She was not confused by Lu Feng's irrelevant question. She just thought about Lu Feng's question seriously:


After hearing this, Lu Feng's lips curled up slightly:

"Yes! That's what it means, confused!"

The entire zombie group was actually hypnotized by that zombie, which was a disguised form of mental control. The zombies only controlled their bodies with simple brain wave activity.

The zombies who control the zombie swarm only need to release some radio waves of the same frequency to command the zombies, so they see such a highly organized zombie swarm.

The culprit was the controlling creature in the sunflower. Lu Feng didn't know the specific appearance of the zombie, but it should be one of the evolved zombies.

Ordinary zombies have very weak willpower to be controlled like this, so after they lose control, they just stand there, and it is unknown when they will wake up.

As for evolved zombies, they will fall into madness, or into a targetless mode. In this case, they are like flies that have let themselves fly, scurrying around.

Soon all the zombies that could move on the battlefield were cleared away, and Lu Feng's off-road vehicle also drove into the center of Sunflower.

The situation here can only be described in four words: a mess.

The off-road vehicle drove over the road covered with zombie corpses, causing a jolt and crisp sounds.

That was the sound made by wheels running over zombie corpses. It may be because of the characteristics of rotting corpses, so after the corpse dies, the bones will become extremely fragile.

Opening the door, Lu Feng jumped out of the passenger seat of the off-road vehicle. The performance and appearance of the Snapdragon off-road vehicle were unmatched by ordinary off-road vehicles.

Except that the interior is a bit low, they are the most needed advantages for survival in the apocalypse.


Lu Feng gently closed the car door, but there was a muffled sound. Lu Feng himself was startled. Looking at the shaking car body and Zheng Xue's surprised eyes, Lu Feng raised his left hand and said:

"Uh... my hand slipped!"

As he said this, he scratched his hair in embarrassment. At this time, Tong Fei led others and ran down the slope:

"Brother Feng!"

Before he reached Lu Feng, he saw Lu Feng waving his hands and saying:

"Let people disperse and clear the battlefield."

What Lu Feng said about clearing the battlefield was to re-shoot the zombies, whether they were dead or not dead. This was something Lu Feng specially added during previous training.

Under normal circumstances, when cleaning the battlefield, you may be killed or injured by the wounded soldiers pretending to be dead. At this time, facing zombies, the situation is more complicated than on the ordinary battlefield.

You know, as humans, as long as they are scratched or bitten by zombies, there is basically no possibility of survival.

Therefore, cleaning the battlefield in the apocalypse is more dangerous, and the methods used are also more violent!

"Bang bang!~"

For a while, there were constant gunshots in the ears, as the team members were shooting at the zombies that were still intact, and Lu Feng's purpose was to find that special zombie.

Lu Feng frowned slightly as he looked at the rapidly weathering and rotting zombies at his feet. Zombies who died in the apocalypse not only had their bones become brittle and easy to decompose, but their muscles decomposed even faster.

Just like the hundreds of zombies he killed in front of his villa at Qingshan Base before, he still ignored them for a few days. When the transformation of Qingshan Base began, the corpses of those zombies had turned into a pile. Dusty!

Lu Feng didn't know the specific reason, but it saved a lot of trouble. Just like the maze of Xinyue base, there are still tens of thousands of zombie corpses lying there. If they don't decompose fast enough and let him clean them up bit by bit, then Do you want to clean up until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse?

However, although it decomposes quickly, the smell is still the same. Even if you stay in the apocalypse for decades, you probably still won't be able to get used to this smell.

Lu Feng asked complainingly in his heart, and followed him with a gun on his back. Since becoming a mutant, Zheng Xue seemed to have become Lu Feng's personal bodyguard.

Especially after taking her under his account two days ago, she was really inseparable, but Lu Feng was also happy with it. He had an ace beauty bodyguard by his side every day, which was the dream of countless otakus.

Looking at the rapidly decaying zombies, Lu Feng's eyes kept moving and searching, trying to find something from them. That special zombie must be among these zombie corpses.

Because it was clear at that time that not only Tong Fei but also Xiao Nan saw it. Until now, when the dust cleared, not a single zombie escaped, and all of them were killed.

One zombie escaped for several kilometers, but was eventually beaten to death and dragged back, so that zombie should still be in this area.


Just as Lu Feng was searching among the corpses, he was suddenly interrupted by a miserable howl. He instantly looked towards the source of the sound and saw a team member kneeling on the ground holding his head.

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