Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 31 Are you going to die now?

hehe! "Suddenly, a faint laughter sounded in the room, and the empty room was like a ghost. The gun in the bald head's hand almost went off in fright.

"Wow!" Zhao Huzi suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at the next door, and saw Zhou Li standing there smiling at the two of them, with a slightly nervous look in his eyes that made him feel nervous.

"You are so cowardly!" Zhou Li suddenly stopped smiling, shook her head from side to side and said, "You two men with guns are still afraid of a zombie?"

"Hush!" Hearing her words, the bald man put his hand to his mouth ferociously and kept shushing, signaling Zhou Li to be silent.

Looking at the two frightened men, Zhou Li's expression became charming: "Don't be afraid! That zombie is dead. Whoever lets me out now, I will be his." Zhou Li continued to lick Licking her lips, her red tongue traced across her lips in an extremely tempting way.

Lu Feng was shocked when he saw it. Damn it, a scheming bitch like Zhou Li actually used a beauty trap to arouse men's possessiveness. It is most effective for people at the bottom of society who have never seen the world, especially for such elderly big losers. Zhou Li The temptation of Li is even more deadly!

The bald man stood up doubtfully, but Zhao Huzi was a cautious man. He did not say anything, but stepped forward to check. After confirming that Gong Qiuyue had really died, he said slowly: "Who are you? Why are you here? ?”

"Haha!" Zhou Li chuckled softly: "Is this important? If you want to know, let me out and I will tell you slowly, if you want~" Her voice was so gentle that it almost made people feel numb to the bone.

"You bitch, don't tell me! Just stay in there," Zhao Huzi shouted for no reason. He couldn't stand women looking down on him the most. Although Zhou Li felt like she was seducing, she made him feel deeply attracted. What a joke!

"Oh?" Instead of being angry, Zhou Li smiled even more wildly. She held her index finger in her mouth and said charmingly: "I don't think your companion thinks so?~"

At this time, I saw the bald head like a pug, almost lying on his stomach, rushing to the door of Zhou Li's storage room, sticking out his tongue and saying: "Ah, haha, I...I want it! I want it" him Seeing Zhou Li holding her fingers in her mouth, she almost swallowed her tongue!

As the bald man spoke, he took out a tool box from the backpack on his back. After opening it, a set of unlocking tools appeared from it!

"Bald head, you're crazy!" Zhao Huzi suddenly shouted loudly: "When can't women do it? The house hasn't been taken down yet!" Zhao Huzi said and went up to stop Bald Head, but Bald Head was not willing to listen.

"Fuck you!" The bald head changed his weakness in front of him just now, and saw that he was already holding a dagger in his hand: "Didn't you listen to her? She will follow whoever saves her, don't think I don't I know you want to monopolize it. I open the door every time, and all the benefits are yours. I won’t eat your leftovers this time!"

"No wonder this bald head is everywhere, it turns out he is Buddha who knows how to open locks!" Lu Feng put the compress on his eyes and was about to get up and go out. Now the two of them are killing each other due to Zhou Li. What more can be done at this time? hour.

"Hey! Hey!" When Lu Feng opened the door of the villa, he heard the sound of a fight. He quietly looked towards the side room. A bunch of things fell on the ground in the side room. Two flashlights rolled down next to them. In the peripheral vision, Zhao Hubeard and Baldhead were performing a full martial arts show.

Although the bald man looked taller than Zhao Huzi, he was obviously no match for him. He was at a disadvantage in a few rounds and was directly locked to the ground by a triangle lock!

Looking at the bald head who was gradually losing consciousness, Lu Feng also aimed his short crossbow at Zhao Huzi. He was worried that he would be discovered if he came too close, so Lu Feng hid behind the flower bed and stood.

"Pfft!" The crossbow fired almost silently, and a muffled groan came from Zhao Huzi's mouth.

When Lu Feng heard the sound, he knew something was wrong. He was aiming for Zhao Huzi's head. If he hit it, there would be no sound of pain.

"Damn!" Lu Feng cursed secretly: He had obviously practiced shooting with the damn left eye, why is the hit rate like shit?

He pulled the trigger on the short crossbow and wanted to cock it again. At this moment, he heard the sound of dull footsteps, and then a black shadow flashed in front of him. He felt something coming towards his face. He could only see with one eye now. , in the moonlight it only vaguely looks like a leg.

Lu Feng didn't have time to think about it and instantly leaned back. At the same time, he slightly retracted his right leg and kicked it upwards. As soon as his foot sank, the opponent actually followed the force of his foot and flipped to Lu Feng's back.

The opponent's fighting skills were not on the same level as his. "Oops!" Lu Feng secretly screamed and turned over hastily, but his chest had been hit hard by the opponent's retreat. The huge force made Lu Feng's eyesight go dark and he almost fainted without taking a breath.

"Huh!" Lu Feng breathed quickly, as if he wanted to suck back the air that had been kicked out of his chest. He needed to stay awake as much as possible. If he fainted now, the result waiting for him would be more terrifying than a nightmare.

But before Lu Feng could take a few puffs, an arm wrapped around his neck. Some fighting scenes flashed through Lu Feng's mind, especially UFC cage fights. Some of them were moves that were impossible to break free from, such as the triangle lock. !

His heart was filled with horror and he wanted to turn over, but the opponent's thigh was stuck in his armpit and he couldn't get free.

At this moment, he was like a turtle with his limbs tied, stretching his neck and waiting for the other party to pronounce his death sentence!

Thick arms strangled his neck, and Lu Feng heard Zhao Huzi's voice behind him: "Damn! You little bastard dares to shoot me, I'll kill you!"

Zhao Huzi's voice was full of anger. Lu Feng could even imagine that Zhao Huzi's face must be ferocious and terrifying, while his own face was ashen, with a long mouth and a tongue hanging out.

The severe feeling of suffocation made Lu Feng start to feel dizzy. He knew that he could live for at most ten seconds, and his consciousness gradually began to drift away.

Oh shit! Is this going to kill you? I still have a lot of things to do, Lu Feng thought unwillingly.

"Ding! Mission..." A system prompt rang in Lu Feng's ears, but he could no longer hear the rest of the words.

"Brush" A white light dimly lit up before Lu Feng's eyes, dazzling and warm. He felt that he had arrived in heaven. This light was guiding him, and then an angel appeared. Huh? Why does this angel look a bit like Zheng Xue?

Has heaven begun to fall too? This is hell!

"Haha!" Lu Feng laughed at himself, I just said, how can a sinful person like me go to heaven? Hell is my destination!

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