Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 311 Tunnel Opened

At this time, there was a restless person in the team who was still sticking his neck out to sing the opposite. There was no need to waste more words with such ignorant people.

"Da da da


After several consecutive gunshots, a cloud of blood mist burst out from the man's chest. Then, in front of everyone's surprised gazes, the man who had just tried to resist and resisted instantly fell into a pool of blood.

Several blood holes in the chest kept bleeding out. Looking at the twitching man lying on the ground, the other survivors took a few steps back and looked at Wan Qiang with horror on their faces.

They did not expect that Wan Qiang actually dared to shoot. Some people were frightened, but others also became angry.

They were asked to die. If they didn't want to, they would kill them. This made some people in the crowd even more angry. However, Lu Feng's men didn't care at all about their anger. Wan Qiang covered his head and cried. , and then looked back at Tong Fei behind him.

Tong Fei said coldly with a raised eyebrow:

"You brat! Why are you wasting bullets when you have nothing to do? To deal with this kind of garbage, do you still need to shoot continuously? I told you a long time ago that I asked you to practice your marksmanship. One shot is enough and you still shot three times? You Is the family running an arsenal so wealthy?


After Tong Fei finished speaking, he said to the crowd:

"It's only right to do this to me


After saying that, Tong Fei pointed his gun at the crowd in front of him, and then fired several consecutive shots, shooting several men who were about to rush out of the crowd directly into the crowd.

Not a single shot was wasted, every shot was a headshot, and the precise shooting skills caused another commotion among the crowd.

Suddenly everyone stopped talking. They just looked at Tong Fei and the others in horror. At this time, Qi Hu continued:

"Very good! It seems that you know the consequences. Now you know what to choose, right?"


Under the iron-blooded suppression method, the death squads were finally established. The team of 1,200 people was divided into several squads and each selected its own squad leader.

Under the leadership of the team leader, they selected materials on the spot and dismantled all the scrapped cars, scrapped steel bars, iron rods, and even wooden sticks.

Using these things as weapons, Lu Feng also asked them to dismantle some scrapped cars and use them as shields. At this point, the kamikaze and shield soldiers took shape.

The Sword and Shield Suicide Squad was Lu Feng's own whim, and it was not a team that was part of the previous plan.

This Sword and Shield Death Squad was Lu Feng's first formally organized team. Half of the people who packed up the sword poles stayed here for a brief confrontation with the zombies, while the other half went to carry supplies.

According to the information coming from the tunnel, the ground had been completely opened at this time. When Lu Feng led the people to drive down, what he saw were hundreds of half-dressed women. These women had been Tortured beyond human form.

It is hard to imagine that hundreds of women could hardly walk, especially some who were so tortured that they could not even speak.

Looking at these people with empty eyes and wearing clothes that are almost like rags, well, as for the T-shaped ones, some still have some flesh, and some are already skin and bones from hunger.

This made Lu Feng a little strange. There should be no shortage of supplies in the supermarket. Why were these women so hungry? But then, Lu Feng figured it out.

These women should be given to the man with glasses. As for the women who are going to be given to others, how can they feed and clothe them?

Moreover, the supplies in the supermarket are basically in the hands of the man with glasses. For the man with glasses, let alone them, even Lu Feng basically spent some time to deal with the man with glasses.

What's more, Huang Xiong, a group of almost useless survivors, it's not easy for them to get some food from the man with glasses. It is estimated that it is difficult for them to eat enough, so how can they share food with these women.

As for Huang Xiong's subordinate Hei San, they didn't realize that Lu Feng had left the rescue of the woman to Zheng Xue and the others. As for Lu Feng, he asked Iron Tower Chris to lead the 200-shield death squad to continue to the rescue. Go inside and chase.

After Chris' discovery, they saw the entrance to another passage inside. It seemed that the location of this underground passage was not just the place where these women were imprisoned.

At the other end of the place where they were held, there was the entrance to a passage, and Chris and Tie Ta pursued in that direction.

Obviously, the tunnel collapsed before because Heisan and his people blew up the tunnel while escaping. Now he must have led his people to the tunnel entrance at the other end. If he is lucky, the tunnel entrance there If it wasn't blown down, maybe we could still escape from there.

If that doesn't work, they can only fight the zombies in front of the supermarket. They currently have no vehicles that can break through the zombies. As for the off-road vehicles that were burned down by Cui Gangtai after Tong Fei drove to the supermarket before.

The only escape route in front of them now is to escape from this passage, otherwise they will have to fight the zombies.

This is not a good choice, it is also the worst choice, because the reason is very simple. Except for Lu Feng, several mutants should know that the storm is coming soon. If they have not left before the storm comes, Then they will be more dangerous.

Moreover, the group of people they brought were in danger of being infected by the zombie virus in the storm. If all these people were infected, it would be a huge failure for Lu Feng.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but start to have a headache. Lu Feng looked at the busy Zheng Xue and several other women. They were distributing the supplies that Huang Xiong had left to these women.

The first is to let them eat full first, and the other is to let them put on clothes and go out in this posture. That is a bit immoral. Similarly, for these women, they no longer care, as long as they are full, it is good. They were like this. They couldn't even stand up to fight. How could they have the mood to worry about whether they would be exposed?

The thugs were all carrying supplies. They only looked at the women who were also half-clothed and hiding in the tunnel, and some showed greedy eyes.

When their expressions and bodies change, they will be captured in time by the leader. Without the guard holding the gun taking action, the deputy captain they selected will kick him up and knock him over.

Because Lu Feng's order was that these thousands of death squads should be divided into several small groups.

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