Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 396 The Wrath of the Mutated Rat

This will bring it back to normal.

It was like a voice kept echoing in his ears.

"Luna! Remember you are a hunter, and a hunter must have the consciousness of a hunter. Your previous behavior was too violent, and it will expose yourself."

"Luna, you are a killer, and you are also my pet, but I regard you as a friend. Remember that the most important thing between friends is trust. If you stay here, I believe you will not hurt them."

"Luna! Our enemies are all the creatures outside. When someone becomes our friend, then we have to stop killing, because killing will make a person sink. Although you are just a cat, this sinking will also destroy you. your"

"Luna! Come over here and eat!"

"Luna! You're fucking lazy again! You spend all day sunbathing."

"Luna! Have you stolen your brain?"

This sentence lingered in Luna's mind. Although he didn't understand it and didn't know what it meant, he didn't know why he was able to write it down.

It seemed that the owner was quite familiar with him, and he knew the person speaking, but for a moment he couldn't remember who it was. The harder he thought about it, the more confused Luna's mind became, and he became more and more irritable. stand up.

At this moment, two strange sounds suddenly penetrated Luna's ears. Mixed in the heavy rain, they were basically weak and inaudible. If you didn't listen carefully, you would be basically inaudible.

But Luna is not an ordinary creature. With his hearing, Luna can still clearly hear where these sounds are coming from, even if heavy rain affects the propagation of sounds.

Almost instantly, Luna identified that direction. At this moment, Luna suddenly glanced behind her, as if something was peering at him. During hesitation, Luna's feet moved.

However, at this moment, the white cat has ushered in his darkest moment. He has never encountered such a difficult opponent. The mutant rat in front of him has become the most terrifying mouse that the white cat has ever encountered.

Because the mutated rat in front of him was climbing towards the top of the tree at this time, breaking the mouse's previous form and truly completing the form of a flying thief flying over walls and walls.

When this form is turned on, the mutant rat in front of you can really be called omnipotent. After the mutation of the mutant rat's paws, although it has lost the function of climbing trees, this mutant rat can Being ingenious, he used his mouth to crawl up the tree.

To be precise, the mutation theory points out that his teeth are using his upper teeth to constantly cut the tree trunk in front of him and move upward on the trunk. Together with the two sharp front claws, they form a cornerstone for climbing upward. .

Using this action, the mutant mouse fulfilled his wish to climb the tree. However, the little white cat standing on the tree had already changed to a second tree. The tree he was deep in before had been destroyed by the mutant mouse. A row of traces were dug out,

Another number of traces left on the tree meant that he had successfully climbed the tree and forced the white cat back. When the white cat fell to the ground, he caught up with it at the same time. There was only a slight difference. The white cat went up to another tree.

The mutant rat roared in frustration as he climbed up. In the blink of an eye, he had climbed to the middle of the second tree, because the white cat also discovered that the mutant rat could climb trees. In order to increase his chances of escaping, he Just climb up the tree trunk.

The towering tree that has grown from more than 10 meters to dozens of meters, now really seems to be larger than a fir tree. This kind of tree trunk is generally difficult to see, even in China's vast land and rich resources, such a huge tree Tree trunks also cannot grow.

Because there has been no such gene before, it is certainly not excluded that there will be such huge tree trunks in some deep mountains and old forests, but there is definitely no such thing here.

However, at this moment, in the forest in front of us, we have seen no less than encyclopedias of such huge tree trunks. In the baptism of heavy rain, we can basically see such huge and strong trees on every road section. .

While the plants were growing wildly, the big trees finally couldn't bear the loneliness and began to grow upward desperately. The trunks that originally relied on rainwater to grow rapidly had now reached a height of more than twenty or thirty meters.

Under such brutal growth, many animals that climbed trees before have lost their ability to climb trees, especially the trees in front of them that have been washed by rain, which makes the tree in front of them grow even faster. .

At this time, the white cat picked out a thick tree trunk. Just as he jumped over, the mutant rat behind him also followed. The mutant rat's speed was almost as fast as the white cat.

But even so, it was still not enough to catch the white cat in front of him. The mutated mouse suddenly jumped up and down the tree, and the white cat had disappeared into the grass in front of him, even though it was blocked by the grass. , but it couldn't block the mutant rat's nose, which was close to being abnormal.

He barely uses his eyes, relying only on his nose to find traces of prey, just like the white cat running in front of him. With his light body, he can shuttle between any grass, even the mutant plants around him. , and can't block him or hinder his movement speed.

At this speed, the white cat easily escaped the pursuit of the mutant rat and ran towards the thick tree he was targeting. After passing through the grass of the plants, the white cat had already found a place where he could get up. big tree.

At this time, the mutant rat Ying had already followed behind him, and the mutant rat swooped down. For him, the white cat that had already been several heads smaller than him, as long as it was caught by him, even if he didn't bite it with his mouth, he would only use his claws. It can make the white cat seriously injured and die.

At this moment, the white cat was frightened. He seemed to have lost the ability to move. In his eyes, the mutant rat in front of him seemed like a perfect enemy, a predator, who could easily hunt it down.

At this moment, the white cat actually lost the ability to escape. His two paws could hardly move in the rain, just when he was about to be knocked to the ground by the mutant rat in front of him.

The white cat suddenly jumped up high, and that natural instinct finally made him start to move. When the white cat jumped up, it did not escape towards the big tree behind it, nor did it escape in any direction. He just aimed at the throat of the mutant rat in front of him.

Under the surprised gaze of the mutant rat, the white cat actually bit his throat. The white cat pounced suddenly, all four paws showing sharp claws.

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