Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 438 There is no one left standing

He only knew that the shock wave just hit it directly and caused internal injuries.

Feeling the smell of blood at the corner of his mouth, Cruise knew that he had vomited blood just now. He tried to take a deep breath. Cruise felt a slight tingling sensation in his chest.

When he took her to try to take a deep breath, he still couldn't hear anything around him. The explosion was too close to him, and the impact might directly damage his eardrums. He couldn't hear anything in a short period of time. of.

At this time, Cruise tried to roar again, but the moment he opened his mouth, a thunderous complaint and curse suddenly rang from the left ear.

"Damn you bastard! Who yelled at me when I was having an erotic dream? You interrupted such a wonderful dream, that bastard!"


When Cruise heard this curse, he was not only not angry, but also very excited. He was extremely surprised, not only because he still had hearing, but also because he heard that there were still people alive around him.

He knew that the person speaking was a guy who liked to watch pornographic movies. This person came from Mississippi and his name was Brown Walker. Because he was relatively short, everyone gave him a very thoughtful name, Little Brown.

Usually, Little Brown would discuss the plots of love action movies with others, but when a grown man discusses such plots with others, it will inevitably arouse the disgust of others.

But it was because of this disgust that everyone remembered him. But at this moment, when they heard Little Brown's voice, they no longer had the same disgust as before. As the captain, Cruise could hear Little Brown's voice at this time. Very excited.

"Damn Little Brown, stop fucking talking nonsense and tell me how the situation is now and how many people are still alive!"


Cruise's voice is a little weak, but as long as he is one of his team members, he can hear his voice almost instantly. After all, he is their captain, but the special timbre and majesty in his voice cannot be heard by others. replaced by others.

When Little Brown heard Cruise's voice, he couldn't distinguish it for a moment. The hoarse voice made him feel a little strange, and he subconsciously seemed to curse.

But as soon as the S came out of his mouth, he swallowed it back, including the letters starting with F, which were all chewed up and swallowed back into his stomach by Little Brown.

He subconsciously realized that the person in front of him was his captain, Cruise. However, Cruise ignored Brown's upcoming words and yelled directly at Bulla:

"Damn it, talk to me!


At this time, Cruise was also in an extremely irritable mood, just because his current situation was very bad. Not only was he attacked and felt extremely uncomfortable, but his ears could not hear clearly. He did not know how long it had been since he was attacked. How many people are there under my command?

Under various unknown circumstances, whether the enemies outside have been eliminated, and there is a T-2 zombie lying in front of them, it is not known whether the T-2 zombie is dead.

For many reasons, in short, they are in danger now. With the situation unclear, Cruise is eager to know what situation they are encountering now.

Little Brown was finally awakened by Cruz's roar. He hurriedly reported to Cruz:

"Report Captain! All personnel are here with me. Except for two niggas, everyone else is alive!


When this sentence was said, Cruise almost exploded again. He knew his team members very well. Situations like racial discrimination would inevitably occur in the team she led.

This little Brown, he is not a racist, but because he got along better with those two players before, he directly said their nicknames.

But at this moment, Cruise didn't get angry and let out his anger. Instead, he suppressed his anger and said:

"I've said it a long time ago, Brown Walker! Don't use such racial slurs to call others. This is very impolite. And there are many black people in our team. Be careful of being raped by our team." If he hears it for a long time, he will cut off your little brother and stuff it into your mouth!


After Cruise finished speaking, Little Brown was obviously frightened. If he still said it seriously,

"Captain, what should we do now? We have been trapped here for nearly ten minutes. We don't understand the situation outside at all. They bombed us with a round of rocket launchers, and then we didn't hear them bombing again, nor did we hear anything. When they rushed in, they heard gunshots outside, but not a single bullet hit us.


Hearing this, Cruise seemed to understand something. He knew who the other party was and what happened to the other party, so he nodded and said:

What about the person who opens the door with an even number? Are they injured? The door didn't open again


This is the question that Cruise is most concerned about, but after he asked about the birth, Walker on the opposite side stopped talking, obviously being stopped by Cruise's question.

Hearing that the other party didn't speak, Cruise wanted to get angry again. At this critical moment, why couldn't he speak more decisively?

When Cruise was about to get angry, Little Brown started to speak again, and he only heard Little Brown say in despair:

"Report to the captain, except for me, the other people are basically unable to stand. The person who opened the door was knocked unconscious by the air bag. The door is also somewhat deformed now. Not to mention that they can't open it now, even if they can open it, we I can't even open that door to go out.




After Little Brown finished speaking, Cruise basically roared out. His voice echoed in the intercom. His throat, which was a little anxious just now, now seemed a little sore.

A pinprick-like tingling in Cruise's throat kept stimulating his Adam's apple. At this moment, Cruise couldn't bear it anymore and coughed violently, then spit out a mouthful of blood. on the ground.

"Captain! What's wrong with you, Captain!


At this moment, the adjutant lying next to him screamed anxiously. Unexpectedly, at the moment he woke up, he actually saw his captain Cruise vomiting blood.

Just as they were about to get up, a roar suddenly rang out from inside the tunnel. The gunfire in the distance stopped unknown when, but the huge movement was right in front of them.

No one knew what happened, but the only thing they remembered was,

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