Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 468: Not easily provoked

It would be appropriate for him to manage these people.

However, these people did not gain Lu Feng's trust, so the weapons they could obtain were at most some daggers and even some ropes.

These cold weapons have become their main weapons for the time being. As for the hot weapons, they don't want to touch them at all for the time being. They will not even let them be responsible for driving vehicles.

After solving the problem of this group of mercenaries, Lu Feng was relieved. After all, if these people did not agree, his only way was to kill them.

Well, they are an unknown force. Although these people are not very experienced in fighting zombies, they are indeed very experienced in fighting in other directions.

For example, jungle combat, urban combat, the construction of perfect fortifications, and their rich fighting experience. Although most of Lu Feng's men can handle these, who would dislike having too many capable people under his men?

Especially for someone like Lu Feng who is ready to see a base or build more bases to expand his territory and strength, he will accept as many elite soldiers and generals as he wants.

With this prerequisite, Lu Feng naturally admires Rhodes and Little Brown, a group of mercenaries, and fully wants to take them into his hands. However, these people are foreigners after all, and they come from places where he is not very good. A beautiful country of trust, so Lu Feng did not let them join immediately, but asked Chris to observe them first.

After all, Chris's review period has just passed, and Lu Feng doesn't want to use a group of unfed white-eyed wolves. If this is really the case, then he would rather bury these people here directly.

The mercenaries were temporarily led by Chris, who was not the only one to encourage them. Lu Feng then arranged for Wan Qiang and a group of his men to defend the entrance to the tunnel.

Wan Qiang and the others have a large heavy machine gun and two light machine guns. In addition, they also have a large number of hand grenades, Ouch Tom submachine guns, and tens of thousands of rounds of bullets. In addition, they also have in underground bases. The bazookas found that have been eliminated.

All of these are quite a force. Although they have been eliminated, it does not mean that they have lost their offensive capabilities.

The lethality still exists. Under this situation, well, as long as they are equipped with some people with rich combat experience to lead them, then the combat capabilities of these suicide squad members will continue to increase.

The ones who can bring them combat experience are of course Wan Qiang and the newly promoted Zhang Qian. Both of them have rich combat experience.

Zhang Qian's predecessor was a retired soldier from the special forces. When Zhang Qian commanded the battle before, Lu Feng had already discovered it. After getting to know him deeply, he got Zhang Qian's background and promoted Zhang Qian to Wan Qiang's deputy without hesitation. .

After receiving Lu Feng's affirmation, Wan Qiang lived up to expectations and quickly entered the state that a commander should have. If Wan Qiang had not experienced Lu Feng's test, then he would probably never have a chance again.

Sometimes an opportunity is so simple. When the opportunity comes, Wan Qiang seizes it in time. Well, that means that Wan Qiang in the future will most likely enter the core circle of Land Wind's management.

Even the fringe figures in the management will become an indispensable part, at least no longer the first level. Now Lufeng's base has just started to be built and has not yet officially got on the right track.

The future development will definitely become bigger and bigger, and there will be more and more people in Greece. Under this situation, all the people he likes will basically become the core backbone in the future.

Now is the time to work hard to make progress. Well, if you can't show your outstanding performance now, you will most likely be abandoned by Lu Feng.

After Wan Qiang takes charge of defense, Lu Feng has no worries. This is also an important reason that Zhan Qiang can understand, so Wan Qiang makes Lu Feng take him so seriously.

Seeing that Wan Qiang had carefully arranged the defensive position, Lu Feng led the others towards the missile base. Although it had not completely stopped raining outside, Lu Feng had no time to wait.

After all, he had to finish the missile base in front of him before the rain stopped. This was a concept in Lu Feng's heart. The missile base could become his cornerstone.

That was the cornerstone for him to successfully break through and regain the entire city center of W. With this springboard, he could reach the city center of W without losing any blood.

Then take advantage of the geographical advantages there to clear out the zombies in the entire city center of W. Of course, this method is also the safest. If a large-scale attack is carried out, not only will it not be very effective, but it will also easily lead the zombies out of the city.

After all, using the maze battle to fight back against the zombies would require too much manpower and material resources. Lu Feng felt that such behavior was quite wasteful.

Of course, his labyrinth battle only requires him to operate it, and does not require other people to dig. After all, if human manpower is used to dig such a large fortification, it will require at least tens of thousands of people to work non-stop for several months. work can be completed.

Even if this is the case, there will still be some deviations, because human physical strength is limited, and using humans will also consume huge material resources, especially food and water.

However, these two things are what he lacks the most in the entire base so far. Although he got a lot of food and water in the supermarket, after careful calculation, there are only them, all the survivors plus the people in the two bases. The survivors are from the first half.

This is still under the condition of economy. In the absence of fighting, if there is fighting, it will consume more.

For Lu Feng, he has always had a sense of crisis in his heart, that is, he cannot covet a comfortable life temporarily. Although he now has half a year's reserves, he still takes a longer-term view.

It's just that he didn't share these thoughts with his men. After all, people's hearts have just stabilized now. If they are put under more pressure, even the most loyal men may collapse.

Therefore, Lu Feng did not express his thoughts. It was precisely for this reason that he captured the missile base, that is, he could directly contact the missile base through here, and the missile base happened to be directly connected to his nearest base, which was Qingshan Base.

In this case, they can be connected through this line to form a loop,

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