Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 474 The boss is hiding behind

This is the beast, the beast in the apocalypse. It is not only ferocious but also extremely cunning. Behind this cunning, there is also a willingness to accept that powerful strength.

What is directly proportional to their strength is that after the outbreak of the apocalypse, these beasts already feel that they are beyond the category of beasts. Because they are powerful and because their IQs have increased too high, these beasts feel that they have exceeded the category of beasts. It even has the artistic conception of replacing human beings.

The reason why beasts can use this idea is that they have changed for the end of the world. You must know that before the end of the world, any beast has no chance of winning when encountering humans.

The weapons that humans can use are simply unstoppable by wild beasts. In front of humans, not to mention some wild beasts, even mountains may not be humans' opponents.

Therefore, before the end of the world, apart from nature, there is basically nothing that can compete with mankind. But after the end of the world, things will be completely different.

At this time, the mutant wolves are thinking about how to destroy humans. Even though humans have weapons and vehicles, they are still fearless of humans.

And they also have a very strong hatred. The pair of mercenaries Yekov must have offended the mutant wolf king, otherwise they would not harass them and pursue them so persistently. It can be seen from the strings just now that Yekov But their convoy must have been running away for a long time, traveling here from the other end of the jungle. It can be seen from the plants they carried on the car. But even so, they were still being chased by the mutant wolves. here.

It is conceivable that mutant wolves will not relax or leave any room for pursuit of the object of their enemy's hatred.

Lu Feng re-examined the mutant wolf king in front of him. In his understanding, although the other wolf king was powerful, if you didn't take the initiative to attack him, the mutant wolf king would not take the initiative to attack humans.

Especially the humans who made him feel some threat to him. The mutant wolf king was very smart and cunning. Facing this mutant wolf king, Lu Feng's strategy was to make him neither dare to attack nor retreat immediately.

It is to give the other person this feeling of love and hate. Although it has some ulterior motives in saying it, this method is used to deal with the mutant wolf king.

You, the Wolf King, can still control your emotions at this moment, but the mutant wolves under him have already begun to drool. When they look at those drooling mutant wolves with red eyes looking at you,

Tong Fei felt that his legs were starting to tremble. He couldn't help but tighten his hands on the Type 81 rifle. When their team members came out, they were all equipped with this kind of rifle. This was almost the same. Weapon obtained from Longtongue.

So far, it is the best weapon they have. Lu Feng does not equip everyone with M-type rifles. Although the M-type rifle has much better performance than the Bayi-type rifle, for the Chinese, the Bayi-type rifle This is the weapon they are accustomed to using.

This weapon is also suitable for Chinese people to use. This rifle can be said to be specially built for Chinese people. It is the best in terms of performance and ergonomic fit when used.

So for the time being, he did not replace the M-type rifles, but gave all those M-type rifles to Zheng Xue in the underground fortifications to handle.

Zheng Xue is quite familiar with this kind of foreign firearms. The recoil of this kind of gun is not very big, it is relatively light and not weak in power.

Based on the above advantages and disadvantages, Lu Feng judged that this kind of firearm is more suitable for women to use, and Zheng Xue, Chen Shuang and Jiang Fei's good friend Sun Xiaoshan will form a women's search team in the near future.

Moreover, he now has a group of women's search teams, and some of them are relatively powerful, such as Xiao Nan, who is a relatively powerful person.

Although Xiao Nan is not a mutant, he should be born into a martial arts family. He is very proficient in the use of weapons, and he also has his own system for the use of weapons.

As for the other person, Zhang Quan is a person who is not inferior to Xiao Nan in terms of strength. In addition, Zhang Quan has an advantage that no one else has, and that is that Zhang Quan should also be a soldier.

It's just that his personality is a little indecisive, and Zhang Quan has a weakness, that is, he is too self-righteous. He thinks that the world he understands is the whole world. This kind of self-righteous behavior is very common in the apocalypse, and will be uniformly called It's a white lotus.

Or sometimes it is called saintly style, well, but no matter what, it is an extremely stupid behavior. If this kind of saintly behavior were before the end of the world, you would not pay attention to it, but Now it can be used by him.

After all, as a superior, Lu Feng has to consider the manpower problem of his subordinates. After all, with more people, there will be all kinds of uneven people for him to control.

There are some villains among them, and some of them will have various problems no matter what after a long time. Everyone will have greed and darkness in their heart.

You can't drain the lake for fishing, and you can't make the entire lake extremely clear. After all, he understands the principle that if the water is clear, there will be no fish. Well, so no matter what kind of person, Lu Feng must use it now.

As a superior leader, it does not mean that all the people under his command should be single-minded, nor should they be exceptionally pure in heart, but that they should be able to lead their subordinates in a relaxed manner.

They will watch a little and make some selfish little moves, but they can't go too far. So Lu Feng's current idea is to use everyone, and use this group of people to form the most effective team he can.

So now that he had obtained the batch of M-type rifles, he handed them over to Zheng Xue without hesitation, and even the manpower behind him to set up a women's search team had already thought about it.

Now Zheng Xue is in the underground fortifications below and has already begun to organize for this matter. He does not need to worry about this. What he should worry about is the mutant wolf king in front of him and the mutant wolves under him. .

Everyone was holding a Type 81 rifle. Lu Feng knew that this kind of rifle had basically no deterrent effect on the Wolf King, but he was confident that he could make the Wolf King fade away quickly.

"Everyone, don't shoot! If you find any movement on the other side, attack the mutant wolf king collectively!"

After Lu Feng finished speaking, his eyes were locked on the mutant wolf in the distance, letting the murderous aura in his body be released unbridled. During this release process, Lu Feng did not hide anything.

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