Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 540 Kill and eat at the same time

The moment the mutant rat appeared, Lu Feng used all his strength and punched the mutant rat on the head. He also used the attack ability of his left arm.

In an instant, the mutated rat was punched by Lu Feng and its head was blown off. His huge body knocked Lu Feng into a continuous roll. During the continuous roll, Lu Feng could not even find the east, west, north or south.

It wasn't until he rolled into a corner that his rolling body stopped. At this time, Lu Feng could not help but see black shadows flashing past him.

Of course, in addition to the mutant rats, there were other creatures among them, and these creatures all rushed in the other direction. Mixed version

Lu Feng could see it very clearly, because the intersection in the direction that Little Brown was walking in was a ladder-shaped intersection.

As for now, those mutated creatures ran in another direction, which meant that the location where Little Brown ran might be where Tong Fei and the others were hiding.

However, these mutated creatures have been hiding in this underground base, and now they are escaping in another direction. This situation can only explain one thing.

That is to say, the position where Tong Fei and the others are now is most likely where the mutated creature is chasing them. In any case, the strength of this mutated creature may be very powerful, whether it is its own strength or its ability to restrain.

Because for these mutant creatures, there is basically no other threat except powerful mutant creatures that can make them flee in terror.

After thinking about this, Lu Feng did not get up immediately. He just looked around the corner and kept checking. Only after confirming his safety, Lu Feng walked out of the corner.

At this time, the running mutated creatures were almost empty, and they had basically all fled in another direction.

This also allowed Lu Feng to realize in disguise that that direction might be the location of the exit. After all, when they came here before, the only exit they thought was the location with several strange layers of defense.


It is indeed more convenient to enter from that room, but it also has a more serious problem. It will have to pass through the coverage of the sonic attack of the missile base. Within that range, basically any creature is likely to be affected by that attack. arrive. Mixed version

I don't know if these creatures are avoiding the sonic attack, or if they are afraid of something else, but there is no time to verify now, after all, these creatures have already escaped from the other side.

Lu Feng couldn't help but quicken his pace. After all, he was the captain of this team, but he didn't take all the crises into consideration. Now there was a problem, which was likely to endanger the safety of his team. How could he let Lu Feng was not in a hurry.

Then as Lu Feng's pace quickened, in the tunnel in front of him, the patterns of the splattered blood showed more and more patterns, and the area became larger and larger. Until he walked into the sixth corner, he finally saw A scene came that surprised him.

In front of him, he could see a pile of small hills made of human bones. To be precise, they were piles. From a distance, it was impossible to tell what the pile was.

When Lu Feng came closer, he could clearly see that there were human skeleton shapes on top of the five piles.

This also explains the transformation. This pile of things is made of human bones. That means that the monster just now and the mutated creatures following Tong Fei and the group of people they were chasing were probably killed at least in the past. More than 10 people.

And he said that he was chasing and eating at the same time, so that the terrifying scene could appear on the walls of the surrounding tunnels.

The moment the terrifying scene appeared, Lu Feng could basically confirm that this creature was indeed very powerful, because creatures that were eating and hunting at the same time, even mutated beasts, were rare in Lu Feng's memory. .

Because even if they are mutated beasts, they have survival rules, so unnecessary killing does not need to be carried out. They generally only kill for the sake of survival, of course, this is when they are not provoked.

Even if they are enraged, mutant creatures generally rarely kill like this, and they still kill while chasing. This kind of killing can be said to be very harmful. All the blood stains and traces he found along the way are basically all Presented in the pile of bones in front of him.

In other words, the bones accumulated by the humans and creatures massed by this mutated creature are all here, and he cannot be sure that these are Tong Fei and the others.

It was difficult to tell whether it was his people or those gangsters. However, he saw no trace of Little Brown. Even when he called Little Brown from the walkie-talkie radio, there was no answer.

Sometimes Lu Feng did not continue to call, but he vaguely heard the sound of calling coming from the walkie-talkie. This sound did not come from his walkie-talkie, but from the messy accumulation of materials in the tunnel. Come.

As Lu Feng walked in, he could see a walkie-talkie lying intact under the pile of debris. When he saw the walkie-talkie, Lu Feng had already confirmed that the walkie-talkie should belong to Tong Fei.

Because when Tong Fei's walkie-talkies were distributed, there were not that many suicide squad members or other personnel. Most of them joined later. Lu Feng distributed the walkie-talkies to these people, although he was the one who brought them. Some of them were searched and looted from their base in Changshu.

However, each model is slightly different, especially the batch of walkie-talkies used by Tong Fei. Basically, they are superior to other models of walkie-talkies in terms of model and performance.

Moreover, these walkie-talkies were also imported by Lu Feng from abroad, but they were somewhat similar to Little Brown's walkie-talkies. Because of this reason, the two of them had quarreled no less than a dozen times.

Because sometimes there are some problems with the frequency, that is, Little Brown and his group of mercenaries use their own headset walkie-talkies to interfere with Tong Fei's calls.

For this reason, Lu Feng already knew how to deal with it, which was to adjust the frequency, but that was a story for later. The walkie-talkie he found so far was indeed Tong Fei's.

There is no doubt about this. When Little Brown arrived here before, Lu Feng did not call through the intercom.

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