Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 589 Rat-Python War

The scene behind the fingertips has become a mess, that is, the python has been fighting with the remaining mutant rats.

This group of mutant rats is somewhat different from the group of zombies. After all, zombies do not have the ability to attack like mutant rats. You must know that ordinary mutant rats have powerful damage capabilities.

Especially the claws and teeth, although they cannot harm the mutated python's scales, they can still cause a certain amount of pain to the mutated python through the scales.

This feeling of pain caused the mutant python to analyze. At this moment, the mutant python was covered with mutant rats, and they were constantly scratching at the scales of the mutant python with their sharp claws.

Even though he was far away, Lu Feng could still hear the strange sliding sounds coming from the mutated python Anna's scales, like the sound of metal hitting rocks.

And the mutant python has obviously grown a lot. He keeps attacking the mutant rats around him, like a chicken catching rice. Every time he raises his head and falls, he can cause losses to the mutant rats. Several mutant rats.

At this time, the mutant rats suddenly changed their attack strategy. Among them, many larger mutant rats began to charge towards the mutant python. The mutant rats were like fat black pigs with pointed heads. ,

The strong body continued to charge forward, and even Lu Feng felt a bit shocked in that posture. If he was hit by these mutant rats, Lu Feng didn't think he could withstand the impact.

But what should be worried about now is not him, but the mutant python. Those strong mutant rats covered their heads and charged forward. If they were smaller, I believe there is still room to dodge, but that mutant python His body, which was too big and as thin as a bucket, had grown in size again, making the space for him to hide getting narrower and narrower.

Especially in that collapsed area, under the pursuit and harassment of mutant rats, the space for mutant pythons to escape is getting smaller and smaller.

So when seeing those mutant rats rushing over, the mutant python simply did not dodge, but twisted its head, and the muscles on its body continued to exert force to keep its cheeks in the hardest state.

In this state of experience, even if it is hit by some impact, Xianyang will not be harmed at all. In Lu Feng's eyes, the armor on the python here is like a body armor.

Even if a bullet hits it, the mutant python will not be hurt, but this kind of damage does exist on the external screen. As for the damage inside the body, it is hard to say.

At this moment, in the flash of lightning, those strong mutant rats had hit the depths of the mutant python. With the dull sound of the piano, Lu Feng felt like the sound of a giant hammer hitting the rock. .

He could only hear the angry howls coming from the mutant python's mouth. It was obvious that he was in some unbearable pain due to being blocked by these mutant rats, but Lu Feng could hear that there was also a hint of disbelief in the angry emotion.

Although these were Lu Feng's guesses based on his own feelings, if this was the case, the python over there might not have expected that these mutant rats would have such a powerful attack power. Ha ha

It looked like there were no scratches or injuries on the mutated python's cheek, but it roared in pain.

This shows that the attacks of these mutant rats are indeed funny. Although they cannot break through the defense layer of the python, they can cause the mutant python to suffer great pain through such violent impact.

However, the stronger mutant rats that collided with the mutant python were continuously captured by the mutant python. However, the mutant rats did not retreat completely unharmed.

Although they are quite strong, they do have natural differences between them. One is a predator and the other is a prey. The mutant rat is still a little stretched in front of the cheap python. No matter in terms of strength, size, speed and attack power, they are not on the same level.

Even if the strongest mutant rat is pulled out, it still cannot shake the existence of the mutant python. It just denies the python's stable pain sensation, huh

However, with this violent impact, the mutated python still felt something strange in its body. At the same time, Lu Feng also discovered the problem, that is, the mutated python was likely to have suffered internal injuries. The scales on his side were constantly impacting. Below, there are some subtle changes.

Although these changes are not very big, they are enough to make the mutant rats excited. After all, ineffective attacks will waste a lot of their time. However, these mutant rats seem to be more patient. They have been attacking for so long and still persevere. Now The effect finally appeared.

Even though those giant mutant rats died too many, they still managed to clean up the situation. Mutant rats rushed out from behind and kept hitting the mutant python in the same position. At this time, Lu Feng finally understood why these mutant rats were so persistent. 's attack.

Because they found a way to break through the defensive armor of this mutated python. Although this method is relatively stupid and takes too long to take effect, it can still be effective. This is the most important thing.

The mutant python seemed to have discovered this, and he kept attacking the giant mutant rats that rushed out.

He opened his mouth wide and kept biting the mutant rats that rushed over. At this time, his attack power and speed were obviously not enough.

The advantages established before are now gone. When these advantages are covered up by the number of mutant rats, quantity will completely crush quality. This is another bloody lesson. When quantity exceeds quality, it is also Something happens that can turn the tide of the battle.

Therefore, Lu Feng has once again increased his vigilance. He will no longer be arrogant about the improvement of his quality, because this mentality may bring him to the edge of death. From the experience of his previous life, Lu Feng has already came to this conclusion.

Through this conclusion, Lu Feng Prophecy can draw a certain message, that is, there must be a certain method to fight against these huge populations of creatures, whether they are beasts or zombies, and in this method, they will continue to win. .

This is something Lu Feng firmly believes in. Just like the various dangers and attacks they encountered at the missile base and at the supermarket before, they were able to resolve them.

Although they are also unimaginably dangerous, and many times they are wandering on the edge of life and death,

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