Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 600 The inside story of the missile base 1

Basically, there was no chance of survival. However, when Lu Feng walked to the shining position, he was extremely disappointed. This position was just a machine sliding on the track.

The only thing Lu Feng could do was to hide inside the machine, but now the python stretched out its huge fangs and kept gesticulating at Lu Feng, like a huge machete that could cut Lu Feng to the point of reaching out at any time. one place.

Facing the huge machete, Lu Feng had no choice. Now he could either take a gamble and jump into the machine, or continue to wait here in case these mutated blind snakes retreated, or someone came to support them. Own.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng still decided to take a gamble. He didn't want to experience the suffering of a single generation. Moreover, Little Brown didn't know where he was now. In addition, he didn't know what kind of danger Tong Fei had encountered. The intensive gunshots just now were now Although he stopped, Tong Fei and the others didn't realize he was here, and they didn't know when they found him.

After considering all the above, Lu Feng still felt that waiting for rescue was not a good idea. After he fully woke up, he realized that the python over there had actually raised its head high.

Seeing this action of the mutated python, Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened in shock. The mutated python was not resting or waiting for something, but was getting ready to strike directly at Lu Feng and hit him hard.

Looking at the position of the mutated python's head, if it fell down, the two pairs of teeth would directly pierce its whole body. No matter where it was pierced, the two bloody holes would not be able to escape.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng climbed up from the tunnel under his feet and got into the machine in front of him as quickly as possible. This huge machine was for pushing. There was only an entrance that was more than half a person wide. , after entering, there is an internal structure made of metal pipes welded together in an orderly manner.

As for the outer skin, it is a steel plate about 10 centimeters thick. With a steel plate of this thickness, I believe even the mutated python outside will be helpless for a while.

When Lu Feng thought of this, the mutant python also noticed his actions. The angry mutant python suddenly raised its tail, and hit the orbital instrument with its tail.

Everything on this huge track was shaking uncontrollably when being whipped by the mutant python. Lu Feng suddenly thought that all of this was on a track. What if it started to slide when being whipped by the mutant python?

As soon as he realized this problem, everything in his depths began to move slowly. However, the second whip of the mutated python also happened to come at this time. The huge tail was so big that it made everything move towards him again. Move forward.

At this time, Lu Feng began to think about other ways quickly. He knew that everything was moving on this platform. However, any track would have two ends. One end was facing the direction when they came in. As for the other end, there was Maybe it's towards the bottom of the missile base.

He had just come from underneath the missile base. Lu Feng knew what kind of hellish scene there was, and there were two mutant pythons following him.

At this time, he was absolutely unwilling to go to a closed place. Playing hide-and-seek with a plainclothes python in a closed room was tantamount to seeking death. Therefore, Lu Feng suddenly panicked in his heart, and he began to grope around. Looking for another exit to jump out of this instrument.

However, at this moment, the sound of thrashing suddenly stopped, and the instrument under his feet slowly slowed down. Then Lu Feng vaguely heard bursts of roaring and fighting sounds coming from outside.

The strange roar echoed in Lu Feng's ears, and he instantly guessed what it was. The previous group of rats had returned again, and hearing the roar of the rats this time, the number was definitely not low.

Just when Lu Feng was thinking, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder. Lu Feng's whole body tensed up instantly, and his clenched fist was ready to strike. In just one second, he could swing out a fatal blow. Some.

Then at this moment, the person next to him suddenly said something, which immediately made Lu Feng no longer nervous.

"Don't be excited! I am a soldier in this base. I was with Section Chief Gao before, that is, the master who contacted you before.


After hearing this, Lu Feng finally calmed down, because when we contacted him before, the name Gao Shan appeared on the computer, although Lu Feng was never sure whether the name the other party said was true or false. Yes, but since the soldier in front of him has confirmed this matter, it means that it does exist.

He didn't know what kind of position Chief Gao Shan held, nor what kind of person he was. With the confirmation of the person in front of him, Lu Feng seemed to be able to understand some of the inside story.

It turns out that their base has always been an incentive to develop long-range cruise missiles, some of which are classified at the highest level. That is to say, the missiles they are researching in this base not only have the same long-range strike capabilities as before, but also have The range of firepower of the strike is also quite large.

Before the last apocalypse broke out, well, they had developed a powerful missile that could cover the entire island of Okinawa, and its strength was still increasing.

If the power is adjusted, it may even be able to match the level and power of missile and bomb attacks that we encountered in those little days before the end of the world.

So at that time, this missile base had been classified as top secret and received the highest level of protection, and a new group of troops was moving here, and they were responsible for the security here.

However, just as those troops came over, something like an apocalyptic outbreak suddenly happened, so those troops did not come over, and the members of the missile base did not control the infection in time.

So much so that a large number of scientists were all infected by the zombie virus, just like the zombies they encountered in the canteen rest area before, which were the staff of the missile base in front of them.

Most of them are high-precision scientific researchers, and their death and mutation are also a huge loss to China, but it is unfair to mention this kind of loss at this time.

Because there are countless scientific research talents in China, all of them died from the zombie virus. However, it is precisely because of the deaths of these people that

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