Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 630 Is this a dream?

Lu Feng had long been a little unhappy with the woman in front of him, but he had never been able to have an attack. At this time, he took the opportunity to have an attack and leave. Anyway, he would not admit what he just saw or what he said.

At this moment, the female doctor pointed at Lu Feng’s lower body and said:

"When it comes to your happiness, do you think it's important?" Quotation marks

After Lu Feng heard this, he saw a mocking smile on the female doctor's face. At this time, the old slave noticed something was wrong, so he opened his system.

"God's Eyes! Help me check my body to see if there is anything wrong with me.


Immediately, Lu Feng heard the prompt sound in the system:

"It has been detected that there are some abnormalities in the host's body. The host's body has suffered some damage before, resulting in the loss of some functions. Part of the reason is due to the compound dream of the drugs used during treatment."

After Lu Feng heard these words, he almost fainted, but he still tried his best to maintain a calm attitude, because if he fainted now, Lu Feng didn't know what would happen next.

However, his strong dizziness made it impossible for Lu Feng to maintain his family relationship, so he continued to ask the system:

"What's wrong with me now? Why do I want to sleep so much? Also, tell me if my injuries can be cured with this side effect."


After Lao Luo finished speaking, the only conscious person who remained awake focused all his attention on listening to the system's reply.

"According to the test, it is known that the host's injury needs to be treated before it can be recovered. It can also be recovered through the system, but it requires more points, about 10,000 points. Can the host recover from his injuries?


Lu Feng almost vomited blood when he heard this. Why was his injury so severe? Wasn't it because of the side effects of the medication? Why do you need so many points? Could it be that you have zombie function?

Thinking of this, Lu Feng fell in love with the woman next to him. The female doctor's face was filled with frost at the moment, and she didn't even look at Lu Feng's current body.

"what did you do to me?


Lu Feng looked at the female doctor and said angrily, but the female doctor had no intention of answering him. She just pointed at the bed and asked Lu Feng to go back again. Lu Feng's body was shaking a little at this time, and he almost stumbled and fell down. Lu Feng just heard He continued to ask:

"This is a medical malpractice! You have to compensate me for my losses! I won't give up with you!"


Lu Feng looked at the female doctor in front of him. His dislike before turned into disgust now. In his eyes, this female doctor was like a devil in hell.

However, in the eyes of the doctor, Lu Feng was also very annoying. Without saying hello before, Lu Feng took advantage of being a man and kept teasing the female nurses and doctors around him.

However, when the witch doctor and nurse arrived at the ward, Lu Feng became even more aggressive. This behavior made the female doctor in front of him even more angry. He almost wanted to kick Lu Feng out right now.

But he couldn't do that. As a doctor, he had the obligation to save lives and heal the wounded. Another reason why Lu Feng couldn't be kicked out was because Lu Feng was responsible for his dream.

Because the senior officials around him have already told him that Lu Feng must be rescued directly. If there is any deviation, all of them can be laid off immediately.

Therefore, they may have used some special drugs without Lu Feng's consent, which has now caused this situation in Lu Feng's body.

So in the eyes of everyone, Lu Feng passed out again after a drug attack. After he passed out, he continued to have a long dream, but this time Lu Feng did not have the same temptation as before.

Instead, he fell directly into a deep sleep. While sleeping, Lu Feng also saw some scenes that he had never seen before, such as strange zombies and strange mutant beasts.

Lu Feng even dreamed of the two mutant pythons. The two mutant pythons surrounded him and kept sticking out their tongues at Lu Feng, as if they wanted to swallow them.

At the critical moment, the black leopard next to Lu Feng came out of nowhere, and the little yellow one. After the two of them got out at the same time, they launched a fierce attack like these two mutant pythons. attack.

In less than a few minutes, maybe a few rounds, the two mutated pythons were taken care of by Lu Feng's Luna and Xiao Huang. At this time, the old terrace had changed its view of Xiao Huang and Luna.

If it weren't for this, Lu Feng really wanted to release these two creatures, but the dream was always a dream. When Lu Feng woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

Lu Feng felt a strong light covering his face. When he raised his head again, he saw the sunlight above his head. When the sunlight hit his face, Lu Feng still felt a little uncomfortable at first.

Until the light hit his eyes, the old terrace reflected that it was the end of the world and it was still raining. This intense rainstorm would not stop for at least half a month.

When Lu Feng first entered the missile base, it had only been about three days since the heavy rain started until he was injured. Could it be that he had already slept for more than ten days?

A lot of doubts arose in Lu Feng's sleepless mind. At this time, he started to look around, but the environment he was in was still in a ward, and Lu Feng fell into a trance again.

Even the previous scenes between him and the doctors and nurses, and even the teasing looks in Tong Fei, Qi Hu, and Chris's eyes, were all vivid in my mind. Could they also be dreams and hallucinations?

Just when Lu Feng was wondering, the display light above his head suddenly lit up, and then Lu Feng heard a woman's voice coming from the speaker on the bedside::

"Are you awake already? If you can maintain a controlled and rational mind, we will come to the ward to check. Are you able to maintain your rationality now, Lu Feng?


After the voice finished speaking, Lu Feng suddenly seemed to feel relaxed and familiar. At this time, Lu Feng suddenly recalled the owner of the voice. It turned out that he had heard this voice before.

At this time, Lu Feng suddenly began to confirm that everything before was not a hallucination, but showed real existence and happening. The scenes he had dreamed about before were also the doctors and nurses he saw in a hazy state. Then he thought he was dreaming.

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