Building an Empire in the Apocalypse

Chapter 703 Re-planning W City

However, Lu Feng is not particularly anxious now. He only needs to arrive at the time center step by step and solve or bring out the resources surrounded by zombies.

There is no need to have a large-scale conflict with those zombies, and it is not a very wise choice for him to have a large-scale conflict with those zombies now.

Lu Feng cannot easily deal with the zombies in W city center. The best way for Lu Feng now is to completely trap those zombies. However, W city center is not yet his territory, so Lu Feng does not There is no ability to build a wall outside that area.

And if Lu Feng didn't have the ability to build, it would be very difficult for his subordinates to build a wall around the zombies even if they gave him ten or twenty thousand people.

Therefore, Lu Feng must first let the center of W become his territory. Only when that area becomes his territory can Lu Feng be able to completely trap the zombies in the city. Moreover, through inducement, Lu Feng can also make the zombies reach the specified area. within.

If that's the case, then the old and weak can integrate all the resources in the center of W anytime and anywhere, then control a specific area in the center of W and surround all the zombies inside.

In this case, it will be very convenient for him to deal with it, and the problem that has been giving Lu Feng a headache will be solved.

That is, I never knew how to deal with the zombies in downtown W. Now Lu Feng suddenly thought of this method. He felt that this method was the most practical and very effective.

If all these zombies were trapped, then Lu Feng would not have to kill them and would only need to raise pigs. When Lu Feng thought of this, he suddenly felt that his idea was very bold.

Because since the outbreak of the apocalypse, no one has had the idea of ​​raising pigs when faced with zombies. However, Lu Feng's ability is just enough to complete his idea.

But now the old and weak have another problem, that is, how can he turn downtown W into his territory? This triggering condition should also be very difficult.

Because Lu Feng has completed several territory missions in a row and has mastered a rule, that is, when he sets out on a territory mission, the difficulty usually increases exponentially, and every mission is extremely difficult.

Just like the first mission at Qingshan Base, Lu Feng also narrowly escaped death there. You must know that he did not have the strong strength he has now, and he did not have any special abilities in his hands.

So much so that he basically almost died on the construction site of the second phase of the Qingshan Base.

However, the second time when Lu Feng captured the Crescent Base, he also had a narrow escape from death, not to mention that he was also attacked by a large number of zombies.

He knew that the number of zombies that attacked Crescent Base was at least tens of thousands.

Moreover, not all the zombies that attacked Crescent Base at that time rushed in. It was just that for some special reasons, these zombies retreated during the attack.

So at that time, he also saved his life, which was equivalent to repelling those zombies at a huge advantage. To be precise, he survived the attack of those zombies.

As for what happened next, it was even more bizarre, because Lu Feng never thought that there would be so many forces involved in the missile base. Although when he took down the missile base, he had already eliminated many people in the missile base. most.

To be precise, most of them were eliminated by T2 zombies, but Lu Feng was still a little overwhelmed by the complicated situation there. He did not expect that there would be three parties involved in the missile base, and there were even some from Xiaotian. Sneak in inside.

Xiao Ritian wanted to benefit from the missile salvo, and if Lu Feng had not appeared at that time, Xiao Ri Ri might have succeeded. If the backstage behind Xiao Ri Ri had known that Lu Feng was obstructing it, I believe Lu Feng would have been listed as one of the Their biggest enemy.

However, Lu Feng didn't really care. He just felt that the difficulty of conquering the missile base was no less than that of conquering the other two bases and the subsequent casting of the body. Together, these were not as difficult as conquering the missile base.

But the same Lu Feng received very rich rewards after recovering the missile base.

Not only did he complete the transformation of his body and arms, he also received the generous reward of making the missile base his territory.

Every time he thinks about this, he feels very excited, because he doesn't know what the next reward will be. If it is cast again, if his body or his head is strengthened,

So old and weak, his self-confidence will be even more inflated because now Lu Feng has only strengthened two arms, and its ability has been strengthened a lot. Lu Feng can now easily defeat any evolver he has seen so far. .

It can even be said that no organization can fight against him. It was common sense at the time, but he led his men directly to Lu Feng's base. Lu Feng faced a group of them with guns and live ammunition.

Lu Feng is also completely arrogant and unafraid. This shows that Lu Feng's ability has been strengthened to the point where he can despise ordinary small forces. Even other mutants are not any threat in Lu Feng's eyes. This is the self-confidence after becoming powerful.

Lu Feng has a very strong desire for this kind of self-confidence and ability, and the desire for power.

It's not that he is a ruthless person, but Lu Feng really needs strength very much.

Because Lu Feng's power can not only enhance his own combat effectiveness, but the same Lu Feng's power can also enhance the survivability of his friends.

Because Lu Feng felt that as a leader, if he could not protect the people in his camp and the people he cared about, then he would have failed quite a bit as a leader.

On the other hand, Lu Feng needs to protect the people he cares about. Protecting these people can only increase his own strength. As his strength increases, Lu Feng will also expand his territory in disguise.

As long as Lu Feng improves now, whether it is improving his own strength, the size of his base, or the number of people, it is a disguised improvement of his overall strength.

This is a mutually reinforcing principle, so Lufeng Hyundai must continue to develop downwards without stopping. When it reaches the bottleneck of its development, it can stop. This is also a good wish of Lufeng.

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