Building B

Chapter 1061: Mobei Owl

The sword light is like a pine wave, and it collides with the palm prints of the golden face. Although the gap between the two is so obvious, Lou Yi looks so small, but in the stamens of the blooming autumn chrysanthemum, there is A figure that never retreats.

The roar is endless, and the golden Faxiang is eroded by the continuous Xuanbing cold air, and the movement becomes gradually numb. Lou Yi's sword in his hand, the faster the speed, like a storm slamming the shore, continuous.

Under the influence of Luohe Jiuxing, all the clones of Lou Yi began to lose track of their whereabouts.

A series of avatars bypassed the terrible palm print attack, and began to surround the golden body from all directions, causing the surrounding frost and the temperature to drop sharply, slowly the ice ring appeared in the color of black ice, and the sky changed. It got dark and rushed.

The old man of the Kui family in the Dharma, his lips were slightly blue at this moment, and the temperature was too low. Although he was confident of his golden body's defense, he also knew that he couldn't beat this before and after.

As Lou Yi continued to attack, the golden body form suddenly shrank, and the rays of light condensed together like a golden sun. Lou Yi raised his brows and thought, "Is this planning to escape?"

With one enemy and three, one person and one clever mechanism were seized, two clever mechanism persons were captured, and the other two were forced to avoid the battle. Obviously Lou Yi was showing his momentum this time. This is extremely for the Tai Sui organization and the Ma family. Great encouragement.

Zhe Moxiong looked at the figure standing proudly above Qian Bingbing, his eyes filled with yearning, he clenched his fist to cheer himself up, "One day, I can do it too!"

Tu Xiao and the others are preparing for the battle at this time. You must know that this kind of front-line challenge is just an appetizer. The number of opponents has an absolute advantage. How can it be hard to lose one by one with you? Tu Xiao looked at Lou Yi Hey said, "This kid is good, he has a great momentum!"

Yin Huai also saw all this in his eyes. He said to the monks around him, "Ma Jiaerlang should take this as an example!"

Huang Hao is standing on the top of the city at the moment. It wants to help Lou Yi very much, but this kind of rain will greatly restrict its swing. Moreover, Lou Yi is now using the waterfall sword technique. Even if it goes, it will not be too much. Great effect, it will also break the rules.

However, just when everyone was looking at Lou Yi, the man wearing a corrugated felt hat came out. This guy was too inconspicuous when he was thrown into the crowd, but Lou Yi never looked down upon him because of this person. It feels very dangerous to him.

This man was biting a straw stick, and the smell peculiar to the cattle pen spread all over his body, which made many people frown and hide their noses. However, he turned a deaf ear, slightly showing the brim of his hat. In his eyes, there was only Lou Yi with a hand. Yang dropped a swarthy saber knife in his hand. This knife looked extremely heavy, with complicated patterns painted on it.

As soon as the knife came out, someone in the crowd exclaimed, "Drinking blood! It's a blood-drinking knife!!!"

Another person shouted, "Mobei Xiao killed, that is the lunatic who kills without blinking!!!"

What's more, someone in the crowd rushed directly out, rushed to it, and shouted, "You pay my son!"

6 Continued a monk rushed out from the opposite side, but this horror seemed to turn a blind eye. He just looked at Lou Yi blindly, which made Lou Yi feel a little helpless, thinking, "This guy is really a personality, and his defiant personality is a bit like Song Zhong. Like..."

Just when Lou Yi was about to watch the play, the owlet suddenly moved, ignoring the approach of everyone behind him, and swung a knife straight towards him. His body is quite strange, swaying like a straw, there is a kind of The drunkard was drunk and felt unsteady.

I was thinking that this guy actually fell down. It’s just that the other person fell head-down in mid-air. The people watching around couldn’t help but exclaim, but at this moment they saw the Owl Killer’s wrist turn, Qiongtian Daoying unexpectedly slashed towards the sky in the opposite direction, the light of the knife headed towards Building Yi.

This knife is still accurate, I'm afraid he will be split in half immediately, Lou Yi's figure becomes distorted again, and the knife slashes past him, but when Lou Yi thinks he has avoided it, he appears The cut blade shadow turned strangely, chasing him and slashing over.

"Huh? What's the situation, how could it happen?" When Lou Yi was puzzled, he quickly displayed the blue and white mirror, and the shadow of the knife split on it. A long and narrow crack was cut. Lou Yi's face suddenly became serious. problem……

Ah ah ah ah ah……

At this moment, the screams came and went one after another, but the owl killer slammed back randomly after stabilizing his body, and at least a dozen monks were chopped in half when the knife went down, and the blood donated was scattered along their bodies , But seemed to be drawn into the blood-drinking knife as if being pulled by some kind of force.

But seeing that weird mountain of swordsmen, the complicated pattern suddenly lit up, and a dark red blood appeared. At this moment, what Lou Yi felt was that this knife actually faintly released a strong meaning of drinking blood. A magic knife, and a sword spirit resides in it.

Xiao Shao raised his head blankly, revealing a mechanical smile. Lou Yi suddenly felt his back chill, and the opponent's figure was still swaying, but this time Lou Yi appeared, his movements were obviously faster. And the identity of the other party made him feel drowsy.

The more he wanted to capture the other's figure, the feeling became stronger, and even hallucinations appeared in front of Lou Yi's eyes. When he saw the shadow of Xiaokiller, there would be phantoms, and they also moved with its shadow. It is confusing and makes the feeling of drowsiness stronger.

"It seems that this guy's body style is also very problematic, is it magic repair?" Lou Yi muttered to himself.

The Narcissus Sword in his hand shook, and the person leaned forward with the sword dance, a stream of ice walked around him, and went straight to the Owl Killer. If you can't avoid it, try the depth of the other party. Retreat.

However, the Owl Killer didn't seem to pay attention to him at all, or did not pay attention to Lou B's moves at all. The Owl Killer's wrist flicked, and the chopping knife made a strange trembling sound, and the sound was like sound waves sweeping forward, crashing The ice streams crashed together.

As a result, the mysterious ice stream broke, and Lou Yi moved backwards, while swinging the sword forward, the real yuan self-stop Narcissus sword rushed past, the bursting ice stream was dragged by it, and after a round, it burst again. Killed the owl.

This is the lingering and forgetfulness of the waterfall sword art. It is most suitable to tie the boat against the current that was used before, but the owl still walks with the knife, and the sound of trembling once again shakes the ice current away.

Just at this moment, the ice blue phantom appeared on Xiao Xiao’s side, and at the same time he swung his sword towards his location. The freezing air was pervasive, and he wanted to kill Xiao Xiao frozen in the mid-air, but the other party suddenly shrank, like It was like falling down if he couldn't stand steady, and the magic knife was spinning fast in his hand while drinking blood.

The weird light and shadow were shining with a dark red light, and it was cut away without any rules. The sound of sorrow and wailing echoed in the sky. Lou Yi only felt the sting of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the sound of the magic knife could penetrate. Its spiritual protection affects its spiritual knowledge of the sea.

This person is indeed a little dangerous. Lou Yi dodges backwards while swinging his sword down. Under the guidance of him, the broken ice crystals shoot towards Xiaoshou like hail. The latter staggered a few steps. At the same time swept the knife towards the sky.

The trembling sound smashed Xuan Bing into powder, and at the same time, the knife light burst with a dangerous aura, and slashed towards the place where Lou Yi was. After suffering the first loss, naturally he could not suffer in the same place again.

Lou Yi's figure flickered, and more than a hundred phantoms were separated, and instead of retreating, he went straight to the Owl to kill. The slashed light of the sword really came after his body, but Lou Yi was in the soft wind and drizzle. Under the blessing of the decision, the speed is surprisingly fast.

The blades of the two collided together in an instant. At this time, Xiao Slay raised his head fiercely, revealing an extremely terrifying face, he seemed to be smiling...

It's just that this smile is really terrible. This owl killed a rotten face. Through the rotten skin, he could see the exposed bones and alveolar of his face.

And at the moment when the swords hit each other, he clearly felt the strong mood swings in Owl Kill. He seemed to be waiting for this moment. For a moment, a dark red demon suddenly appeared on the magic knife drinking blood. Ying, it fiercely rushed towards the Zhishui Immortal Sword.

An unusually cold voice rang in Lou Yi's ears, "The sleeping spirit in your sword is mine..."

Only then did Lou Yi understand that it turned out that the opponent was coming towards the sword spirit of the sword in his hand, but Lou Yi’s expression at the moment was a bit weird. The spirit of the magic sword actually wanted to swallow the sword of the Sword of Water Immortality. spirit.

You must know that this is a real fairy sword. Up to now, he himself has not been able to wake up the sword spirit to help fight with his strength. This horror is too confident. The moment the demon soul in the blood-drinking knife plunged into the still water fairy sword , A flash of silvery white light as thin as cow hair.

Then he heard the demon soul in the blood-drinking knife wailing incomparably. Obviously, the sword spirit of the water immortal sword made it understand that it would be punished if it coveted a goal beyond its ability.

And just at this moment, Lou Yi's figure suddenly flashed, and he saw that the knife shadow chasing him before that whistling on Xiaosha's body, the other party seemed to be hurt by the devil soul. , Did not react for a while, but died by his own knife instead.

But when Lou Yi thought that he had solved the opponent, he suddenly saw that magic knife suddenly release an astonishing blood-colored light. This light enveloped the Owl, and then turned into a dark red light, flying with an astonishing speed. Escape.

There was a weak echo from the air, "Next... the next time I see you... take your life, take your sword spirit, and Jiuquan take your daughter, it... it's me..."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Lou Yi’s face changed, but a strong voice of discussion broke out in the crowd. Especially the Shahemeng monk hiding in it, his eyes fixed on the flying light, and one of them was low. Said, "It's too fast to catch up!"

And the other person said, "It's okay, you will always meet!"...


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