Building B

Chapter 1138: Wu Tianhuyin

The screams below came to an abrupt end, and wanted to come to the newly promoted Fufeng Eagle Venerable, and paid the price for his behavior. At this time, a lot of aura locked himself in the air. Lou Yi looked down and saw one. A giant scorpion the size of a small mountain, shaking its terrifying tail hook, eyes flashing with faint light, staring at him firmly.

"What? Didn't you have enough?" Lou Yi asked teasingly.

Bang, bang! ! !

A pair of giant insect claws fought fiercely in mid-air. Lou Yi shook his head. Obviously, this was driving him away from their site. He scanned the depression below, and could see that the depression was buried in the depression. All kinds of bones, they are semi-submerged in the water, and their eye sockets are facing the sky.

Eating the weak and eating the strong is always the unchanging law of this world. Lou Yi shook his head with a wry smile, and turned into a stream of light that shot into the distance. Seeing Lou Yi's intriguing departure, the giant scorpions scrambled towards Fufeng Diaozun. The king of the airspace, it has long been pricked by the giant scorpion's poisonous hook, and its gorgeous feathers have long been stained with pitch black by the venom, and the blood is shining with a strange purple-black light...

Lou Yi left this depression and flew towards the stone pillars of sandstorm in front of him. Along the way, he saw countless stone pillars eroded by sandstorm. They were like bamboo shoots or mushrooms. Some were wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and some were wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. The two ends are wide and the middle is narrow. He sighs the mighty power of nature, and there is a thoughtful look in his eyes.

At this moment, there was a faint whistling sound in front of you. At first it sounded like a tiger roaring mountain, and then it sounded like a group of tigers roaring. Suddenly to the left, and sometimes to the right, whirling back and forth.

Lou Yi looked up at the sky. In a yellow area above the sky, it was like a huge whirlpool, and the wind pressure was exceptionally low. This whirlpool was like a huge stone mill across the sky and the earth.

This area feels extremely depressing for Lou B. This area is extremely large. Lou Yi's eyelids twitched. For him, this place is full of dangerous feelings, because there is no trace of monsters here. This is extremely unusual. Things.

In addition to the wind that whizzed past, there was a certain special frequency mixed in it, and there was a feeling of heart palpitations. He took a deep breath and said, "If it comes, you will be at ease..."

He landed on the ground, looked around, and walked towards this area shrouded by huge stone pillars. When he stepped into it, he felt an unusual rhythm, the wind was changing, and he could feel The flow of wind is blocked by the stone pillars here.

It was like a hand fiddled with them invisibly. Suddenly Lou Yi felt a throbbing in his heart, and he felt the wind flowing around him suddenly became stronger in an instant.

The power of the wind changed rapidly, and the power increased more than a thousand times. Building B had to stick tightly under a stone pillar in order to avoid this terrible wind, but at this moment a terrible buzzing sounded in his ears. ll.

Lou Yi said in secret, "No, there is a problem with this stone pillar!"

He quickly shielded his five senses and walked out from under the hidden stone pillars. At this moment, the hurricane rushed towards his body, and a blue and white emerald light bloomed. Lou Yi could only use the blue and white secret patterns to fight against him in an emergency. .

The wind is like the sharpest blade, stirring the surroundings at a terrifying speed. Lou Yi knows very well that if there is no protection from the blue and white secret pattern, he must have been cut by thousands of knives by now, and there will be no whole body.

Even with the protection of the blue and white secret pattern, this terrible wind force still makes him feel palpitations. Because the wind is too strong, he needs to protect him from the wind blade and spend a lot of true energy to stay in the original Ground.

The wind is coming and going fast, and it disappears without a trace in just a moment. At this time, Lou Yi looked up at the huge stone pillar beside him. He originally thought that by sticking to it, relying on its huge size, he could successfully avoid it. A terrible hurricane.

But after careful inspection, he discovered that these stone pillars were eroded by wind and sand all year round, and they were covered with various cavities, and it was these cavities that caused the sound of resonance. If Building B did not leave in time This stone pillar, when the hurricane swept over the stone pillar, was when he burst into death.

It is like a wind power multiplier. It looks like a straw that saves lives, but in fact it is the deadliest straw that crushes the camel. Lou Yi sighed with lingering fear, listening to the sound of the surrounding wind, feeling Following their flow, they rushed to other places quickly.

After a while, the same scene happened again. Lou Yi couldn't just repeat his tricks. After the wind passed, he quickly swallowed three spirit pills to restore his true essence, and after a short rest, he moved on.

However, he soon discovered that he had made things simple, because he soon discovered that this place turned out to be a large natural formation. The more he walked inward, the more terrifying the force of the wind, as if to Cut his bones and destroy his soul.

And the further behind, the smaller the stone pillars here, the terrible buzzing sound that made his head burst open, it felt like a terrible tiger, roaring loudly in your ears.

Even if he closed his ears, he still couldn't avoid the harm of the resonance vibration to him, and the frequency of the hurricane became higher as he went later, which made Lou Yi miserable.

He raised his head to look at the sky, the terrible orange grinding disc, just staying in the sky so quietly, but it just seemed quiet, because what Lou Yi felt was a hundred times more terrifying power than below.

Those yellow and clear substances are actually huge stones with a volume of more than ten feet, but they can be strangely and quietly adsorbed above the sky, so what is in the huge area like the eye of a stone? Terrible power...

For some reason, Lou Yi always felt that he must not get close to the huge windmill in the sky. This was an intuition, a keen intuition when he felt a fatal threat.

But soon he discovered one thing, that is, that terrible hurricane is regular, and when he carefully feels the flow of the wind around him, he can vaguely guess the direction of the wind.

This is very important to him. It is a very important means of life-saving. After he successfully escaped a hurricane, he began to pay attention to these rules, so he played in the stone forest. A game of hide and seek with the wind.

Soon he guessed the rules of the flow of wind, which gave him more time to record everything here, because he felt that he might have found a long-awaited formation by accident. law.

And at the moment he was holding the Shifang Killing Iron Roll in his hand. At this moment, on the blank iron sheet, light began to slowly emerge, and it outlined the embryonic form of many stone pillars. It will show its true body, and on the hand of the iron scroll, there is a tiger written on it.

If he hadn't expected it to be wrong, the formation of the stone forest formed by the baptism of the strong wind should be one of the four wonders he could not pursue.

Lou Yi wandered in the outermost area without hurries, because the wind here was the softest. Even if a hurricane hits, he still had more time to adjust and avoid it. When he went around for a while, he found out It was much bigger than he thought.

And this stone forest is not static. It has four outward bulges and is composed of four huge stone pillars, like four terrible tiger toes. Those stone pillars are sharp claws on tiger toes. .

Corresponding to this are the three meandering rivers under the tiger's toe. They flow from the inside of the tiger's toe stone pillar group, and Building B has tried, but cannot enter the stone pillar group through them.

After thinking about it in his mind, Lou Yi discovered that if the stone pillars here are put together, it looks like a footprint, an unimaginable footprint of a tiger...

A few hours later, Lou B finally succeeded in reaching the middle area of ​​the stone pillar group. The wind here is already considered to be a strong wind. There are five or six levels of wind, and the place is full of resonance, like a group of tigers. You growl in your ears.

Lou Yi endured this discomfort and walked slowly around the stone pillars to avoid the terrible hurricane. At the same time, he carefully constructed the distribution and arrangement of these stone pillars in his He kept feeling it. I am making corrections to the changes in the wind I arrive, in case I am negligent and unable to fully record all this.

At this time, when Lou Yi looked up to the sky, he was already located directly under the Huang Chengcheng windmill, a terrifying huge black hole, like an extremely huge eye, staring at him.

It looked so dark and terrifying that Lou Yi couldn't help but his hairs stand up. He deliberately ignored the huge impact that the terrifying wind eye brought to him, but converged his mind to deal with everything that would happen next.

Because he is about to step into the most core area, once he steps into it, he will encounter an unprecedented crisis, but he has no choice, because shortly after entering here, he feels the mark of Jianghou staying here. , To prove that he is on the right path.

And he felt that he was right in front of this place at the moment, and there was still the aura of his legacy. It seems that this guy has successfully passed through the stone pillars in the core area, and Lou Yi knows that Jianghou's own cultivation is. He came to experience all this, I am afraid that he has been torn apart by the hurricane before he has reached where he is now.

Then there is only one possibility. He used a certain method to get through. It is very likely that he has come into contact with the witches, or he may have passed safely in the caravan.

However, his identity is special. Furthermore, he said that he came alone. Even if he encountered the caravan, he couldn't explain clearly to others. Once exposed, he would harm others and hurt himself.

Lou Yi looked at the terrible wind curtain ahead. The closed ears were still trembling at this moment, as if terrible tiger beasts were roaring at him. In the wind curtain, there seemed to be a huge shadow. Going up is like a mountain, but it doesn't feel like it, so Lou Yi muttered directly in his heart.

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