Building B

Chapter 1143: Witchcraft

Just as Lou Yi was thinking about how to find Lou Yi, the people who were staying at the bottom of Shewu Valley had gathered together one after another. The technique of praying for witches was obviously successful. , Are glowing with crimson light.

It feels like endless blood bursts out of the body. This feeling is very similar to the secret arts of the blood witch clan, but looking at these witch clan people, there is no crazy color, but one by one looks extremely normal.

Especially for the old men, everyone’s breath has reached the perfect state of the fit period, and everyone is exuding incredible power, and the prison who presides over the magic of witchcraft, the power surging at this moment is even more powerful. It is terrible, even far beyond everyone present.

His chest is imprinted with the beliefs of the witch races, the double-headed snake, the witch races were born out of the ancient witch family Kua'e, but Kua'e is the head of the ancient great witches. He is born with supernatural power and infinite power. The power of cultivation.

Each of them is a giant, completely invulnerable. Although the Witch Clan imitates the Kwae Clan's barefoot and naked body in behavior, they do not have the ability to cultivate by relying on the power of Yuehua and the stars. They just believe in this great clan.

They tattooed their beliefs on their bodies. It is said that the serpentine patterns on their bodies came from Kuafu, the greatest leader of the Kua'e clan. Kuafu walked along the sun and triggered the first battle between gods and demons. As the head of the great witch, naturally The example of all witch cultivators.

And this snake pattern is said to be derived from the double-headed yellow snake hanging from Kuafu’s earlobe. The witch tribes believe in Kua’e and worship Kuafu, so they commemorate Kuafu and inspire the witches.

If you look carefully, you will find that only the snake pattern on the prison body is double-headed, and the snake patterns of the other witch races are just two snakes entangled together, and then look left and right separately.

The snake pattern on the prison body at this moment is vivid, revealing an inexplicable sense of mystery. The scepter in his hand also shines with purple brilliance at this moment, but if you look closely, you will see that there are countless blood there like earthworms. Inside the orb, it was winding forward.

The prison bowed to the Fengjian totem on the stone wall, but at this moment, the stone wall suddenly heard a crisp cracking sound, and a crack appeared strangely on the Fengjian totem, slowly spreading to the surroundings, and finally carved The windy mountain wall shattered.

"How could this be?"

"This is a sign!"

"Ominous omen..."


The voices of discussion from below all felt that this was an ominous sign, indicating that something bad was about to happen, and the faces of the witch clans were worried, and the excitement after gaining power before disappeared.

The prisoner turned around and snorted coldly, "Bachtu, Hecarim, Tuhumo, Ambassaha!"

After hearing the words, everyone knelt to the ground, pressed their faces to the ground, and stretched their hands forward as much as possible. They said in fear, "Mahamalita!"

Yin Huai watched what happened. He didn't know what the prisoner had said to his people, but when he looked at the broken mountain wall, he faintly felt a little uneasy in his heart. He sighed and turned his gaze back. Some direction.

A person was tied to a huge pillar. His hands and feet were cut off, his eyes were cut off, his ears, nose and tongue were cut off, and even his mouth was sealed.

But he was still alive. At this time, the demon birds raised by the witch tribes were constantly gnawing their flesh and blood, and the blood flowed down the chains that bound him, dyeing the pillar into blood red. Below is a huge stone mortar.

At this moment, the stone mortar was filled with dark red liquid, most of which was blood from the bound person, and the rest was the vicious witchcraft developed by the witch tribes with their secret methods.

The name of this technique is witch hu, and it is used to punish the tribe who betrayed the witch tribe and committed great crimes, and the person who was tied to the pole at this moment was obviously not a member of the witch tribe, but was also used. Followed this brutal and inhuman witchcraft method.

The so-called witchcraft method is to cut off human limbs, men castrate, women cut breasts, tied with chains refined by witchcraft and tied to the sky pillar, and use witchcraft to make people who are punished to survive and die. , Or cut or dig out the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and tongue, and seal the gods with witch wax to prevent the soul from leaving the body.

In this way, the human soul is sealed in the body and cannot be separated from the body for reincarnation. Because of the blessing of witchcraft, the flesh and blood of the tortured will regenerate, so the monster birds raised by the witch tribes will eat their meat every day.

This person has been tortured by this method for more than half a year. Although he can't make any noise, he can tell from the pecking of hundreds of demon birds and the blood dripping from the sky at this moment. What kind of cruel torture and torture people have suffered.

And the person to be tortured was the Jianghou Lou Yi was looking for during this trip. Perhaps the latter would never have thought that in the caravan he was following, there was a Ma family hidden in the caravan, and he naturally recognized Jianghou. .

After Jianghou came here, he was confessed by this person, and then he suffered brutal and inhumane torture. However, Yin Huai had never seen this person, but he had heard the clan talk about it. This person was heinous for Lu Kang's inquiries into the movement of the witches. Sinner.

However, in Yin Huai's mind, Lou Yi saved the entire Ma family. If it weren't for the threat of the Ma family's second girl, he would definitely not agree that the tribe would leave the ancestral land where they lived in the times and come to such an extremely remote place. Also extremely dangerous place.

Since coming here, every day has been a life of trepidation. Although the second lady is married to the patriarchs of the witch tribes, these people of the witch tribes have never really regarded them as a family. They live by themselves. Separated from the Ma family’s place of residence, they drove them to live outside.

In this regard, the second young lady did not help the tribe to speak, but instead let the tribe to exercise restraint. When major events are now, they must not provoke right and wrong. Yin Huai sees everything in his eyes, but has no choice.

Now the prison is planning a war against the entire Xizhou. Because of the legend of the so-called Jiuquan seizing the protagonist, he needs to accumulate his own strength and expand the army fighting for him, just like Lou Yi and Shahemeng did. same.

But the prisoners are the witches, and the witches have no real foothold in this Kunwu world. The monks here despise the witches and regard them as heretics, and they can only succumb to these people, but now they are different. Up.

The prison got the power he dreamed of, a power that could change the destiny of the Wu clan. If he wins the victory of Jiuquan Sect, then with the terrifying power of the Huangquan Sect, he can sweep all over the place. You can take the Wu Clan to leave this world on Loulan Shaman.

So no matter who the opponent is in this battle, he has to let go, even at the expense of using the witch ban, but what does the current situation mean? Why does the mountain wall of Qi Ling appear to be broken, is this really God's will?

The prisoner does not want to admit all this. At this moment, his heart is very firm. Since ancient times, power determines his position, just as his ancestors wanted to seize the power of the witch clan but were driven away by the two lines of witches. There is no power in front of him. The truth is that there is no glory for the loser.

But now he has the power, even if the enlightenment comes from the heavens, as long as he can successfully seize the prostitute, he can rewrite everything!

However, at this moment, there was a loud noise outside, and then something crashed down. It turned out to be a huge boulder about a hundred meters in size, and then a terrible sound fell from the sky.

"Guhag, wow!!!!" someone yelled, pointing to the sky.

What he meant was a sign of heaven, which had come...

The prisoner snorted coldly, leaped into the sky, and looked towards the sky through the bones of Bo Shi, and then his complexion slowly became difficult to look, because he found the huge wave above the sky, which was slowly Crash.

He clenched his fists and shouted at the sky, "Nah, Sakya Haku!!!"

However, his angry roar did not end the matter. Once again, a huge black shadow roared from the sky. The roaring noise was like a hammer with a handle, and it slammed into the hearts of everyone gathered in Dementing Valley. Above.

Huge black shadows fall from the sky like violent meteorites, but because the power of the wind’s nest has not completely disappeared, there will be at least some time before the complete collapse but even if it is one month and two months at night Yes, it still cannot change the result that they are about to lose their home.

What makes the prison even more intolerable is that this is the place where the bitter spring is located. Losing the protection of the sky-reaching tide will naturally arouse the covetousness of the interested people. Even if he can dig out this place again, he cannot rely on the existing people. Come to guard the bitter spring.

And he is a witch tribe, and he is born to treat people who are different from the witch tribe as a different kind. If they are not my race, their hearts must be different. They have been deeply rooted in the people of these witch tribes, even if he married With Ma Yingyu, there is more a combination of interests between the two.

The prison needs Ma Yingyu to mediate with all forces in Xizhou, while Ma Yingyu needs to rely on the prison’s power to get revenge. Of course, she hopes the prison will help her rescue her family. The two are just a formal union, even The prison has not yet completed his room.

The prisoner retracted his gaze and looked at the figure on the Tongtian Pillar. He was immediately furious. It was these damned guys who forced their people to come to such a place of death.

After finally being able to settle down in life, whoever dreamed of failing to fulfill their wishes, unexpectedly encountered the collapse of the tide, one can imagine how angry the prisoner at this time is.

He came to the Tongtian Pillar and drove away the demon birds that wantonly gnawed the flesh and blood of the river monkey, but just when his hand was about to pinch the river monkey’s neck, a voice that was as cold as the cold nine days of the sky was in his ears. It sounded, "Let go of him, otherwise your people will be buried for this!!!"

A figure suddenly appeared beside the prisoner, taking advantage of his distraction, kicked it out with a sharp kick, accompanied by a loud noise, everyone's eyes suddenly gathered to the Tongtianzhu Above, a figure faces them back, but exudes terrifying energy like a hurricane.

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