Building B

Chapter 1149: Demon Blood Crystal Forest

The plain below is much larger than imagined, with mountains, waters and vegetation. It was supposed to be the habitat of the family members of the prisoner of Fengquan, but since the event of the devil's looting of souls, this place has fallen silent.

Lou B did not go with them, because he had more important things to do, and half a month passed in a flash. On this day Lou B knocked dozens of yellow-turbaned men to the ground with his own power, but at this moment Received a message from the Zerg Queen.

It rarely sends a message to himself, it seems that he is in trouble, thinking about this, he jumped down the floating boulder along the way he came, and rushed towards the direction of the message sent by the Zerg Queen.

What he didn't expect was that the place was so big that he could see the rolling hills. When they first came here, the plain they saw was only the tip of the iceberg. As he moved forward, he paid attention. There are traces of being turned over everywhere.

It seemed that it was the work of ticks, lice and other insects. Lou Yi moved quickly along these traces, and soon he saw a mountain peak full of holes, and faintly saw strands of black and red light emerging.

Lou Yi immediately improved his level, because there was a smell of Zi Devil, Lou Yi inspected it roughly after falling down, and found some black bones from the excavated rock fragments. Devil Bone...

Lou Yi frowned and muttered to himself, "Is it a place where bones are buried, or is it the battlefield of ancient demons?"

With a belly of doubt, he accelerated his speed. At this moment, he noticed that a huge mountain suddenly appeared in front of him, but the appearance of the mountain was very strange. The huge stone pillars were like the backs of a hedgehog. It continues to extend towards the sky.

At this time, Lou Yi found many broken ruins. These ruins were scattered and the distances were almost the same. They looked like square chimneys, with a dark and deep bottomless hole in between.

This reminded Lou Yi of the Huangquan people’s lifestyle that he had seen at the beginning. They used to live underground to avoid the devil’s interference, so these deep bottomless pits were most likely excavated by the Huangquan people. .

Lou Yi lowered his head and swept around, and saw that most of the cave entrances were sealed by huge rocks, and some had even collapsed and burned. Only a few were still well preserved. He looked forward, and the strange clusters of thorny mountains gave him a kind of A sense of uncertainty.

Lou Yi sighed and flew up, the best way to figure out everything is to witness it with his own eyes.

Not long after he came to this mountain peak, during which he found a large number of buried caves, some of them could even see the traces left after the battle, and even the dark magic bones were turned out and lost everywhere. Yes, obviously these are the masterpieces of ticks, lice, and zerg.

He speeded up and rushed upwards, and shuttled along the gaps of these tens of thousands of feet high mountain spikes. A magical energy came from their roots. Lou Yi even saw the roots of these huge mountain spikes. There is a surging black and red magic energy.

His brows suddenly furrowed deeper. It seems that he was careless at first, and he just re-seals the main body of the demon, but forgets that the demon is a race, how can it be just fighting alone...

He flew higher and higher, and suddenly his body seemed to have fallen into the water suddenly, and he felt extremely sticky, but he looked around but there was no any abnormality. Lou Yi suddenly understood that it seems that this place should also be a demon. Luo Hu left behind.

Of course, it could also be something else hiding here. He used all his energy to penetrate this water-like membrane, and his eyes suddenly became clear, a pungent smell poured into his nose, and the eyes appeared dazzling. The black and red light.

Lou Yi frowned and held his breath. For a moment, he almost shook the gluttonous kiss in his body. This breath was too strong, and it smelled of indescribable blood.

The front was shrouded by a strong blood mist, and everything around was covered by it. Lou Yi saw that there seemed to be an invisible barrier between the blood mist and the sky. He guessed that it was what he had just passed through. That invisible film.

At this moment, he felt the urgent call of the Zerg Queen, and quickly rushed in the direction of the call, but at this moment, something suddenly burst out of the blood mist, and a terrible demonic energy surged all over his body.

Lou Yi slammed his fist subconsciously, but the shadow coming from the attack was extremely fast. After twisting in the air, Lou Yi suddenly saw a black big mouth close to him. .

The big mouth bit Lou Yidao's head, but strangely, no blood came out of the headless corpse. At this moment, a vague shadow suddenly appeared on the side of the black figure, and then he listened. There was a loud bang, and this time the fist hit it firmly.

The black shadow let out a scream, and fell straight down from the sky. Building B dived down, trying to see exactly what it was, but at this moment he felt that devilish creatures were everywhere. , Rushed towards him.

Lou Yi's fingers pinched Yin Jue, and a blue light surrounded him. A blue flower on his head changed its appearance. Lou Yi said, "The blue and white is invisible, the sun is invisible, the blue and white is invisible, and it turns into a treasure bottle! "

The true essence surging out of the body, through the blue and white turned into a solid mask, wrapped Lou B, at first glance it looks like a suet jade bottle, and that blue and white is its cork. At this time, blue and white flowers suddenly appeared alternately on the blue jade bottle, which looked very strange.

This is a new trick he has figured out since he fought with the prison. The main function is to be able to protect the place within one meter of the surrounding area under the blue and white. At the beginning, he was carrying a monkey on his back and was beaten in prison. , This feeling made him extremely upset.

At this time, after the blood mist surging for a while, a black figure whizzed out, Lou Yi pinched his hands to imprint, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. This time he did not launch an attack, but waited quietly on the spot, wanting to see what it was. What launched an attack on him.

The black shadow whizzed up, rushing with a strong devilish energy, the blue and white aquarium made a clanging sound, the black shadow pounced at an extremely fast speed, and the black fangs kept trying to bite the building B who was hiding behind it. .

But when Lou B saw clearly what was attacking him, he was stunned, because these attacking them were nothing else, it was the tick and zerg that he released himself, but at this moment, their appearance has changed greatly. The change.

Lou Yi had never thought that this kind of worm would fly. At this moment, they clearly have a pair of magical wings on their backs. The eyes are shining with magic light, and the terrifying and hideous mouth is constantly surging outward. Qi, their body size has also grown several times larger, and a dark magic mark appeared on their bodies.

At this moment, these guys are like demon servants, desperately selling their lives for the master, which makes him unacceptable. After all, these guys are sworn allegiance to them, but at the same time, he also knows that these guys do everything to eat. It came out that he remembered the thrilling scene in the black forest of Wuwanghai. Lou Yi slowly stretched out his palms and leaned forward with claws. After decades of immersion, Lou Yi had little experience in the Zulong Bengtian Pose. Although it could not be compared with Huang Qiang, it was different from before. A great improvement.

An orange-yellow dragon-shaped paw print was accurately grasped on one of the tick zergs controlled by the devilish energy. His eyes were shining with bright golden light, his mouth was chanting the Heart Sutra, and his fingers could not pinch the Mingwang seal. Zerg reached towards the tick.

A dazzling Buddha light shrouded the surroundings instantly, and those ticks, lice and zombie insects instantly wailed and wailed. The body was illuminated by the Buddha light, and suddenly became riddled with holes. Lou Yibao sternly faced each other and muttered to himself, "Even eroded by devilish energy Is so serious, what is there...?"

He looked at the tick and zerg that was pinched by the dragon's claws, slowly being turned into black dust by the Buddha's light, and then he knew that the tick and zerg were gone, and the remaining ticks were different. The worms scattered and fled.

Lou Yi suddenly remembered something, his body turned into a golden light, and flew towards the blood mist below There seemed to be some anxiety in his eyes.

Passing through the thick blood-colored clouds, from time to time there will be ticks, lice and worms rushing towards him, but with the Buddha light body, these guys can only escape in the end, but most of them still died in the Buddha light of Building B. under.

Because he doesn't want such dangerous things to stay in the world, ordinary people can't deal with these guys. They are not only rough and thick, but they are extremely tenacious. If they don't understand the power of Buddhism, they will most likely be swallowed as blood.

Finally, he passed through the thick clouds. At this moment, only a black shadow appeared below. Lou B instantly locked the Zerg Queen and Black Armor in this shadow. At this moment, the two were fighting side by side, but the second building was watching. When facing the black shadow, his head grew bigger.

In this almost crazy shadow, most of them are unknown Zergs, and even the King Insect Guards are among them. They turned their backs on their queen and became the main force in attacking the Zerg Queen.

Ticks, lice and worms interspersed in it, constantly attacking the line of defense constructed by the Void Insect Guard, but what Lou Yi did not expect was that the Void Insect Guard was completely immune to the environment here, which made him very pleased.

He turned his gaze to the back of these terrifying shadows, where a black and red strange spar pillar appeared. They looked like trees made of spar, but these guys like trees were terrifying. Weird.

They are like the branches and leaves of the treetops, twisting and winding to spread around, and there is a strong eruption of magical energy. It turns out that the dense cloud of magic mist in the sky is the masterpiece of these guys.

But what makes Lou Yi puzzled is that these seemingly trees are not trees, because he was gifted by the common people and did not notice the signs of life. On the contrary, it was the gluttonous kiss in his body. I can't bear loneliness and want to come out.

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