Building B

Chapter 1226: God of War Li Dou

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If Lou Yi would definitely recognize the other person here, because she was once forced to sign a contract with Songshen to give the three feathers on top of her head to Lou Yi’s white-headed golden eagle, but her bloodline is very different now, and she is now gold. Winged Dapeng bird.

The same is true for her three sons, so they have become the spokespersons of the Jinpeng clan, responsible for clearing the entire Northern Territory. The millions of monsters are just the beginning, and more monsters will appear in the future.

This is a signal of a crisis, which means that the monsters are no longer willing to dormant in Beizhou, they want to move around, and the consequences of their activities are very likely to be the nightmare of all the people in Beizhou.

The direction of the golden armor woman at the moment is the holy mountain. It seems that the heart knot at the beginning is still bothering her, although she is already a demon venerable now, and she has moved to the core area of ​​the Helian Mountains to practice.

It's just that when Song Shen died in the immortal, he used his remaining power to use the Lingdao ban. Lou Yi once planned to open this ban, but found that there was no way for him to use his cultivation base and knowledge of the formation.

It seems that what Songshen said when he thinks it is appropriate does not mean now. Now Lou Yi is ranked as a Mahayana monk, and his knowledge of the formation is not what it used to be, but it is subject to the original signing of the human race and the monster race. The agreement, but maybe the tide of the monster race this time may also be an opportunity.

The woman with golden armor stared below her face like frost. She could feel the terrible power of prohibition below. She did not try to rush into the prohibition because it didn't make much sense. She looked below and said, "Old stuff, you sheltered I will kill them!"

After speaking, the figure turned into a golden light and swept under the sacred mountain. At the same time, his three sons followed closely. At this moment, her goal was Hansong County, the place where the Baitu family lived. The Tu family gathered a large number of people who went to the holy mountain for pilgrimage, and it was a temporary transit point for adventurers.

The goal of the Golden Armored Woman is to destroy this place and turn the entire town into a purgatory, so that these maggot-like human races can see the reality clearly. They are only worthy of being food. However, when she flew to the Holy Road of the Holy Mountain, suddenly there were several The figure blocked her way.

The girl in the golden armor swept across them indifferently and asked, "What does this mean?"

"Go back, they are believers of the holy mountain, and we are the guardians of the holy mountain!" The headed figure said calmly.

And he was born with exploding golden curly hair, and his eyes were shining with blue light. Around him were extremely powerful demon kings, who could break through the realm of demon noble at any time, but this blond guy was a The real demon sovereign.

He was the Bi-eyed Tianshi King who was beaten by the tiger obsessively at the beginning, and now he has achieved his wish in the realm of the demon, thanks to the gift of the original building B, and the follow-up building B for him to refine the Beast Emperor Pill. .

The Blue-eyed Demon Venerable was also aware of this demon clan cleaning plan. After all, the ancestors in the core area had already passed on the word, but the Blue-eyed Demon Venerable had an agreement with Lou Yi, and he had been protected by Songshen in his early years. Entu reported it, although he hated the human monk a lot before.

However, what Lou Yi did made him understand that there are good people in the human race. The human race and the demon race can coexist peacefully and mutually benefit each other. For hundreds of years, the demon race of the holy mountain and Hansong The county maintains such a harmonious relationship.

"Are you going to resist orders?" The golden-clad woman asked with a crossbrow.

"Let you go everywhere in the Northern Territory, but within the scope of the holy mountain is my dominance, please leave quickly!" The blue-eyed demon said coldly.

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The three golden eagles above the sky seemed a little unhappy, and threatened the blue-eyed demon venerable below. The latter only glanced up at them, then looked down at the golden armored woman again, and said, "You For the Jinpeng clan to act like this, sooner or later there will be retribution!"

The golden armored woman is full of terrible Jin Rui Qi, and the blue wind disturbs her surroundings, while the blue-eyed demon sovereign releases terrible cyan flames all over her body. At the same time, there is a strange light in her eyes. He is cold. Said, "Don't force me to do it, you and I can't hold it, three of them will die!"

The whole body of the woman with golden armor is extremely terrifying, her eyes are shining with sharp golden light, but the eyes of the blue-eyed demon sovereign are also shining with the light of cyan flame, there is no expression on her face, the breath of the woman with golden armor suddenly disappeared, she sneered. "Very good, see how long you can protect them!"

She turned into a golden light and flew towards the east. After the three Jinpengs circled around, they chased her mother. This is the blue-eyed demon king who said to a demon king next to her, "You go and inform the humans in the town, let them Leave the Northern Territory and hide as far as possible!"

"Yes, Demon Lord!" The Demon King took the order, and the blue-eyed Demon Lord muttered to himself, looking towards the direction of the holy mountain, "Holy Lord, will this turn into a catastrophe? If you have spirit in the sky, I hope to continue to protect my holy mountain demon clan..."

The golden armor women were extremely fast, and soon came to a town hundreds of miles away. When they appeared, the entire town was in panic. The town was named Kangping Town, but now it’s changed. Made the blood domain.

Because of her anger, this golden armored woman became extremely crazy. After she brutally killed the human race in the town, she piled it up in a deliberately cleared place in the center of the town, and then feasted like no one else, blood dripping everywhere. Yes, it dyed the streets and the canals in the town red.

The pungent smell drifted far and wide, covering the town in a **** mist. After that, she washed three towns in a row before venting her anger a little. At this time, she thought of a place, so she went all the way. Fly to the northeast.

At this moment, the tide of monsters has gathered and smashed all the surrounding towns like a flash flood. The monsters galloped freely on the land of the Northern Territory, destroying villages and towns along the way, and preyed on the panicked mortals.

The golden armor woman saw all this with a look of enjoyment in her eyes. This is what she wants to see. Humans are just humble creatures and should be eaten obediently. They even tried to live in peace with the monsters. In ancient times, the human race was no more than ants, and the power of stealing heaven and earth had the current climate.

Just as she was expressing her unhappiness, suddenly there was a terrible roar in the direction of the Helian Mountains, as if someone was beating a drum, and an astonishing breath came from the direction of the sound.

The golden-clad woman frowned and showed her true form as a golden-winged roc bird, whizzing and flying in the direction of the sound. When it arrived, she found that the place was in a mess, within a radius of a hundred miles. They were all terrifying rift valleys. A human race man holding two exaggerated sledgehammers, surrounded by extremely strong air currents, smashed a sharp bear with one hammer and flew back.

Naturally, it recognizes the bear, which was the one it stepped on before. This guy was called Ren Tu. He was foolishly stupid before. It thought this guy had a good name, so he called it a bit. He is also struggling, and even advanced.

But at this moment, the whole bones of this guy were shattered by the hammer, and the blood poured into a rift, and there were dozens of them lying around.

You must know that each of them is in the realm of the demon sovereign, who is the man of this human race, just when she was wondering, its three sons actually acted privately, and at the same time swooped down and killed the figure.

It was too late to stop it, because Jinpeng's speed was extremely fast. Just as the three Jinpengs dived, the man below moved his shoulders, his dark face showed a happy smile, and his teeth were as white as salt. .

He tossed the blood stains off the hammer and muttered to himself, "If the brother is here, he must be happy, but why are there so many demon venerations going out together?"

This person is Li Dou who has been in the Helian Mountains for hundreds of years. He has a calm and introverted aura at this moment, his cultivation is unfathomable, and his eyes are like sharp swords, as if bred divine light.

At this moment, three golden shadows fell from the sky, with sharp claws pulling towards his body. The latter stood still, and the whole body Tiangang fighting gas turned into a shield, resisting the impact caused by the fall of Jinpeng from above.

Hearing a loud bang, the land around Li Dou cracked every inch, raising terrible dust, but his figure was still upright, as if the terrible impact was like a breeze blowing across his cheeks. .

The three Jinpengs fluttered and fluttered as soon as they were touched, but at this moment a terrible gravity was placed on their bodies. The three Jinpengs were shocked, but at this moment a hammer shadow swept across the sky and heard boom! boom! boom! Three loud noises came out.


The screams sounded, and the three golden shadows slammed into the side of the mountain, igniting countless rubbles, and buried their huge bodies. The screams came from the rubble, just as Li Dou was about to make up for it. At that time, a black shadow fell from the sky, narrowly carrying a terrifying demon power.

It is angry and it is extremely angry. A mere human dare to hurt its Dao heirs. It is unforgivable and unforgivable. Only the broken body can atone for it!

When it fell, its wings shook, and several golden streamers cut down like a knife, with great speed and great power.

Li Dou Zhou was awe-inspiring. He looked up at the sky and saw a larger golden-winged roc descending from the sky. He waved his arm and smashed the golden streamer that had been chopped down by howling. At the same time, he jumped forward and rushed toward the opponent's route. past.


The golden-winged roc bird screamed, protruding a pair of claws to grab Li Dou, squeezing his head and breaking his body, but Li Dou shook his left hand, and the shadow of the hammer swept across the sky. The claws slammed together, making a sound of gold and iron.

Li Dou was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this pair of Pengfei claws was so hard that even his precious hammer could not help each other. At this time, Pengfei's wrists on his wrists shone golden light, turning into a pair of golden wings to carry Li Dou's body. Plus the Tiangang grudge around him.

At this time, Li Dou is like the same God of War from the sky, a pair of tiger eyes staring at the golden-winged roc bird above, raising his double hammer and swiping over...

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