Building B

Chapter 1239: Zhuge Shisheng

The agreement was signed between the Yaozu and Thousand Chance City. To put it bluntly, it was signed between the leader of the Helian Mountains and his temporary agent in Beizhou. If there is a stronger force to kill him, then this agreement is also No longer exists.

The agreement has a strong binding force. With the big river in front of Thousand Chance City as the dividing line, it traverses the four regions of the southeast and northwest. They can still return to the northern region to live, but they must abide by the rules of the monster race.

The same demons can also come to the southeast regions to experience the world of the human race. Thousand Chance City here will provide shelter for the demons, but the same, no matter how powerful the demons here are, they must follow the trajectory of the human race. .

Lou Yi had an in-depth conversation with the old monkey. As for the content of the conversation, only the two of them knew. After that, Lou Yi said goodbye to the old monkey. At this moment, he was standing on the central tower of Thousand Chance City, looking out at the outside of Thousand Chance City. Dajiang.

I don’t know if it’s because of Peng Sheng’s demon blood. Now the river’s water is covered with a thick layer of blood mist, and the river water can’t help but emit a boiling gurgling sound. Whenever a monk walks towards it, it changes back and feels an extreme The terrible demon gas deterrence.

A monk with a weaker cultivation base often sweats profusely and trembling all over his body when he is a few miles away. As for the mortals, they will faint inexplicably if they are separated by hundreds of miles.

Therefore, Lou B asked the monks in the Mahayana period to move mountains and fill the sea, and widened the river, turning it into a river with a width of several tens of miles. It looked like a giant dragon from a distance, meandering. Twists and turns entangled between the mountains and deep mountains.

Building B built a trial platform outside the city of Thousand Chances to train the monks' courage, and also built a training place for this, so that they can feel the terrible demon-like deterrence more intuitively.

Lou Yi looked at the direction of the Helian Mountains. When the old monkey left, he took the yellow scorpion away. This matter was naturally related to the content of their conversation. Lou Yi did not want to do it anymore, because it was related to life. The survival of all people in North State.

Li Dou was the first person to cross the river. He chose a more extreme approach. When the Fengshen Slaying General returned, he once sprinkled the blood of Peng Sage all the way, and these blood dripped on the land of the Northern Territory. On the ground, a lake of monster blood was formed one after another.

Li Dou told him that he wanted to use the blood of Pengsheng to transform his own vindictiveness, and to bring Tiangang vindictiveness to a higher level. He told Lou Yi that he faintly felt that he and the Golden Winged Dapeng clan were extremely powerful. Resonance, he wanted to try to see if he could embark on a new path.

Many monks wanted to imitate him, but they failed to return, because they could not condense the Tiangang fighting energy like Li Dou did, and walked into the lake of blood with their breath. If Baitu Zhongkang were there, perhaps by nature. With his breath, he can also do such a thing, but unfortunately he doesn't know where he is at this moment.

The more this time comes, the more Lou Yi cherishes every family and friendship with others. For him, these are things that cannot be let go, and they need to be guarded carefully. No one is allowed to take them away.

Lou Yi thought of Tieshan. The **** said he was going to pay his debts. There was no news for hundreds of years. He didn’t even send a message back where he went. He didn’t believe that this guy would die outside, but Where did people go? Why is there no audio...

He also followed Li Dou into the Northern Territory. At this time, the entire Northern Territory looked devastated, and the traces of monsters raging could not be erased. There were footprints left by them after they galloped everywhere.

To enter the Northern Territory, you have to follow the rules of the monster clan, and there is only one rule of the monster clan, and that is to respect the strong. As long as you are not afraid of death, you can cross this boundary at any time. Now it is the boundary of the agreement. , Also known as Nujiang.

Not only its blood-red river water, but also because this is their defense line desperately to resist the invasion of monsters. Building B let people erect a stele on the opposite bank of the river. This stele is thousands of feet high and covered with red paint. It is written about every hero who died in this battle and on the retreat of the Northern Territory.

Every day there will be a large number of monks and even mortals here to kneel and pray for blessings, praying that these dead spirits can rest in peace, enter the cycle of reincarnation as soon as possible, and face a new life again.

There are many sculptures around the stele. Among them, Mahayana figures such as Zhou Xing and Ji Li are carved to life. They look firm and look down on the opposite bank of the Nu River, as if in this way, they are shocking those who have bad intentions.

Lou Yi and Li Dou came to the vicinity of the blood lake. Li Dou relied on Tiangang's fighting spirit and went directly to the blood lake. With his unyielding will, he was fighting against the power radiated by Saint Peng's blood. It was a rare opportunity that he did not want to miss, because even The blood of the demon saint, over time, the power will slowly dissipate.

Lou Yi is more direct. He possesses a gluttonous kiss, which can swallow all the blood between heaven and earth, so he is more direct than Li Dou. Wherever he went, he was drawn to his place where he was crazy.

Lou Yi did not go directly to the blood lake, because it was too dangerous to do so. He stood on the edge of the blood lake and sucked the blood in the lake into his body. After a gluttonous kiss, he turned into blood crystals. These are extremely powerful blood of the demon saint, possessing more than Mahayana monks have even more powerful blood power.

Lou Yi had long been thinking of taking the pill way further, because the spirit blood pill seemed to have no effect on him now.

Pieces of golden-red blood crystals appeared beside Lou Yi like magic. He followed Shura's blood path through a gluttonous kiss. One turned blood qi into blood crystals, and the other used the power of Shura kingdom to put the demon gas in The negative sentiments of the people are used for their own use to enhance the power of the Shura kingdom.

Every time Xiaobanzhuxiang passed, Lou Yi took a few steps forward, and at this time, Li Dou had already reached the edge of the blood lake with the help of Tiangang fighting spirit, and Peng Sheng’s blood rolled violently in the blood lake. , Like boiling plasma, thick and full of violent factors.

Li Dou’s Tiangang fighting spirit is the kind of fighting spirit that is strong when it is strong. The longer the fighting time, the more terrifying the fighting power. Therefore, after ten days of fighting with the golden-clad woman, the golden-clad woman was finally physically weak and was captured by him. .

At this time, Li Dou's body aura was extremely strong. On his left wrist, a flash of light suddenly flashed. Li Dou mumbled to himself, "What? Are you awake?"

The feeding ring in his hand was given by his master, Man Qianjun, and it was the relic of his brother, and in it lies an egg of the holy beast in the beast control palace, which was in danger. On the occasion, the secret was brought out by the other party.

Now this thing fell into Li Dou's hands, but this egg was very peculiar. It had the strength of Tier 8 before it was born. It looked like a Lin Beast, and it was a very rare Purple Lin Beast.

It’s just that this guy is extremely picky. In the past few hundred years, Li Dou ventured into the depths of the Helian Mountains several times just to find food for this guy. This guy’s mouth is not an ordinary pick. Things below the seventh order, it even looks at it. I won't even look at it.

Now that Li Dou is standing in front of this lake of blood, this little thing is showing a sense of interest, otherwise this guy will sleep for a hundred years, no matter how you call it, it will ignore Li Douai.

Li Dou smiled, turned his head and glanced at the back, only to find that Lou Yi was still advancing fast. Li Dou touched the purple Qi Donglai on his hand and smiled, "Let’s go, let’s go. Try it!"

After that, Li Dou jumped into the boiling lake of blood and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Lou Yi opened his eyes again and found Li Dou was missing when he got up. He shook his head, The condensed blood crystal around him was collected, turned around and disappeared here.

Since Li Dou chose this place, he would not be able to absorb the blood from this place anymore, so he walked towards another blood lake, only to find that there were many more monsters here, and they were circling nearby in groups. , His eyes were full of desire, but he dared not go forward.

Lou Yi suddenly saw some scattered golden streamers around the blood lake, and when he looked closely, he realized that it turned out to be Peng Sheng’s feather fragments. These materials are truly natural treasures. He brought them back to Huo Yan to see. , He will definitely like it.

Just as he was happily picking up the broken feathers that fell on the surroundings, many monks appeared from the west, and seeing that they were not coming from the direction of Thousand Chance City, Lou Yi frowned slightly, these People are most likely from the Western Regions.

However, the Western Regions are now the territory of the Monster Race. How did these people escape from birth? After the group of people approached, Lou Yi saw a car, which seemed to be the same as the car in which Lu Ruogu, the head of the Lu family, was riding. There is no difference between the four wheels and the world. The only difference is that this car does not have the fire-breathing bull that pulls the And this car has only two wheels, the wheels are very huge, and clouds are automatically generated during walking. The road allows the Yuche to flow unimpeded. There are monks guarding around the Yuche. They look quite mysterious, all dressed in capable clothes, and a scarf wrapped around their heads.

Lou Yi noticed that the word Zhuge was printed on their clothes. He was quite concerned, because when the Kui family was dominating the Western Regions, they did not provoke the Zhuge family, and the courtesy was quite puzzling. .

But when Lou Yi noticed that these monks were changing their positions while walking, he understood the reason. This Zhuge family was proficient in formations and had a lot of attainments. After a while, he came to the vicinity of the blood lake. The man stopped ten miles away from the blood lake, and when he was in the courtesy building B, he approached the court. He walked to the other party's tent and said with a fist, "In the City Lord of the Thousand Chances, I don't know who is the driver? What is going on here? "

In front of the car, there was a burial block, and a full-spirited voice said, "Little Junior Brother, Master asked me to tell you that it’s time to go to Zhongzhou Tianxia Academy. The times are changing, and there are heroes in troubled times. Some things should be settled. Up!"

When Lou Yi heard this, he was stunned. This series of things were strung together in the world academy, master, and closed, so that Lou Yi suddenly understood who was sitting in the car. At this moment, he He felt the mountain charm on his neck and wanted to break free from the necklace and fly to Yuche, which made him feel even more shocked. At the beginning, he obtained this mountain charm after cracking a large formation in Huangqi Town. It was a mysterious at first. People once said that if they are destined, they will meet in the future.

However, Lou Yi would never have thought that he would be the second apprentice of Old Xian Xian, his second elder brother, Old Xian Xian called him Shisheng, so his full name is Zhuge Shisheng...

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