Building B

Chapter 1243: 0 machine 7 clever

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Lou Yi’s understanding of the wind map has made great progress after observing the collapse of Xizhou. At this time, the sky is surrounded by blue wind, and the power of the wind is too domineering, and it hurts the soul. In one's own person, a careless one can cause catastrophe.

So he had to use ordinary wind. Even so, the scene before him was very spectacular. There was a huge wave on his left and right sides. The only difference was that the one on the left was shrouded in thick clouds. The wind nest in the middle looks strange, like a nest made of cotton, but if you look at it, it will suffer a lot.

The cloud in this cloud nest is just one of the links. In fact, in it is you a huge water vortex. Lou Yi created this unique cloud wind nest with his own cold air and flame. Ji’s understanding and views.

For others, his advantage seems to be greater, because he has mastered the perfect five element spiritual veins, and has realized the rudiments of the rules, and even learned a little bit of the application of the rules of time and space through Lyme. He did not use the nine songs. Huang Quan placed it in it because it was a real killer move and was used to deal with the enemy.

On his right hand side is a copy of the original form of the Heavenly Wind Nest. When he can replicate the complete Heavenly Wind Nest, then it means that the power of the rules of the wind has been fully integrated.

Although the current trend looks a bit crude, Lou Yi has incorporated the rudiments of the rules of the wind into it. If you want to break here and enter the Rubik’s Cube, you must understand the meaning of the wind, just like he did at the beginning, but this The artistic conception is much worse than Tongtianfeng's Nest.

Lou Yi looked at his masterpiece, nodded in satisfaction, and then walked towards the direction where Qian Linglong was. To tell the truth about the formation, Linglong had little aptitude. In his opinion, this girl film is only afraid of the rules. I don't understand it.

But when he arrived at Qian Linglong's place, his eyes were wide and round, and his mouth opened wide...

Because what appeared in front of him were countless constantly moving jigsaw puzzles. At first glance, these jigsaw puzzles didn't seem to have any laws. From Lou Yi's perspective, they seemed to be countless fragments rotating around the Rubik's Cube.

But if you look carefully, you will find that there is a faint pattern to follow in the movement of these tangrams, Lou Yi did not offend, and he stopped and thought seriously.

One hundred and eighty three...

Three hundred fifty seven...

Five hundred and twelve...

Seven hundred forty four...

Nine hundred seventy-five...

Lou Yi’s mouth kept popping up with numbers. This was not just talking out of thin air, but he was carefully calculating all the changes in the jigsaw puzzle, and soon there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, because he found the changes in the jigsaw puzzle. There are already more than a thousand species, and changes are increasing at a constant rate.

"How did this girl do it..." Lou Yi said with a headache.

It seems that it takes a lot of time and energy to solve the problem perfectly. He feels that this is too much time wasting. With previous judgments, he believes that Qian Linglong's cultivation skills are limited. Even if the jigsaw puzzle is ingenious, he will not have too much Powerful, so he broke in after Shihaineng took a breath.

At this moment, Qian Linglong appeared in front of the formation. She looked at the spinning jigsaw puzzle and said with a smirk on her face. Even Grandpa Yunshang is full of praise, this idiot must have deceived me into a weak cultivation base, and you will have good fruits later!"

In fact, if Lou Yi is not so anxious to enter and keep trying to calculate, he will find that the changes in this formation are actually infinite. This is because Qian Linglong combines the changes in the Thousand Chance Rubik’s Cube with the gossip array and good fortune. Jade disc, this formation was realized only after the three were combined.

She did not have enough cultivation, but this does not mean that her formation is weak. At this moment, Lou Yi is in the formation, watching the various jigsaw puzzles flying in front of her, clenching her fist and blasting over. .

With a punch, everything in front of him turned into dust. The corners of his mouth rose up and he was happy for his judgment, but before he was happy for too long, he discovered that the jigsaw puzzles that he had destroyed were restored one by one. .

Lou Yi suddenly understood that the structure of these jigsaw puzzles might be similar to the Rubik's Cube of Thousand Chances. Fortunately, their appearance was just restored to their original state. Can use the real fire spirit this big killer.

But in fact, their people are in the phantom array space formed by the twelve zodiac star cones. If the spirit of real fire is rushed out, the consequences will be unimaginable. Lou Yi tried to change the angle to find the flaws in this formation, only to find that the jigsaw puzzle in this formation did not stop for a moment.

The most troublesome thing for him is that they will attract each other and then merge into one, and then split into a new jigsaw puzzle. The changes between this division and one union are huge and require laborious calculations.

If you want to pass them, you must figure out the changes, find out the law of changes, and then crack the formation. Lou Yi muttered to himself, "The world formations have the same goal by different paths. Even if they are subtle, they still cannot do without the five-element arithmetic. ."

He began to observe the changes in his surroundings. People in ancient times had no sense of direction, so everything had to look at the sun and stars to determine the direction. Later, some people changed the four images into directions by changing the two instruments, that is, the sky is south and the earth is north, left east and right west.

At the same time, the south of the sky is fire, the north of the earth is water, the east is wood, and the west is gold. Lou Yi thinks that Qian Linglong's position is the dry position and the exchange position, and these two positions happen to be the golden position. It means that the student is in the West.

Lou Yi looked at these jigsaw puzzles. Although they looked chaotic and disorderly, they were arranged according to what they were in the dark. This reminded Lou Yi of the gossip song decision, "Go on three lines, Kun Liu off, shake up the bowl, and cover the bowl. , Li Zhongxu, ridge is full, meets the lack, and Sunda breaks down!"

But even though he knows this gossip song decision, he still has a problem to solve, how to judge whether this position is dry position or exchange position, because the gap between the two is very huge, and one wrong step is lost.

At this moment, everyone was preparing intensively. After Zhuge Shisheng arranged his formation, he went straight to the Sunda position where Building B was located. His thoughts were exactly the opposite of those of Building B.

Lou Yi believes that Zhuge Shisheng is well versed in the formation method, so he has to stay at the end to solve it. If this is the case, the benefits will be infinite, but Zhuge Shisheng is just the opposite. In fact, he has no interest in the game that Gan Linglong has created.

What is the meaning of what a little girl can make, not to mention that he has been immersed in the formation for thousands of years, which is not comparable to ordinary people, so what he wants to see is the formation of Lou Yi, he thought See if the heir chosen by the master is really worthy of the twelve zodiac stars.

He is not a greedy person. On the contrary, he also hopes to see Lou Yi shine, but the twelve zodiac star cones are of extraordinary significance. They cannot fall into the hands of Liao Wuya, otherwise the entire Kunwu world will be extremely May usher in a catastrophe.

At this time, Wang Kai and Cao Qiangong were preparing their formations intensively, but the shock position where Cao Qiangong was welcoming an uninvited guest, she said straightforwardly, "Father, don't worry. , Your little ability, I'm afraid it won't stop any of us."

Qiangong Cao raised his eyes and glanced at Qian Linglong, and then said angrily, "I can't stop it, I have to try it, and why you girl is not big or small, do you talk to dad like this? "

She stretched out her tongue playfully, and then looked at the busy sweaty Gan Gong Cao. She turned around and walked back and forth with her hands on her back. She walked and said, "The wounded door is located in the Eastern Palace, the five elements are of wood, The hexagram is active, but it is easy to hurt when moving, so the student should be in the northeast, dad, you should not be busy..."

Qiangong Cao shook his whole body violently, stopped the work in his hand and looked up at Qian Linglong. As a result, the girl seemed to disappear in a gust of wind. Qiangong Cao shook his head and sighed, "This girl is really getting better and better..."

But soon a smile appeared on his face. Gan Linglong is his daughter. The better the daughter, the more face he is as a father...

At this time, Lou Yi, who was in the formation, finally breathed out, "This girl is really capable of tossing, she has deduced more than 7,000 changes, and has not found a complete way to crack it. The formation of this girl seems to It's really fierce..."

However, although he could not find a perfect cracking method, he still thought of a tricky method, that is, to let the mental power cover the entire array and let the mental power run beyond the changes of the formation. , Before it changes, find a way out.

Although this method is effective, it also makes Lou Yi quite helpless, because it can be regarded as an indirect acknowledgment, his own formation and number of skills are not comparable to that girl, this is just dry and Linglong now, if she grows up in the future Now, what will it be like.

Lou Yiguang just imagined it, and all felt extremely terrible. This girl has a delicate heart and mind, once she can perfectly control her seven orifices, I am afraid that no one in the world can learn from her formation. Go out among them.

"Qiqiao Linglongxin, oh... it really is a talented person who is jealous of heaven. The more talented genius, the easier it is to be jealous of heaven. It is the so-called blessing and blessing. I hope this girl You can overcome your own life and death..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

Each of these seven orifices Linglongxin controls one orifice, which is equivalent to walking in a circle of life and death. The seven orifices are the seven gates of life and death, and each opening requires an unimaginable price. This requires indomitable courage, and a child's xinxing. , Can it really survive this fatal catastrophe...

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