Building B

Chapter 1272: 3 heroes

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What Lou Yi saw was naturally the five-element hustle he had invented on a whim when he was in Jiuquan, Xizhou. Although the two conditions are different, what the eight-headed dragon snake did is indeed related to this. It’s just that what it does is even more terrifying. It integrates the power of the seven elements into the venom sphere. I don’t know how it does it.

You can only say that there are no wonders in the world. The things you know may not only be what you want. The talents and talents have always been not a single person, but thousands of individuals, let alone Lou Yi Never felt that I was a genius.

It always regards itself as the ant attached to the towering tree, looking up at the sky, hoping that one day it can climb up to the sky along the tree, and get a glimpse of the scenery beyond this world.

"Escape! Immediately!!!" Lou Yi gave the order to evacuate without even thinking about it. Just as he was extremely nervous and the others were a little surprised, a dramatic scene happened.




Chi Chi Chi...


A series of sounds suddenly appeared. Accompanied by the howl of the eight dragons and snakes, the huge venom ball suddenly burst for some reason. The various elemental powers contained in it instantly flowed all over the body of the eight dragons and snakes. .

Although this did not bring about a fatal effect, it made the Eight-Headed Dragon Snake seem particularly painful. Lou Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Then Li Chuang asked, "Boss, are you still leaving?"

Looking at him and Wang Zhen, Lou Yi took a deep breath and said, "I don't want to bet. You and Wang Zhen will go out immediately and go to Yunhai to stay with those younger generations. No matter what happens, we don't go back, so don't come! "

"Boss, I..."

"Hurry up!" Lou Yi urged without waiting for him to finish.

Wang Zhen looked at Lou Yi and saw that he was determined and the blood on his body slowly dissipated. He clasped his fists and arched his hands, "Be careful, the host, Wang Zhen is waiting for you to return in triumph!"

He actually didn't agree to leave, but Lou Yi represented an irresistible will to him, and Li Chuang probably guessed its intention, because at this moment, only Tu Xiao and Lou in the distance are left. B and Li are fighting, and all three of them have secret methods that can increase their strength again. Maybe they want to use these methods to try to kill this monster.

And for a moment, he sensed the fear in Lou Yi's heart. It may be the ridiculous and non-failure technique of the Eight Dragons and Snakes, which made Lou Yi aware of something that threatened his life.

For a moment, he seemed to think of the huge and incomparable ball that Lou Yi had made when he was guarding the gate formation of Yaquan. He vaguely remembered that it was just a blow that turned the entire area of ​​Xiaquan into ruins and died. There are countless ghouls.

Li Chuang swallowed fiercely and said to Lou Yi, "Boss, you must be very careful!"

Lou Yi nodded and said, "We will!"

Li Chuang sighed and took Wang Zhen out of this gossip array, and then Yukong headed towards the depths of the sea of ​​clouds. At this time, the three people who stayed here got together, Lou Yi said, "It's time to show your real skills. I don’t know what will happen in the end, but please remember that saving your own lives is the most important thing!"

Li Dou shook his arm and said, "An la, your brother, I am not that easy to die!"

As for Tu Xiao, he summoned the two great ant kings. His original appearance was already quite weird when he used the psychic method. Everyone immediately made up for his appearance later.

Tu Xiaohun said indifferently, "I know you don't hold any good farts in your mind, but don't forget, there are too many ants to kill elephants!"

Lou Yi quickly teased, "Well, this is the truth, but you must not become the ant that was trampled to death by an elephant!"

Tu Xiao blew his beard and stared at Lou B. At this time, Lou B pointed his finger on his left index finger, and an orange light emerged from it, and Lou B's voice followed along with him, "Just kidding, relieve tension. , Everyone is careful!"

"I click, the old man is injured, otherwise I don't have to be so uncomfortable..." Tu Xiao said.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw the same light rushing out of the breeding ring in his hand, and turned into a giant in a blink of an eye. I have to say that the resilience of this rock armadillo is really amazing. In such a short time, it The injuries on the body are better.

It appeared to make Tu Xiao feel at ease, but Tu Xiao still declined and asked the other person to return to the breeding ring, while he psyched up with the left and right ant kings.

The psychic target Lou Yi chose was Huang Gang, but he was very curious at the moment that what kind of monster Li Dou would psychic with. As a result, what he never expected was that there was nothing in his breeding ring. When the spirit beast appears, he simply uses the psychic method to inspire the powerful creatures in this world with spiritual power, and conclude a temporary contract with it.

In fact, this is the real way to use psychic art, but this method is similar to finding a needle in a haystack, and even if the psychic succeeds, the temporary contract signed will be extremely harsh. The stronger the creature, the more difficult it will be to complete.

A pillar of light soared straight into the sky, and turned into a huge wheel above the sky. Snakes, insects, mice, ants, birds and beasts appeared on this wheel. These patterns were lifelike, slowly rotating around the wheel.

This huge wheel is the essence of psychic art, and it is the first time Lou Yi has seen such a method of use. After all, he and Tu Xiao both adopted a speculative method, because their methods not only can Get 100% trust from the spirit beast, and at the same time do not need to bear harsh contract conditions.

Even the most powerful spirit beast is afraid of death. Once it feels the power that is difficult to fight, or when it thinks it is invincible, it will abandon the contractor and at the same time force the other party to bear the responsibility of the contract. This can be said to be a losing trade.

Therefore, except for the monks in the Palace of Controlling Beasts, after their spirit beasts are driven to extinction, when their lives are threatened, under normal circumstances they will not use these methods.

Li Dou has an open-minded personality and is never mindful of such things. He only has victory in his eyes. As long as he can defeat his opponent, he can try one or two in any way. This is a kind of adventurous and keeps himself in crisis. Character, otherwise he wouldn't be covered with hideous scars everywhere.

There was a loud bang, and the shadow of a bird appeared in the sky. Suddenly it swooped down. Lou Yi and Tu Xiao looked intently. It turned out to be an Emerald Feather Fragmented Dome Sculpture, at least the size of the demon's peak. territory.

"Hey, luck is not bad!" Li Dou said with a smile.

At this moment, Li Dou rose up into the sky and merged with the huge figure. The wheel of contract that was originally suspended in the sky immediately merged the two into one. Li Dou's body suddenly became powerful and extraordinary. Wearing a feather crown and wearing a feather armor, the whole body exudes an extremely sharp aura.

Especially the pair of eye pupils, shining with the light of the sky king, Lou Yi and Tu Xiao retracted their gazes, the two of them looked at each other and laughed, and then performed psychic skills at the same time, but what they both performed was the queen. The way it is.

Lou Yi's body suddenly became huge, surrounded by orange-yellow stone edges, and each piece was hexagonal and diamond-shaped, exuding a unique atmosphere of the earth.

Tu Xiao turned into a giant ant with a height of five or six feet, covered with black insect armor. Tu Xiao's original eyes changed into the eyes of an ant king, and his body was full of violent power.

The three of them killed the eight dragons and snakes at the same time in a tacit understanding. This process seemed to be a long time, but in the blink of an eye, the eight dragons and snakes felt the threat from the front and above, and the eight heads shook wildly. The venom on his body was thrown around.

The venom was mixed with the power of various elements, splashing towards the three of them, Lou Yi raised his hands and lifted forward, the large orange light turned into a sea of ​​sand, and all the splashed venom was buried in the sand. Under the sea.

Tu Xiao stepped on the sand and laughed, raising his fists and blasting forward. The terrifying fist wind wrapped a large amount of sand and turned into two huge sand fists, blasting the eight dragons and snakes fiercely.

At the same time, a ray of golden green light shining above the sky, and then a piece of golden green blade, whizzing downwards, eight dragon snakes felt the threat, raised their two heads, and suddenly flames and frost rushed towards the sky. Jin Cui's light.

And the one-horned dragon head shining with golden light in front of him shook forward again. The golden sickle moon slashed towards Tu Xiao's huge sand fist, and then the violent concussion resounded everywhere, and just at this moment A figure in front, striding forward with a rumbling pace, rushed towards the eight dragons and snakes.

The eight-headed dragon snake made a deafening roar, trying to frighten Lou B back, but at this moment, he saw Lou B take a sharp and then also roared, and this sound made. At that moment, the eight dragons and snakes were shocked.

This is the dragon yin, it is the real method of the dragon race. The ancestral dragon collapses the sky and has the power to collapse the sky. How can the eight-headed dragon and snake roar contend with the ancestral dragon's chants? The sound of eight dragons and snakes, at the same time, set off a monstrous wind and waves, blowing the huge body of the opponent.

The sound of rumbling accompanied by the rapid progress of the gusty wind made the eight-headed dragon snake panic. It curled its body together and turned its whole body into a demon, ready to counterattack at any time. At this moment, the golden green light in the sky flashed. , I heard two loud booms.

The eight-headed dragon-snake demon gas turned into a protective mask. It was fiercely attacked, and the demon-qi mask produced huge ripples, and accompanied by the sound of crushing, the eight-headed dragons and snakes trembled all over, preparing to launch a counterattack. There was another violent tremor right in front.

On Tu Xiao's hands, the dark drum and the tiger hummed endlessly, and Tu Xiao's six arms fiercely blasted on the demon mask, and multiple ripples continued to spread around, making the eight dragons and snakes panic.

At this moment, the figure that it feared the most, finally stepped on a rumbling pace and came to it. A pair of orange dragon eyes looked at it indifferently, and then raised its arm and punched it against the demon gas mask.

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