Building B

Chapter 1274: 2 letters

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The place where the dragon sleeps, as its name suggests, is the place where the dragon sleeps. It represents both rest and eternal passing. Lou Yi asked the black armor and others to take care of the descendants of the Qi family soaked in the dragon pool, and then turned to the dragon alone. The place of sleep has gone.

In the land of the blue dragon, only people with the blood of the blue dragon can step into it. When the Qi family obtained the blood of the blue dragon through the secret method, they were able to sneak into the land of the dragon sleep, and Lou Yi walked into it generously. .

This was originally a resting place for the Dragon God, and it was also the place where Qi Rui and Dianwei were tried. The huge dragon bones thrust into the sky, and dragon bones were everywhere.

On these bones, there are cryptic dragon language. It was through Mu Xin that Lou Yi understood the language of these dragons, but now Mu Xin is not here anymore, thinking of saying goodbye to him. At that time, he actually faintly thought of the ending now.

The palm of his hand gently brushed these dead dragon bones, listening to the sound of their reasoning in the wind, Lou Yi was never allowed to enter this place, because this is the resting place of the Canglong clan.

At the beginning, the Dragon God even wanted to force himself to terminate the contract with Mu Xin in a threatening manner. However, he could not disobey Mu Xin’s will. In the end, he could only choose a compromise method and coax Mu Xin to stay and practice until it reached. After a certain level, agree to reunite with yourself.

However, who could have imagined that this is actually the situation, Lou Yi's palm brushed over these huge keel bones and let out a sigh. This sound echoed in the place of dragon sleep, as if countless themselves were doing one thing at the same time.

The stairs in the place of the dragon's sleep are built by this huge keel, and its spine is a huge step by step. Building B slowly goes up along the steps, watching everything around it.

There are turquoise spots of light floating in the sky. They are not fireflies, but the vital crystals contained in the bones of dragons after death. The Canglong family is the spokesperson of life, and the power of wood is different from the power of gold. A kind of power, no matter how indestructible the earth is, it cannot withstand the drilling of wood.

Therefore, the five-color dragons restrained each other, but none of this was what Lou Yi wanted to explore now. He came to the place of the dragon's sleep just to see if Mu Xin left him a message.

The stairs were winding upwards, and soon he came to the tail of the dragon. Three roads appeared here, exactly where the three dragon tails converged. They were bent into a group and coiled into a huge round platform.

Except for the stairs when coming, there is a road on the left and right. The left side seems to lead to the center of the Dragon’s Sleep, and the road on the right leads to the back mountain. Lou Yi guessed that Qi’s family passed through this place. A road, stole a dragon corpse.

He looked up at the end of the road. On the rolling mountain walls, there were huge caves listed. Each cave was surrounded by a lawn, and there was a big tree on each side of the lawn. These trees seemed less to say. It is also hundreds of years old.

He shook his head, retracted his gaze, and walked towards the path that made me, leading to the center of the place of the dragon's sleep. He walked along the huge keel all the way, with a panoramic view of everything below.

In this place of dragon sleep, huge keel bones can be seen everywhere, layer by layer, ring by ring, enclosing the whole place of dragon sleep in a circle, and there is a big mountain in the center, group of dragons Entangled on the side.

Lou Yi looked up at this huge mountain, guessing that this is where the Dragon God lives. The eyes are full of verdant colors, and there are endless dragon hunting turf. They release a faint light outwards, floating with that. The crystals of vitality all around constitute an ingenious and unique world.

Lou Yi climbed up, stepped on the keel, and galloped all the way to the top of the mountain. It looked empty. The mountain peak was flattened to form a huge platform. Lou Yi saw this slightly sunken platform with claws sweeping all around. Traces of the past.

Wanting to come here is where the Dragon God rests. The guardian of the Canglong clan in Kunwu Realm is the Canglong who lives in such an empty place, the guardian Zhengshan Longtan.

Lou Yi stood in the middle of the platform and muttered to himself, "Is nothing left?"

Lou Yi looked up at the sky. The environment here was very peculiar. It was already sundown outside, but there was a cover of stars. Lou Yi looked up at the starry sky, and soon he seemed to be fascinated and stood startled. In place.

In his vision, the stars in the sky are not static, but are moving according to a special trajectory. This process is relatively slow, and Lou Yi looks at it for several weeks.

When he retracted his gaze, the stars above the sky were still shining with bright stars. He sighed and muttered to himself, "Is this so far away..."

This starry sky is not real, but the Dragon God can make it to stay here, it is actually a constantly changing guide, guiding Lou B to the location of the blue dragon world.

However, in terms of Lou Yi’s current power, let alone he cannot ascend to the upper realm at this moment, even if he can do it, it is extremely difficult to reach the blue dragon realm. The dragon **** seems to want to tell him to give up. Well, stop trying to get close to their young master.

Lou Yi simply sat down and felt the wind blowing here. After a long time, he muttered to himself, "Mu Xin, wait for me!"

He got up and jumped down, the wind was whistling in his ears, and the dragon bones quickly passed in his sight. He curled up his legs and fell steadily on the ground. The ground made two loud noises, Lou Yi looked back. To the top of the mountain, see everything as usual.

He looked at everything around him and muttered to himself, "This is a good place for cultivation."

Today's Qi family can no longer defend their own territory, and one day the new Dongzhou overlord will replace it. However, this land of Zhengshan is different. The land of Dragon Sleep is surrounded by a layer of knots set by the dragon god. World.

There are only two ways to get past it. One is to have the blood of the blue dragon like Building B, and the other is to break the barrier forcibly. This requires more power than the Dragon God to do this. Existence is not absent, but it is definitely not something that any force in Dongzhou can do today.

Lou Yi walked towards the road on the right, but when he reached the crossroads, he stopped and looked up at the karst caves arranged in a staggered pattern on the mountain wall, looking forward like a line of sky. For some reason, his feet can no longer move forward.

The former convenience was where the Dragon Tomb of the Dragon Clan was located, and it was also where the Qi family and others robbed the dragon corpse. He hesitated and finally chose to give up. Perhaps the Dragon Tomb contained secret secrets of the Dragon Clan, but Lou Yi did. I gave up doing this for Mu Xin.

He returned to Longtan in Zhengshan Mountain. The first thing he saw was the younger generations of the Qi family. They stayed quietly in the Longtan to practice. Lou Yi found Li Dou and asked him to help pass a message to the Qi family in Dongzhou and tell them the dragon. Things to sleep in.

This is actually a choice for them. Now the Qi family can still protect their homes by relying on natural insurance and the efforts of their ancestors, but the Qi family is already badly injured. It used to be supported by Dongzhou resources and can guarantee self-sufficiency, but Now the chaos in Dongzhou is constant, and without the support of resources, these backgrounds of the Qi family will soon be consumed, and then the result will be an empty basket.

Time flickered and more than a month passed. On this day, the children of the Qi family were thrown into the dragon pond to sit quietly, but there were two eagles crying from the horizon, and then two cloud iron falcons appeared in the eyes of everyone and swooped down from high altitude.

However, Lou Yi didn't see the result he wanted to see, which meant that those in the Qi family rejected his suggestion. However, when Li Dou fell to the ground, he told him why he left empty-handed.

It turned out that it was not that they rejected his proposal, but that Li Dou never saw each other at all. The Qi family had been captured a few months ago, and the entire Qi family was raided...

For this result, Lou Yi fell into a brief silence, and in the end he could only sigh silently. He looked into Longtan. The descendants of the Qi family who were enduring the intrusion of the liquid medicine knew that these people were the Qi family of Dongzhou. The last hope.

About half a year later, Lou Yi sealed up the entire Zhengshan Longtan and the place of dragon sleep with the formation of Wolong, and then left Dongzhou with everyone. He handed Sangqiao Port to the Duanmu family to take care of it. And left a considerable number of monks to help its guards.

Those Dongzhou forces that originally coveted this place, after learning about the power of Beizhou Qianji City, they chose to let go very tacitly. What's more, Dongzhou needs the Duanmu family, even if the Qi family was in full swing, they did not choose to swallow the Duanmu family. .

Dongzhou ushered in a day of Various forces appeared on the stage, this party sang me on stage, and began to compete fiercely around another seaport...

At this time, Lou Yi has led everyone back to Beizhou. Everything is ready. When it was time to go to Zhongzhou Tianxia Academy, he received two letters, and the two letters were signed by Xu Jinling and the other. It was Situ Xiaoxiao.

Lou Yi looked at the two letters and the inscription below, and couldn’t calm down for a long time. These two are both extremely important parts of his life and he owes them to him. But now the content of these two letters is true. Makes him very embarrassed.

Both of them invited themselves to Zhongzhou. Although they didn't reveal too much between the lines, judging from the current situation in Zhongzhou, I am afraid that both of them have encountered a lot of trouble. The question is where to go first?

He knows very well that the two forces behind them, Jihuangge and Ice Lotus Palace, have been hostile forces since the beginning of their establishment. They are most likely to have done this as a plan from the supporters behind them. Understand, they definitely won't ask themselves on this basis.

The two letters, like hot potato, are both a question of whether to go or not, not to mention a question of going and going. Is this forcing him to make a choice...

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