Building B

Chapter 1298: Chajia chazheng

Lou Yi followed Tu Xiao and rushed down quickly. On the way, he looked up at the sky. The thick snow clouds showed no signs of attenuation. At this moment, they still enveloped the sky on this side. This means that the Tianchi abnormality this time is different from the past. .

It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided. It is a man-made disaster, and it is Nan Uruh who controls the beast palace. But Nan Uruh has escaped, so who is still incurring the jade dragon? Where's Xue Chan?

With full of doubts, Lou Yi quickly caught up with Tu Xiao. Seeing his anxious or even anxious look on his face, he reminded him, "Calm down, it is easy for you to suffer like this!"

Tu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, the expression on his face eased, but his eyes still looked very anxious. He sighed and said, "Oh, I and Lao Man owe them too much..."

"There should be nothing wrong with Junior Brother Li Dou," Lou Yi said seriously.

Goo! ! !

Quack! ! ! !

As soon as Lou Yi's voice fell, he heard these two sounds appearing one after another. When the first goo appeared, his whole blood seemed to be solidified, as if someone had placed him in a big bell. In, and percussively.

Tu Xiao was no better than him. The whole person looked very painful, and even covered his heart with his hands, and just at this moment the second croak came out...


At the same time, Lou Yi and Tu Xiao spewed blood from their mouths. The two fell from the sky and plunged into the thick snow below. At this moment, both of them were bleeding and twitching, looking extremely painful.

It's not that they couldn't resist this sound, but that the timing of the sound was too sudden. The two of them were unprepared, so they suffered a big loss. The sound just passed, and the snow layer that they two fell began to violently shake.

Lou Yi forced himself to endure the pain of tumbling over the river, raised his hand with a jade light spot on Tu Xiao who was on the side, and asked, "Senior, are you okay?"

Tu Xiao tremblingly replied, "Yet...not dead!"

"We have to leave immediately, or we will be buried alive!!!" Lou Yi reminded.

At this time, the snow layer made a trembling sound, but there was already a loud rumbling from above. Tu Xiao struggled to get out of the snow nest, spit out the blood stains in his mouth, and said, "Boy, are you okay? "

"I'm fine!" Lou Yi replied.

"Let's go!" After Tu Xiao said, he flew towards the sky, and Lou Yi hurriedly followed. Not long after they took off, the snow nest formed by the two of them fell was instantly swallowed by the snow waves hundreds of feet high. The snow waves formed by the snow, whizzed and rolled over from above, and everything in the way was buried under the snow.

As Lou Yi said, if they don’t escape in time, they will probably be buried alive in the depths of the snow. Although they won’t die, it will take a lot of effort to get out, not to mention the two of them. The monks in the Mahayana realm were buried by the avalanche. If they were passed out, wouldn't they laugh others' big teeth.

The two swayed in the sky. The injuries from the previous battle and the sudden sound made them hurt more and more. They swallowed the pill and at the same time increased their vigilance.

At this moment, they are not far from the Tianshan Tianchi, but there is a terrible ice mist around them, and even a terrible cold wave, so that they can't see what is happening inside, and can only hear the sound of fierce fighting from a distance. Hearing the voice seemed to be what Li Dou was using to start a fierce confrontation.

It was the sound of his Hunyuan hammer technique, echoing in the depths of the icy misty ground, Tu Xiao desperately wanted to rush in to save people, but Lou Yi waved his palm to stop him, he reminded, "Be careful some!"

Tu Xiao nodded and rammed into the ice mist. Lou Yi saw his anxious look and couldn't help shaking his head. He didn't know if the other party really listened, so he rushed. Into the ice mist.

As soon as he entered the ice mist, Lou Yi felt a familiar aura. He was very sure that this was the aura of extreme ice cold. It was the aura exuded from the body of Bing Xiao. The aura contained is too weak and too much.

At this time, he thought, it would be fine if the Ningshui Treasure Fan had been brought, and in the Ningshui Treasure Fan, there was an aura of extreme ice and cold, which was formed by the condensing of the ice worms when they lived inside.

It's a pity that I left it on the top of the mountain, and sighed helplessly. Since I didn't bring it, I could only take a step to see it. After only a few steps, everything in front of me changed dramatically. .

A lot of strange vegetation began to appear in the ice fog. They are like works of art carved from ice crystals. It feels very magical. When he put his hand close to them, Lou Yi realized that these were actually real vegetation. Has completely turned into ice sculpture.

It didn't take long to walk forward, one after another sculptures appeared in his vision, but now they look swaying, and some are even buried in thick snow.

Lou Yi observed carefully and discovered that they were all frozen creatures that were frozen into ice sculptures. Various creatures were frozen in them, and they could even see their terrified expressions.

However, among these ice sculptures, most of those frozen are humans. Lou Yi thought of a rumor. It is said that most of the monks who dared to covet the Jade Lotus Palace were thrown to Tianshan Tianchi. It seems that among these people, they should Most of them are bad guys.

Just observing from their clothes and accessories, but found that the time between them seems to be very long, Lou Yi shook his head, took his attention away from it, and moved forward quickly.

It didn’t take long before everything suddenly became clear. A huge ice lake appeared in front of him. Lou Yi looked at this huge ice lake in shock. It was shining with crystal blue light, and it was located in a huge huge ice lake. Above the crater.

This huge volcano looks so old that it is only faintly recognizable at the tip at the moment, and the other areas are completely buried in the sea of ​​snow.

However, what is surprising is that although the surrounding is surrounded by snow clouds and even snow sea, the ice lake in this volcanic crater presents a beautiful landscape of microwave rippling. The sky is blue as washing, and there is no cloud, but it surrounds Around this huge crater, there are thick ice clouds like a cloud wall.

Building B looked down, the volcanic crater was surrounded by ridges and mountains, and there were many small lakes, but except for the largest Tianshan Tianchi, most of the other small lakes were frozen. In addition, around this volcanic mountain peaks are everywhere. It is a huge pothole, from which you can feel the biting cold.

At this moment, in front of a huge cavern closest to Tianshan Tianchi, a huge silver-white creature was staring at a dark shadow in the sky with eyes larger than a house.

Judging from Lou Yi’s line of sight, the silver-white one should be the Jade Dragon Snow Toad. As for the black spot that keeps rushing down, I am afraid that it is not Li Dou, but the gap between the two is too far. It's huge, I'm afraid that in the eyes of Yulong Xuechan, Li Dou is an ant at best.

And in front of the small cave not far away, there are many black spots, but they seem to be surrounded by a group of snow-silver creatures. Although the aura of these snow-silver creatures is not extraordinarily strong, the number is really large. It's too big.

At this time Lou Yi saw Tu Xiao, and he was desperately trying to rush in to save people. Lou Yi shook his head and said, "Sure enough, he didn't listen at all..."

In the face of such a huge snow silver toad, Tu Xiao had no better way. In order to rescue the trapped people of the investigator, he even released the man-eating sand ants that he regarded as precious as bait, and wanted to get those silver When the white toad was drawn away, it was possible to see how important the chaser was to Tu Xiao.

Lou Yi flew towards them. At this moment, Lou Yi's eyes suddenly burst, because his divine sense sensed that the Yulong Xuechan who was fighting with Li Dou suddenly began to soar at this moment. The attack is likely to be staged again.

He was about to speak to remind him, but at this moment he heard a loud whistle blew, even though it was a considerable distance away, Lou Yi heard it clearly, just in the midst of the besieged Chajia. , Lou Yi's sight locked one person.

He looked as though he was under thirty years old, and the whistle sounded from what he was In an instant, everyone was sitting in a circle, and the light masks were superimposed on each other in an instant. Lou Yi also found that those Xueyin Bingtoads did not choose to attack, but made a particularly funny move.

They put their heads into the snow, while holding their heads with their two fore palms, and walking their buttocks outside. They were very happy. Lou Yi looked up at Li Dou and found that Li Dou was also ascending at the fastest speed. Climbing quickly towards the sky.

Lou Yi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and was also ready to face the attack in an instant, and in the next instant he heard the deadly sound again, mutter...

The moment this sound appeared, the entire Tianshan Tianchi raised a huge wave, and the surrounding snow layer trembled like a shiver. All the caves in the entire volcano group echoed this sound.

The body of that Yulong Xuechan was like an inflated balloon in an instant. It swelled more than several times. Its two cheeks bulged up a balloon the size of a thousand meters, and it was they that produced the terrible shock. ll.


Then it opened its mouth fiercely, and the sound was like a wild horse that had taken off its rein. It whizzed and shook around. This sonic impact was too powerful, even more powerful than the Dragon Yin, Lou Yi felt the hurricane The baptism-like sound wave sweep, finally understand why there is a dragon in this big guy’s name...

His gaze swept toward the chasers, he saw that the layers of the true element mask were ruthlessly ruined, but at the same time as it was ruined, there were new ones that quickly made up for this gap, and the previous whistleblower, At this time they were commanding them in an orderly manner.

After the sonic wave passed, Lou Yi quickly rushed to where they were. At this time, Tu Xiao got out from under the ground and shouted at the person in the crowd, "Cha Zheng, you messy boy, let them follow me. Leave!!!" Please use the latest domain name to read on this site

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