Building B

Chapter 1325: Feeding Eagle and Snake

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When Xue Xing heard Li Dou's words, his heart was somewhat lost. Li Dou also seemed to see the unwillingness on his face. He spoke again, "The young eagle leaves the nest and spreads its wings high, but he also needs to understand the eagle's teachings. , You are still young and the road is still long. Don't rush for a while!"

Xue Xing clasped his fists again and said in a polite manner, "Junior understands!"

Li Dou nodded and said, "Go, stay away and observe!"

Xue Xing nodded and drove the ice dragon back quickly. When he thought he had reached a sufficient distance, he stopped and joined all the Xue family members and looked at the location of Li Dou. At this time, Li Dou was already with Na Ming. The snake got hand in hand.

The two cloud iron falcons waited for the opportunity to move from the left to the right, sometimes launching feint attacks, sometimes swooping and sneaking. The pleated body of the underworld snake curled up into a circle, and its dark brown scales exuded bursts of death.

Li Dou stood in the air, behind him were golden wings of light transformed from Pengfei's wristband ring. Holding a heavy hammer in each of his left and right hands, they were waving them to kill the Nether Snake. The hammer in Li Dou's hand had changed dramatically from before.

At this time, the giant hammer in his hand is obviously larger than before, the golden hammer handle is longer than before, and the hammer head position has become a sharp tip. The reason for this adjustment is because Li Dou is in the Tianshan Tianchi , Unexpectedly obtained a trace of Xuanyuan Xia Yujian's sword aura.

Although a hammer is used instead of a sword, the tip of the hammer can also be used to release the extremely sharp sword energy. Today's hammer head is like a round bag of garlic, shining with a rich orange light.

This is a new hammer forged by Huo Yan. Its name is "Kuan Lan". The hammer body is branded with dense inscriptions, which can increase Li Dou's power a hundredfold. You must know that Li Dou is born with supernatural power and cultivated Hunyuan hammer The law, coupled with the addition of Tiangang fighting spirit, its combat effectiveness has reached a point where it cannot be added.

Moreover, the two hammers of the madness can be enlarged or reduced, lengthened or shortened according to Li Dou's needs. The reason for the name madness is that he hopes that Li Dou can turn the tide at a critical moment.

Like a golden Li Guang, he rushed straight towards the pleated Nether Snake, the latter opened his big mouth, and the terrible swallowing power swallowed towards Li Dou. The surrounding wind, the soil of the swamp and the dumped trees were all brain-ridden. This terrible black hole swallowed into the belly.

This method is very similar to the swallowing anaconda, but the underworld snake pleated is completely different from the swallowing anaconda, which swallows prey into the space of the body. So no matter what kind of energy it is, it can be swallowed, but the underworld pleated is different. It decomposes the swallowed things into underworld death energy, and then releases the underworld death light from the head of the tail.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the opponent's mouth, Li Dou's right hand muscles swelled sharply, and at the same time he spit out a long word. He saw that the sledgehammer in his right hand became extremely huge in an instant, and Li Dou vigorously shook it and turned. After a lap, he swept it toward the Hades Pleated.

"Hunyuan blow!" Li Dou screamed, only to see that the hammer of fury, wrapped in two kinds of golden and orange light, fell from the sky with unmatched strength, but at this moment, the pleated body of the underworld snake suddenly turned towards After shrinking, the rear tail became the front end of the snake, and it sprinted forward.

There was a loud bang, and the whole land broke apart, and a huge pit measuring several thousand meters appeared on the swamp in an instant. The water that originally belonged to the swamp began to pour into this pit crazily.

"Receive!" Li Dou's hand shook, and the sledgehammer immediately returned to normal. Li Dou turned into a light and chased Li Dou towards the dark snake pleated. At this time, Yun Tiefu had already broken his retreat. At the same time, Ah Da descended from the sky. The claws severely tore on the huge body of the underworld snake.

The blow was completed between the electric light and flint, leaving several sparkling white marks on the huge pleated body of the underworld snake, but it is a pity that it is still too weak and it is not the opponent of the underworld snake. .

These two cloud iron falcons were captured by Li Dou from the sea of ​​clouds in Dongzhou’s Zhengshan Mountains. Li Dou wanted to cultivate them into the Eagle God Haidongqing, because they have its blood, but these two guys are extremely hardworking. He completed the tasks assigned by Li Dou, but after all, things like realm couldn't be accomplished overnight.

Li Dou asked Lou Yi to help improve their realm and bloodline purity. Lou Yi asked him jokingly how to distinguish these two cloud iron falcons. Li Dou pointed to one of them and said that this is Ah Da, and then pointed to the other. This is Ah Er.

The corners of Lou Yi's eyes twitched, and he immediately thought of someone, but then Lou Yi figured out that these two Yun Tie Falcons were born from the same mother. It is okay to call them Ah Da or Ah Er. In desperation, he could only shake his head and laugh and cry.

However, these two guys have not made any progress. After several life and death crises in Tianshan Tianchi, the mentality of the two cloud iron falcons has obviously changed. For the underworld snake in front of him, the white dragon snow toad is more It is a thousand times more terrible.

In addition, the eagle is the natural enemy of the snake, and they occupy the upper peak psychologically. Even if this basilisk looks a bit special, they keep circling up and down, avoiding the small snake head shot out of the mouth. The underworld is dead.

Li Dou cooperated with these two cloud iron falcons perfectly, which made this underworld pleated dilemma. It kept spinning around in place. It sprayed the lifelessness of the underworld from its mouth, trying to prevent Li Dou and Yun iron falcon from attacking. But soon it fell into despair.

Because Li Dou and Yun Tiefal are masters of wind control, the death of the underworld has no meaning in front of them. Li Dou's double hammers overlapped and swept across the front like a fan, sweeping away the death of the underworld snake pleated into pieces.

The way of the cloud iron falcon is more direct. They are the darlings of the sky, the spirits who control the wind. To them, the wind is as simple as breathing. When they dive down, they will naturally form a line in front of them. Swallow-shaped wind curtain.

When the dead air of the underworld touches the wind curtain, it will be guided by the wind curtain to pass them up and down, so that Yun Tiefalco can directly rush into the dead air of the underworld to attack without any adjustments. Make the other party miserable.

Xue Xing stood on top of the ice dragon and had a panoramic view of everything. His eyes were shining, and he had obviously learned a lot from it. In fact, Li Dou was not only teaching Xue Xing to them, but also guiding the two cloud iron falcons. .

Otherwise, with his current strength, as long as the heavenly gang fighting energy is used to guide Xuanyuan Xia Yujian's sword aura, I am afraid that this underworld snake will be here to explain.

Perhaps the monks of the Luo family would never have imagined that they sacrificed the basilisk that was sacrificed by hundreds of monks and would lose to Li Dou's offensive, but they sacrificed thousands of monks in the blood pool and summoned them. Naturally, there will not be only one basilisk, and at this moment, other places have already broken out.

Coincidentally, the old people who asked Xianlou are teaching these younger generations their fighting experience in their own way. It is the general trend for the waves of the Yangtze River to push forward, but the experience and lessons of the older generation are that these rising stars should Treasure treasure.

Being tortured by Li Dou and Yun Tie-falcon, the underworld pleated pleated loses patience, and began to attack wildly. The underworld deadly shot all around, and the underworld ghost energy even destroyed the swamp and forest.

Li Dou continued to push forward with a wave of waves, hitting the underworld snake and folds and crouching his body. In fact, it might be tempting to lure the enemy deeper in doing so. However, Li Dou has experienced many battles and dealt with various monsters in the Helian Mountains. What kind of means have never been seen.

He deliberately shook in front of the eyes of the Underworld Snake Pleated, sometimes rushing and backing away, but he didn't go deep into the range of the Underworld Snake Pleated's kill, he continued to enlarge and extend the frenzy, and cast the Hunyuan Hammer in a safe area law.

This made the Dark Snake Pleated to the point of unbearable, it rushed to Li Dou like crazy, and even two snake heads chased him violently, Xue Xing had a panoramic view of everything, and subconsciously nodded.

The two cloud iron falcons saw the underworld snake pleated in madness, so they attacked it unscrupulously. Their previous attacks were not in vain, and the position of each attack was very precise. It's not just nonsense.

It's just that, even though they were very accurate, they couldn't take advantage of the thick snake scale protection of this underworld snake, so they thought of a handy way, which was to attack the snake scales in that area again and again.

Every time they feint, they will not choose the position of the opponent's fatal weakness, which is to prevent the basilisk from understanding their intentions, but when they attack seriously, they will definitely hit the opponent's fatal weakness area accurately. Snake scales.

After countless dive attacks, the scales at the pleated heart of the Underworld Snake had already cracked. If it was calm, it would definitely subconsciously protect it from being attacked again, but it was now caught in a rage. There is only one thought in his mind, which is to kill the human who is as difficult as a fly.

Li Dou guided all this very well, and not only made Xue Xing understand that fighting an opponent should not blindly attack and it is necessary to adjust tactics appropriately, without knowing the opponent's cards. , Don't act recklessly.

At the same time, he also taught Xue Xing how important it is to keep a clear head when fighting the enemy. With two eagle chirps swaying high in the sky, Ah Da and Ah Er dive down at the same time. This time they A sharp blue light shone above his claws.

After only hearing two puffs, their sharp claws pierced the pleated body of the underworld snake, and grabbed its deadly place. The huge pain finally awakened it, who lost its reason in the rage, but It's too late.

Ah Da and Ah Er fluttered their wings to the left and right at the same time. They only heard a puff, and the pleated body of the Underworld Snake was divided into two. The terrible black and purple snake blood was spilled from the sky, and they each held half of it. The pleated snake body of the underworld snake flew high into the sky.

Li Dou gratefully watched them successfully complete their mission. With a flash of golden light wings on his back, he was already in the air, only to hear him say, "Long!"

The two hammers of the madness became huge at the same time. As Li Dou's two hammers were combined, there was a loud bang, and the pleated demon heart of the underworld snake burst into pieces in the roar of the heavy hammer. Originally, I was thinking of a counterattack. The serpent's pleated pleated, the snake head fell weakly, and died completely in an instant...

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