Building B

Chapter 1353: Run away

Lou Yi reacted in an instant, and began to get as close as possible to the hive wall, releasing a weak sense of consciousness to measure the thickness of the hive wall, but what made him desperate was that everything was just as recorded in the bone book, the beeswax for raising the hive. The wall is as hard as iron, and the thickness is tens of feet thick.

If he wants to break through a hole to escape from birth, it will inevitably cause the entire hive to tremble, and it is even possible that the hive will fall from the old redwood tree, and the situation will not end as he expected.

He felt very depressed, and slowly moved along the bee-raising wall. At this time, there was a buzzing sound, and this sound filled all the surrounding passages. Lou Yi realized that maybe it was the honey aroma that was permeated in the first place. The breath in it gave orders to these returning soldiers.

He realized that his current situation was a bit dangerous, and raised his head to look at the independent beehive above. Lou Yi sighed in his heart, and finally gave up. Rather than obtaining the queen bee's egg, it is more important to pass the ceremony of worship.

With regret, he began to return along the same path, but at this moment he was uneasy, not knowing what difficulties would be on the way back. He descended along the passage, which was obviously more difficult than climbing.

However, he climbed down calmly, but his heart was pounding along the way, and he felt like he was experiencing life and death. Lou Yi smiled to himself and slowly withdrew from the passage.

As a result, he turned around and immediately found that there were dozens of times more soldier bees near the honey pool, and there were two large drones hanging upside down on the top of the passage. A pair of compound eyes were looking at the entire space at this moment.

Lou Yi felt the pressure for no reason. This pressure made his hair stand straight. He carefully estimated the thickness of the outer wall of the hive, and finally gave up the idea of ​​breaking the wall. This is where the worker bees store their honey, although beeswax The grade is not as good as the breeding hive, but the same is also very hard.

If he wants to blast away the hive wall, he must be surprised, but when he is present, he will be locked by the two drones. Once that time comes, the situation will be embarrassing.

Lou Yi looked around and found that the passage he entered when he came was blocked by the soldier bee at the moment. It has become impossible to return to the original road. Lou Yi asked himself in despair, "What should I do? How to do?"

He suddenly swept to one of the corners, where there was a passage that was exactly the same as his current location, and Lou B also noticed a strange phenomenon, that is, under this passage, there is also a passage that is exactly the same. Honey pool.

However, the nectar inside is very turbid, and it seems that no new honey has been sent to this place for a long time. What is more interesting is that the soldiers are consciously away from the passage here, which makes Lou Yi aware of something. It was the same, but it also gave him a slight chance of fleeing here.

He moved extremely carefully, leaving no sound as much as possible. He shuttled between the swarms, almost moving next to them. This feeling made his heart seem to burst open, and there was an illusion that the bees were running away. .

But the facts are exactly the same. After successfully surpassing numerous obstacles, he finally came to the entrance of the honey pond. At this moment, he suddenly smelled a strange smell, which was a sour smell of mold fermentation. odor.

His brows wrinkled for no apparent reason. It seemed that the soldiers were avoiding this place deliberately, not to leave him a way of escape, but to worry about what was on the passage.

He subconsciously wanted to get into the passage, but at this moment the upper passage suddenly heard the sound of a slender string, Lou Yi looked up, and found a strange scene.

I saw that there was a barrier in this passage, which was a grid condensed with beeswax, which completely blocked the entire passage. Looking inside the passage through the grid, you will find a large number of five ring-bellied bees inside. There are not only soldier bees and tending bees, but also many worker bees.

And they have a common feature. There are many brown dots on their bodies, densely covering their bodies, Lou Yi retreats for no reason, but at this moment, his face changed suddenly and he turned his head. In an instant, he saw two drones and countless soldiers, completely blocking his retreat.

By now, how can he not know that he was actually discovered from the very beginning, and he should have been discovered by that kind of aura, but at this moment, these drones and soldier bees can’t find themselves, they just follow that. The mysterious breath commands action.

Then it seems that there is no need to guess who the mysterious aura is. The only one who can command the soldier bee or even the drone is the queen bee of the hive, which is the only master of the entire hive.

Lou Yi sighed silently and released the hidden aura. He slowly appeared in front of the bee colony, and a terrifying sense of oppression immediately enveloped him.

Lou Yi waved his hand awkwardly, "Don't get excited! Don't be nervous! I will stand here obediently, what do you want me to do?"

Just then a voice suddenly appeared in Lou Yi's mind. It sounded very weak, with a begging color in the voice, and it said, " ...I... the... children... the children... right..."

Lou Yi looked up at the dome above. He knew that the voice came from the Queen Bee, but he had never thought that the voice could be so weak. He asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Enter...into the passage...and eliminate...destroy...destroy those...pests...worms..." the voice said intermittently.

Lou Yi looked into the passage and saw the round brown spots on the backs of the five-ringed belly bees. It turned out that those were parasites. No wonder they looked familiar. Lou Yi suddenly thought of something and muttered to himself. , "It turned out to be a bee mite..."

At this time, he already understood what the other party wanted him to do. All the five-ring-bellied bees in this passage should be infected with this bee mite. This thing is not dangerous for him, but it is not dangerous for him. Ring-bellied bees are deadly.

Bee mite is a very terrible parasite. It is often born with the birth of honeycombs. It is mostly because when worker bees go out to collect nectar, they accidentally encounter other honeycomb workers who are infected and brought back into the honeycomb. Strong adaptability and fecundity.

They all live around the hive, and they will lay their eggs in the hive, which means that the hive that is eroded by them will greatly reduce the survival rate of offspring, and it will cause the entire bee colony to weaken, leading to drones. Reproductive capacity is reduced, and it may even infect queen bees.

Lou Yi suddenly understood something. The queen bee cannot live without the hive. From the moment it is born, it faces the survival of the fittest. Only the strongest female can become the queen of the entire colony and inherit everything about the hive. The other failed female bees can only be driven out of the hive and build a new hive on their own. This is a cruel natural law.

Obviously, the queen bees of this hive are also infected with bee mites. It seems that the situation is not optimistic. These bee mites are actually equivalent to the fleas and lice on humans. They are a group of vampires, constantly squeezing the energy from the five-ring-bellied bees.

After Lou Yi figured out all this, he looked up and said, "I have a request. If I solve them, you must agree to let me go safely!"

"Okay, I... I promise... I promise you!" The Queen Bee's voice said in his mind.

"Please... please... hurry up... hurry up, I... I have no time... no more..." the queen bee urged.

Lou Yi took a deep breath, slowly lowered his head, looked around, and said, "You can withdraw your hostility. You wait here, and leave the rest to me!"

A hint of sympathy flashed in Lou Yi's eyes. He knew what he would face after entering the hive. He would kill all the five ring-bellied bees infected with bee mites as quickly as possible, because they were not saved.

But instead of going in immediately, he took out a lot of bottles and cans and began to refine a certain kind of powder. The pungent smell made all the five ring-bellied bees instinctively retreat. Lou Yi realized something and quickly took it out. An array bead blocked all smells in the array.

After preparations were made, he had a bottle of liquid shining colorfully in his hand. After everything was prepared, Lou Yi exuded a chilly air. According to the records on the bone book, once the bee mites occurred, he needed to lower the hive. The temperature inside makes these guys stiff, so that they won't have a chance to escape or parasitize to other places.

The potion in Lou Yi's hand is a kind of potion formulated according to the formula recorded in the bone book It is said to have a miraculous effect on bee mites, but he does not know whether it is really effective, everything has to be practiced Can prove.

He was exuding a chill, but his palms were extremely hot. The liquid in the bottle was boiling at this moment, and a strange mist wafted from the mouth of the bottle. This mist filled Lou Yi's body, although it smelled pungent, but It will not cause more harm to him.

Lou B came to the net-shaped beeswax. The five-ring-bellied bees infected with bee mites were obviously panicked. They began to recede one after another. Lou B saw that the brown dots on them were all awakened at this moment. Force the infected five-ring-bellied bees to stay away from Lou Yi.

Lou Yi raised a hand and slowly began to melt the beeswax that was blocking the passage. This process started to be a bit slow, but as Lou Yi's palm became hotter and hotter, when the flame began to glow with golden red light, The beeswax really started to flow like wax oil after the candle was burned.

When the size of the channel was right, Lou Yi walked into the channel. When looking back, a mysterious ice soul emerged and turned into an ice crystal to seal the channel again. At the same time, he poured the liquid in the bottle. Some came out, breaking through the ice crystals, and the pungent smell immediately filled the entire passage, and the infected five-ring-bellied bees fled. Please use the latest domain name for reading on this site

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