Building B

Chapter 1356: Huangbei Diaofeng

The terrain and topography of the barren mountain range will change greatly depending on the location. After Lou Yi left the territory dominated by the short-legged pine bear, he came to a huge basin extending downwards, and here The ruler is a tumor-backed toad.

Perhaps it is because it is too humid and the environment is harsh. Outside of mosquitoes and flies and all kinds of insects that like humid environments, there is nothing that can threaten it anymore.

So that this guy can be said to have a smooth wind here, and he has truly achieved an endless stretch of future generations. When Lou Yi just arrived here, he was stunned by the spectacular scene before him. He saw Nuo Da a basin, everywhere. They are all swamps and wetlands, and the densely packed figures are all heirs of this tumor-backed toad.

He stepped on these guys all the way, listening to the constant noise in his ears, and finally in the middle of the wetland swamp, he saw the honor of this guy, a fleshy pier with a body size of over a hundred meters.

This guy’s head is huge, and his bones continue to stretch upwards. A pair of exaggerated big eyes are shining with aquamarine light. There are many raised bone spurs on the outside of its eye sockets. The pattern on its back is like a colorful dyed cloth. If you don’t count the tumor scars with toad fluid...

The guy’s chin was dragged to the ground, and it looked like layers on top of each other. At first glance, this tumor-backed toad looked like a chin stacked dozens of layers. When the throat vibrated, the layers of the chin were undulating. It's spectacular.

And its belly is huge. If it weren’t for its feet spread out, I’m afraid that Lou B would not be able to see where his legs were. It was such a huge guy. Originally Lou B thought it should be very kind. .

Unexpectedly, as soon as the other party came up, he swallowed him with his tongue, and then pulled it straight over to swallow him. Lou Yi forced him to endure the nausea caused by his sticky tongue, and taught him an unforgettable lesson.

In the end he squeezed this big guy fiercely. Although this guy is not very useful, the tumor fluid on its back has extremely high medicinal value. It is called toad venom, but it is highly toxic and needs Apply it to the drapery to dry, and the dried substance can be used as medicine.

When Lou Yi left the basin, he sighed inwardly, this beast control palace really guarded a treasure mountain without knowing it. After this matter, he must plan carefully, in order to ask about the development of the fairy building and control the beast Gong, everything in this barren mountain range must be carefully investigated and studied.

Just thinking that the terrain suddenly rose, and as he kept advancing, there was a roar in his ears, Lou Yi stopped and carefully identified it, and galloped toward the northeast, only to find the mountains and streams flowing through the place. , Converge in one place here, and then flow down the steep rock wall.

And below the rock wall is a waterfall with a length of about three hundred feet wide. The waterfalls have a drop of 100 meters, and they are stacked on top of each other and continue to extend downward. Building B can see that there are many places where these waterfalls fall. The pool was churning with waves like spring water.

He looked into the distance, one by one, layer after layer of waterfalls, forming a peculiar and spectacular scene, flowing far away to places out of sight, and at this moment, there was a loud cry from the sky. Lou Yi was shocked, because the voice was very familiar.

Just thinking of a huge golden shadow falling from the sky, it pierced into the waterfall below. The dark pool in the waterfall suddenly burst into fierce water, and then the golden light flashed, Lou Yi saw a broken stone golden eagle paw dead. Holding a black figure, he flew towards the sky on one side.

It just made him feel amused that although the broken stone golden eagle is huge, it seems that the **** guy clamped by its claws is a bit bigger than it, plus the opponent's desperate struggle, this broken stone golden eagle Shaking back and forth in the air, it looked like he was drunk.

After identifying, Lou B found that the dark guy it had caught was a violent waterfall eel, and the overlord among the waterfalls was the violent waterfall eel, and Lou B was inspected by God's consciousness Later, it was discovered that that guy seemed to be the subject he was going to pass the test.

The sudden change made Lou Yi feel that this was not so simple. In addition, it was the gravel and golden sculptures that captured the violent waterfall eel. The contents in it were worthy of his careful consideration.

He leaped into the sky and chased the opponent, no matter how he tried, he still had to pass, so after some chase, Lou Yi finally chased the opponent to his destination.

What appeared in front of Lou B was a huge cliff. It gave Lou B the feeling that it was very similar to what he felt when he saw Drunken Monkey Cliff. The entire cliff was covered by clouds and mist, and it was no longer clear from the middle. Up.

When I look down, the bottom is not bottomed, but you can see a winding river dragon formed by the confluence of rivers below. At this moment, the gravel golden eagle grabbed the violent waterfall eel fiercely. After crashing into the rock wall, after a loud bang, it was discarded by gravel and golden sculptures.

The torrential waterfall eel was dizzy and swelled, and fell directly from the impact position. Along the way, it fell on the bulging part of the cliff, making a loud noise. Lou Yi touched his cheek with his fingers embarrassedly, muttering to himself, "Although it was not made by me, it shouldn't have the strength to fight me again..."

Although the torrential waterfall eel plummeted from the cliff, it also had the realm of a demon, so shortly after it fell into the river below, it rushed to the upper reaches of the river at an incredible speed.

When Lou Yi retracted his gaze, he happened to see the gravel golden eagle's gaze sweeping towards it, and then it fluttered and flew into the clouds above the cliff. Lou Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head, muttering Muttered to himself, "It's really troublesome..."

The clouds and mists above the sky made this area seem particularly mysterious. Its eyes swept around and found that the cliff was very huge, at least not inferior to what he encountered when he was in Zhengshan.

Lou Yi's figure flickered, and the person disappeared in the clouds and mist. The cliffs in the clouds were a bit cold, and there were raised rocks everywhere. At this time, the gravel golden eagle had long since disappeared. Lou Yi was helpless. Can search for it on its own.

According to the records in bone books, gravel and golden eagles will nest on the forefront of the rock, or on the top of the raised rock. This can be seen through the huge nests seen in the Qi family barracks. .

After flying upwards, I soon saw a lot of protruding rocks. These rocks are huge, protruding out of the cliffs like an eagle's beak, but even such a huge rock will not satisfy the gravel golden sculpture. The need to build a nest, there is no way he can only go up again.

At this time, he has been flying upwards for no less than a hundred miles. As more and more rocks bulge outward, the upward road is getting harder and harder. Thanks to these clouds and fog, they don’t have the ability to shield the consciousness. Otherwise, he was really worried that the speed would be too fast, and he would be bloody.

It didn’t take long for him to finally see a rock that meets the conditions for the nesting of gravel gold carvings. It protruded nearly a thousand feet from the wall and surrounded by more than a hundred feet of rock, which made it look like a blasted hair The rock sculptures are average.

When he approached and climbed over it, he saw the nest built by the gravel and gold sculptures. However, there were two huge gravel and gold sculptures at the same time. They were looking at him with warning eyes, warning him not to approach.

Lou Yi shook his head and then continued to fly upwards. More and more huge rocks appeared in his sight, and more and more gravel gold sculptures appeared in his sight. He was even lucky enough to see it. The little golden eagle, who was just born, cried endlessly in the nest, as if waiting for his parents to return to feed.

And Lou Yi never saw the golden gravel sculpture that led him up before, so he could only continue to fly upwards, but when more and more golden gravel sculptures found him, they spontaneously followed him Behind him, thousands of crushed stone and gold sculptures became Lou Yi's tail within a short while.

Lou Yi felt helplessly that he was locked in by these thousands of broken stone golden eagles, as if he was such a heinous person, when he was considering whether to give up, a huge black figure suddenly appeared above him.

This black shadow is far beyond all the rock walls that I have seen before. Through it, Building B even thought it was a huge and amazing gravel golden sculpture, but when he got closer, he discovered that it was also a rock, just It's very huge.

On top of it were densely piled up one after another huge nests. Lou Yi took a deep breath and fell on top of it. After that, thousands of huge gravel gold sculptures came here with him.

They did not choose to set foot on this huge rock, but flew around it, as if spontaneously forming an encirclement to prevent Lou Yi from escaping, the latter shook his head with a wry smile, and looked forward. .

Among the many nests in front of him, there is the largest bird's nest. In the bird's nest is a gravel gold sculpture with a little dark feathers but an unusually large size. The aura that exudes from it can be strong and weak, and it seems that it has reached life. Year of...

And underneath it stood a broken stone golden sculpture. It happened to be the one that Lou B saw before. It led him to this place. Lou Yi suddenly realized the other party’s intentions, and he didn’t care about the surroundings. The hostile eyes came straight to the opponent.

After standing still and bending his body, paying his respects, he said, "Junior Lou Yi has seen Senior!"

The humming sounded suddenly and one after another. They seemed to be very angry with Lou Yi's behavior, because they thought Lou Yi should kneel down when seeing their greatest ancestor, and even lower his head, not straight. As it exists.

However, as far as Lou Yi is concerned, this is the respect he can give. Regardless of whether the crushed stone and golden sculptures are willing or not, he needs to establish an impression so that he can join this time in the next possible negotiation. The coalition forces will not fall short at the beginning... Please use the latest domain name to read on this site

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